Yes...Things could use a little improvement. Everything always does. Everything is "bad" to someone until someone else makes it "good." Then it's "bad" to someone else and it needs changing again.
Look - you guys - I'll level with ya. What do most new people do when they come here? Talk about sports? No - More often than not, especially in the HS forum, they blurt out some "life or death" question that's been asked in some form or another a few hundred times. I did the exact same thing when I was new here, and I bet a lot of other people here did, too.
So, yeah - You guys have all the right in the world to be pissed. Answering the same jargon over and over and over. I totally agree, its annoying.
Now, some of you are talking about this "quiz" idea that has been brought up before. Okay, who's gonna build it? Who's gonna implement it? What's it going to cover? If you guys really, really firmly idealize the abscense of newbism, then someone's gonna have to step up. I'm way too busy with school and my own interests to throw together an online quiz program, but maybe some of you have time to?
For there to be an end to something, there's gotta be a beginning to something else. So the sooner everyone stops clammering about solutions and starts getting something done, the sooner the problem gets addressed.
So - Any takers?