it's cancelled. the b1tch went all psycho on me and tried to use reverse psychology. she never even came over before she flipped.
she said i invited her over for a get together. she actually asked if her and my friend could come over becuase they were tired of chilling at each of their places. my friend stayed home to talk to his brother (long distance) but was still open to coming over and having a movie night.
first she tells me that i need to plan my events better. i remind her that she asked me at the last minute. she then denies asking me and says i invited her. then she tells me she saved the log of our aim convo. she says she looked over it and that i invited her. i'm like whatever
she said she still wanted to come over but had been drinking and felt lazy. i said fine, i can come over to your place if that's cool. she was like, "you can't just invite yourself over". i said "i didn't". then she goes on about how she doesn't feel right with me coming over because we don't talk much. i said "that's because you chose to focus on R and M (my best friends) whenever we al hung out." she said "i knew R for years (he introduced us) and i got closer to M faster". I said "that's because you chose to. i met you before M did and you paid no attention to me after then. you don't even hear half of the stuff i say". her response was silence
then she comes back with "you talk crazy". i was like "if i'm so crazy why do you even bother talking to me?" more silence. i said "i joke alot." she says "they aren't funny to me." i told her that R and M like my jokes because my "talking crazy" is actually an inside joke. she wasn't around when the joke began so she doesn't understand. (we're like a black version of "seinfeld")
then she says "you don't have to get an attitude." I was calm and pristine as a hindu cow. I said "i'm not angry (expected this of her), i'm just a little agitated. i should be since you said i'm boring and you don't trust me." "that's not what i said." i told her "that's how i interpreted it." she
tells me i'm angry again (transference) so tell her "i'm a big guy so people feel threatened whether i want them to or not. I'm just saying you're not making as much of an effort to know me as i am to know you" she said she understood and then convo ended with her feeling frustrated. her b1tch tactics failed. little did she know that i'm a vet while she's still a trainee.