Good opening lines on fb


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, still suffering from my last crush, but hey - time to move on! There's a girl in the dorm that I find damn hot. However, I'm not acquainted to her and there's not much chance to meet her in person, I just know that she studies the same subject but is 1 year older.(I'm in the 1st, she's in the 2nd course). I'd like to add her on fb, but can't think of any decent opening lines. Any help would be really appreciated.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Just friend her. You're both in at least one of the same groups/networks. She'll get it.

After she accepts the friend request she'll send you a msg kr write on your wall, something like "hey do I know you lol" or "you live downstairs right?"

keeps us posted on what she says and we'll talk about how you respond.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Now I think imma wait a bit till I add her. At the end of the month I'm getting my braces off, lol, So I guess if I'm successful and she shows interest, it's better to wait some time.


Don Juan
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
time2change said:
Now I think imma wait a bit till I add her. At the end of the month I'm getting my braces off, lol, So I guess if I'm successful and she shows interest, it's better to wait some time.
Look at your name. The braces are just an excuse! It's now or never!


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
It's not an excuse, at least I hope so :D I'm not afraid to talk to her and I will!!!, I just think that the first impression is very important. Besides, it would be better to talk to her in person in our faculty yet it's wouldn't be so easy to meet her alone without her friends.
And there's also another girl I'm working on currently.

Btw, it would be nice to think of a C&F opening line if I text her on fb.


Don Juan
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
time2change said:
It's not an excuse, at least I hope so :D I'm not afraid to talk to her and I will!!!, I just think that the first impression is very important. Besides, it would be better to talk to her in person in our faculty yet it's wouldn't be so easy to meet her alone without her friends.
And there's also another girl I'm working on currently.

Btw, it would be nice to think of a C&F opening line if I text her on fb.
The reason I'm saying not to wait is because a lot can happen in a month, she could end up with someone else, etc, that's why it's best to just grab your balls and make a move. First impressions matter, sure, but I seriously doubt she's going to hate on you because of braces, and if she is, why do you want to be with someone who's that shallow?

Now if you feel self-concious about your braces, that will show, and the lack of confidence will be a turn off, so what I'd work on first is to tell yourself, "Who gives a ****?" Good looking girls are a dime a dozen anyway, and you don't even know her, so it's not like you have very much invested in this.

Your biggest ****block will be procrastination. Trust me.

Now as far as openers go, I can tell you from experience that if you're too caught up in what to say and do around her, you're already putting yourself at a disadvantage. C&F, all that stuff, don't worry about it right now, just be natural but don't supplicate, just keep the mentality that she should be glad you contacted her, not the other way around. In a school environment, this shouldn't even be a problem, ESPECIALLY because you study the same topic.

"Hey what's up, I've heard you're pretty good at {major} and was looking for someone to study with" or whatever. "Studying" is an amazing tool on college campuses. Use it, you'll see.

Just don't get all nervous, that's what'll matter more than braces or any small physical trait you're worried about. Change it to whatever matches your style, YMMV, but it works for me.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
time2change said:
It's not an excuse, at least I hope so :D I'm not afraid to talk to her and I will!!!, I just think that the first impression is very important. Besides, it would be better to talk to her in person in our faculty yet it's wouldn't be so easy to meet her alone without her friends.
Do what you feel, guy.

Ask yourself, though, how you'll feel if you wait, lose your braces, spend a month preparing yourself for her and she doesn't give you the time of day. Just be careful not to invest a lot of expectation in a great outcome. Very great it may be, but don't set yourself up to feel like you've wasted a lot of mental horsepower if she doesn't think twice about you. Most of us have done it at some point and I can sense it creeping in your eager prose.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score

"Hi, I hardly use this site, what's your number?"



Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, I came up with a kinda c&f opener, we had a small chat. Well, sometimes she would give more elaborate answers with happy smiles, sometimes not. However, the gal wasn't asking me questions, except "how do you know me?" "where did you see me?", etc. I don't want to think over this too much, anyway since it's only the first chat. The bad thing is - after we ended the chat, I sent her a friend request and she didn't accept it.
I guess if she really didn't want to talk with me and had zero interest she would have just said it or "had to go". The convo lasted for a bit more than an hour when I told her I had to go.
What do you think? Should I just text her this evening again or what?


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
time2change, you remind me of myself when I was your age. I'll give you a few general tips that may be useful with this girl, and that certainly will be useful in your life. You usually learn them through mistakes, trial and error processes, but the sooner the better.

1 - Don't worry too much about the approach, what to do etc. Ever. It makes you insecure, and any girl with even mediocre social skills can perceive insecurity a mile away.
2 - Try to build your self-confidence through accomplishments. Lead the fullest, most successful life you can. This will make you like yourself more, while also turning you into a very interesting person: both are good qualities and make you attractive.
3 - As said already: never invest too much energy and expectations in a girl too quickly. You risk being very disappointed and broken. Let things develop organically, as you get to know and charm a girl your attraction for each other will naturally develop.

Etc... the gist is: don't worry too much about what to write on FB or your braces, just approach her confidently, create good vibes, be charming and sexed up (if you know what I mean) and good luck!


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
time2change said:
Ok, I came up with a kinda c&f opener, we had a small chat. Well, sometimes she would give more elaborate answers with happy smiles, sometimes not. However, the gal wasn't asking me questions, except "how do you know me?" "where did you see me?", etc. I don't want to think over this too much, anyway since it's only the first chat. The bad thing is - after we ended the chat, I sent her a friend request and she didn't accept it.
I guess if she really didn't want to talk with me and had zero interest she would have just said it or "had to go". The convo lasted for a bit more than an hour when I told her I had to go.
What do you think? Should I just text her this evening again or what?
What was the opener like?

She probably was a bit taken aback since she doesn't know you that well yet.

If it went well, then message her back.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
she accepted my request today :) I'll message her in a few days, don't want to seem desperate.