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Google Bans Alex Jones


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
I see your point, and maybe it's because I don't buy into the guy's, "the end is near and your government is the one responsible," shtick, but I really don't see this as a problem.

I mean all the guy does is disseminates a bunch of BS really. Plus, it's gotta be unhealthy for people to think like that guy does, all the doom and gloom.

Removing this guy from Google and Youtube is probably for the best actually.

I guess it, possibly, shows some hypocrisy on Google's part; I mean, they are the ones refusing to do business in China because of censorship.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
I don't think it's alarming; Google is a business (and a very big one) and they can regulate their content however they see fit.

If the government were telling Google what to cut, then it would be a serious problem.

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
I'd be the first to agree with you guys about private businesses determining what content to publish or link to because that is their reserved right. But when you have Google working side by side with the CIA to track, monitor and control what people can or cannot say, that's a very big problem right there



Google prides itself on open standards, non-censorship and not being evil. Their actions are beginning to demonstrate something completely different.

Personally I do not like Alex Jones. I think he is a sensationalist who is making money off people's paranoia. That said a LOT of what he reports is simple fact, and corroborated by other reputable sources like the Associated Press, Real News Network and even CNN/BBC.

The footage that got him booted was a confirmed report on several channels and showed 2 Reuters reporters get gunned down by American helicopters in a case of mistaken identity. He's not making this sh*t up.

It's easy to discard something unpleasant sounding as "bullsh*t" or conspiracy theory. But truth is that the world is a really ugly, f*cked up place sometimes. There is a lot of injustice, oppression and clandestine crimes being committed on a global scale which are aggressively hidden from the public eye. If you have any doubt about it, just check out wikileaks.org - a veritable sh*tstorm is brewing there as we speak.

I dunno folks.. really I'm disappointed with your reactions because they are very common. People these days don't give a frog's fat ass about free speech or basic civil rights anymore. You all just believe and do what you are told, like good complicit citizens. Nothing to see here folks, just keep chasing poon, material goods, and the illusion that you are free.

Whatever yo, I'm not trying to preach here. Forget I said anything and go back to sipping that Big Brother Kool-Aid - it really does take the edge off when you are getting f*cked in the ass by banks, multinational corporations and your own government.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hey Razor, I've always wondered about guys like you.

What exactly is your reward?

Do you want to stick your nose in every corner of a pigsty?

Let's say all this conspiracy crap is right, that the whole entire world is sticking it to poor little Razor, SO WHAT? Are you gonna let this sh!t beat you?

Don't wallow in this sh!t any longer, resolve to create yourself regardless of whatever the hell's going on in this world.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
U.S. East
That's actually why a lot of people told me they use Firefox instead of Google Chrome even though Chrome is without a doubt faster. Firefox is completely open-source and doesn't have any agenda in doing anything with your information.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
Finally! Alex Jones is nothing but a huge fountain of lies, misinformation, useless speculation in top of being one of the top nutcases of the planet. He ranks up there with Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong and Sarah Palin.

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
I was able to search alex jones on scroogle.org ... Looks fine to me!
Oct 3, 2010
Reaction score
Actually 100% of what Alex Jones have said in the past have become to fruition. It's not a surprise, he's going off government's own docs.

As far as the "Alex Jones nutcase" thing goes, that's just your own inability to deal with the truth. You call Alex Jones nutcase so that you fit into society as you perceive a "normal" human being. However a normal human being thinks for himself and does not follow the masses. You see my point mother fvcker!

Now for the fvcking truth b1tch ass fag. Google did not ban Alex Jones. Youtube banned his account for posting videos for two weeks, because Alex Jones posted latest wikileaks report exposing the U.S. government. It's like Adolf Hitler banning opposition.

In present day either you are against the system or you die like a traitor. Traitors die quietly, they submit to undressing procedure, and they walk into gas chamber, or a trench, and they cry and they beg before they are killed. You'll be killed by a fascist government traitors, as in a fascist society there is no place for weakness. You have no balls to stand up and fight for your freedom, you don't deserve to be free, nor you ever will be.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
Actually 100% of what Alex Jones have said in the past have become to fruition. It's not a surprise, he's going off government's own docs.
Hey there Mr Jones. I see you have been neglecting your anti-psychotic medicines. I suggest you ask for a refill as soon as possible for your own good. See, you're writing again about people not being able to face the truth and all and we both know that's the kind of thing that happens when you're off said meds. Look, do us all a favor Mr Jones, refill that medicine jar.

(Jones это фигня , сука)

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
Julius_Seizeher said:
Hey Razor, I've always wondered about guys like you.

What exactly is your reward?

Do you want to stick your nose in every corner of a pigsty?

Let's say all this conspiracy crap is right, that the whole entire world is sticking it to poor little Razor, SO WHAT? Are you gonna let this sh!t beat you?
The premise behind your questions is ironic and I love irony so:

1. My reward is in spreading consciousness, and seeing other people do the same. You could say I'm a part-time activist. I don't always make the change I want but sometimes I'm a part of movements that get what they want in terms of legislative or political reform, and that is rewarding. That's just the type of dude I am. Look up a post I wrote months ago about abusive neighbors and check out how I handled that situation. It should give you a good illustration of my character.

2. Do you enjoy living in a pigsty and pretending it's a palace?

3. I don't perceive myself as a victim of anything. HUMANITY is the victim here and while I know that I can't save it all on my own, I just cant sit still while people are destroyed by their own ignorance, an ignorance which is effectively sponsored by the state.

I'm not a wallower by any stretch of the imagination. My life is very much where it needs to be right now and I'm not going to validate myself cause that's just gay. Look at my post history, I help guys out with lady problems or offer advice from my experience far more than the time I dedicate to these subjects. There has just been a LOT of crazy sh*t going on lately that I can't ignore. Rest assured these will be my last posts on these subjects for a while as they tend to be time consuming since folks resist this type of information as if it threatened their very existence. And therein lies the irony...

@EA Gold, he is not banned from google results, they took him off their newsfeed and also froze his youtube account.

@Nygard, I agree with you actually. Like I said I'm not a fan, but I will defend his right to speak his mind. It's one of the things that makes.. or should I say MADE this country great.

I'm not going to waste my time defending this guy's material because honestly I can't stand behind it 100%. I just ask that you do not shoot the messenger. The real issue here is not the content, its the CENSORSHIP of said content by a global corporation collaborating with our government. This should concern you! Today it's Alex Jones, tomorrow... who knows?

We are quickly losing our moral high ground to argue against fascist states like China which thrives off this type of censorship. Next time you are about to use the expression "Hey its a free country" really think about what you are saying.

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
Yes. You are right. I am totally overreacting. This is a free country. You are free to do what they tell you. Watch the news they have filtered/watered down for you. Use the money which they determine the value of. Get Xray scanned or groped every time you travel. Put toxic drugs/chemicals in your body that they deem "safe". Get thrown in jail and tortured without a trial, jury or due process. What a great beacon of liberty we live in!

I'm sorry for the sarcasm but I can't help it. When I see a nation that is built on the premise of separation of church and state, only to see the state align itself with entities far more powerful and corrupt than the church ever was, I have to really challenge the notion that we are free. Heck just ask one of our Founding Fathers

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. -- Thomas Jefferson
Quite prophetic wouldn't you say?

As for your comments about Alex Jones, they don't let him speak in public for very long. I saw him in DC, he was on the street and didnt even have his trademark megaphone and the cops threatened to arrest him. His only crime? Telling people about the war in Iraq.

Yep sounds like freedom to me.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
The real issue here is not the content, its the CENSORSHIP of said content by a global corporation collaborating with our government. This should concern you! Today it's Alex Jones, tomorrow... who knows?
First of all, you got one logical fallacy there. Whether or not Alex Jones was banned from Youtube doesn't mean that a lot of people is next. Second, there are many other loonies out there in Youtube like Jones but they haven't been banned, such a thing is not unwarranted and third, Youtube is not a public speaking arena, it's a webpage composed of a cluster of servers whose owner is not the US gov but is Google Corp and said owner can allow or deny hosting at their cluster whenever and to whomever they want.

I guess when people don't go to sleep at night afraid that someone is going to blast their door open and hold them at gunpoint they overinflate and craft their own fears. It's okay if you're feeling 'on the edge', it's just human nature and you're just living in a very secure place. I bet you saw a cop yesterday, I haven't seen them in three weeks.There lies the difference.

Neon Owl

Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Razor Sharp is spot on.
Even though I don't agree with everything Alex Jones says he is still one of the few people out there who are actually trying to wake people up to the mess our society is in.

It doesn't surprise me that there are many who couldn't give a fvck if Alex Jones is censored or not, or if they are even allowed to voice their opinion in public without being threatened with jail time. People who are aslepp don't like it to be pointed out to them. They just want to be left alone to work, drink, sleep, sh1t day after day in their little waking comas.

Plato's allegory of the cave comes to mind...the majority of people would rather stay in the cave watching the shadows dance across the walls. Anyone who tries to bring them outside into the light of the real world will likely be silenced/killed to keep the illusion alive.

Wake the fvck up people and look where we are heading.

Take some mushrooms if you have to. Just take the blinders off and you'll see it all right in front of your face.

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
Nygard said:
First of all, you got one logical fallacy there. Whether or not Alex Jones was banned from Youtube doesn't mean that a lot of people is next. Second, there are many other loonies out there in Youtube like Jones but they haven't been banned, such a thing is not unwarranted and third, Youtube is not a public speaking arena, it's a webpage composed of a cluster of servers whose owner is not the US gov but is Google Corp and said owner can allow or deny hosting at their cluster whenever and to whomever they want.

I guess when people don't go to sleep at night afraid that someone is going to blast their door open and hold them at gunpoint they overinflate and craft their own fears. It's okay if you're feeling 'on the edge', it's just human nature and you're just living in a very secure place. I bet you saw a cop yesterday, I haven't seen them in three weeks.There lies the difference.
Addressing your first point, I've seen quite a few videos pulled/accounts frozen by Youtube. There are usually 3 criteria for a vid getting pulled

1. Copyright Infringement (totally justified. f*ck these cheap bastards)
2. Porn (again, not the place)
3. Criticism of US government/policies (umm, is this USA or China??)

Now you are 100% correct in what you say. I "get" it. Youtube owns those servers so no laws are being violated here. But that is precisely my point. Just like there are checks and balances between branches of government, there should be some regulation to prevent the govt from monopolizing all forms of media to control public perceptions in a way that allows them to pass whatever dodgy laws they want (and break a few international ones while they are at it).

What is shady to me is the fact that google effectively acts as an arm of the government now. They mine data on every citizen and now censor people who say "the wrong thing". The distinction between private corporate interests and the will of federal authority is effectively blurred in this scenario.

There was nothing illegal about what Alex was posting, and I've seen far more offensive sh*t on Youtube and nobody gets a slap on the wrist. They specifically go after this guy because he calls them out and poses a serious threat to the status quo. They don't touch the other nutcases because they don't have this guy's audience or page views, which are well into the millions now.

Just this past weekend I saw a user get banned for posting various videos of TSA harassing women and in one case groping a very small child who was screaming and crying the whole time, telling them to stop touching her. The guy was a nobody but they took his ass out because he had almost a million views.

Yes it's their right to do this, but don't get so wrapped up in the fine print of the law that you fail to see the big picture of corruption/propaganda at play here. Just because it's legal doesn't make it right.

Make no mistake - the more power govt has over the information we receive, the less capable us citizens are in steering the direction of this nation as our forefathers intended.

FWIW, I sleep well at night. I do not know fear, which is precisely why I'm able to call sh*t like I see it and in some cases mobilize people to make a difference for my community and my culture. Again, please don't shoot the messenger or try to pin me as some tin-foil hat wearing freak clutching a shotgun in bed waiting for "the man". You are missing the entire point here.

If you want an example of fear, just look at some of the responses in this thread - the anger and outrage at one man who's only offense is posting unpopular opinions. The govt is not the only one who feels threatened by this dude.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
Never ever in my life I've seen such a huge brick of words composed of anecdotes and suppositions. Hey, it's okay, I know how a paranoid's mind works, it's easy to connect the dots in such way that it all seems like there's a conspiracy. Alex Jones banned => I have no REAL idea of why => Google is against him => The govt is against him too! => The govt was behind it and Google is owned by the CIA. See? Another example? The crazy HAARP lady who blames the HAARP for anything and everything, including a bad hose, rainbows, broken stuff and her S.S. Welfare not working at all. Don't worry, our brains are trained to connect the dots, to see patterns where they might not be, you're not crazy or anything, you're just human.

If you want an example of fear, just look at some of the responses in this thread
I've been here for a while, I know that there are many nutjobs in this forums. Look, I'm sure Govt is not the only thing they're very very afraid of. One example: talking to a hot woman. If you're going to post some conspiracionist thing in here, 3 out of 4 are going to come out of their caves and rally behind you.

Finally, stop eating all Jones feeds you, don't you think that he would keep doing that if such thing didn't give him money? Have you ever tried connecting the dots over his riff-raff? Don't you think he's all that chubby because he gets enough money from all his act to eat a huge meal every day?

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
Nygard said:
Finally, stop eating all Jones feeds you, don't you think that he would keep doing that if such thing didn't give him money? Have you ever tried connecting the dots over his riff-raff? Don't you think he's all that chubby because he gets enough money from all his act to eat a huge meal every day?
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit I see.

Look over my posts again. More than once I have said that I don't subscribe to Jones' schtick. I mentioned the fact that his profiting off people's paranoia rubs me the wrong way too. It's all there for your reading pleasure.

As for the comment on fear, I was actually referring to folk like yourself who defend their world views with condescending language instead of discussing facts or ideas. Once again you get an "F" for comprehension.

Now, you can make all the mental connections you like about my character or lack thereof, but in the process you are failing to read or address what I'm saying.

If you hadn't skimmed the thread and jumped to your own erroneous conclusions about who you think I am, maybe we'd have an intelligent discussion here. But it's obvious this is not what you are interested in so I will just have to pass on this pissing match of yours.

If you ever want to discuss the topic at hand objectively I still welcome it. But leave the borderline insults at the door. They only serve to weaken your argument and reveal a lot more about your character than mine.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
If I've been harsh, then tough. I don't like people that accept every idea that reeks of conspiracy without any proper analysis , and even less when they try to rationalize it with a brick of nonsense. It's plain obvious that you're the kind that won't change their mind with reason, or humor or just plain mockery, so anything else is a waste of time and energy. Have your way Mr Jones.
Last edited:

Razor Sharp

Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Desert of the Real
I don't like people that accept every idea that reeks of conspiracy without any proper analysi
Delicious irony from the someone who categorically refuses to read anything in this thread. You got me all wrong bro but that's okay. For what it's worth I got my ass handed to me by Rogue in a recent thread of mine:


If you notice he took my arguments apart methodically, without a single insult and earned my respect in the process. I admitted I was wrong and thanked him for correcting me.

Point is, I don't really care about being right - if you make a compelling argument I will happily concur and be grateful for the enlightenment because my aim is to discover truth. But if you just take a cursory glance at what's written - declare it as lies, and add some ridicule for good measure, the only thing you've accomplished is looking like an ass while making me even more convinced of my own stance.

It's all good man, like you said we're all human and not without our flaws. A little humility and an open mind does go a long way though. You should take a bit of your own advice about preconceptions because not everybody fits a certain mold.

We cool though, nothing wrong with two people simply disagreeing on a topic. In fact that's what makes the world a lot more interesting.