Ugh this is going to be very poorly written, I don't have much time but I felt its necessary to add these points:
Tall people make bad fighters too. Height is a good thing, to an extent...being too tall is bad. 5'11" is tall, a great height, IMO. I don't see how its evolutionary advantageous to be tall, and yet women choose tall guys.
Confidence should be above all in terms of factors of attraction, but its really hard to keep your confidence up when a girl says "Sorry, small fry, I only date tall guys." And it happens. I would be ignorant to say it doesn't happen. Why is it hard to keep your confidence up?
Because you were rejected for something you can't CHANGE. Its like a girl goes up to you and says "The bulge in your pants isn't large enough, you probably have a small c***. Too bad." Sure you can change your hair style, your facial hair to complement your features, your clothing, your smell, your build, but all that aside, if you were born to be short you were born to be short.
I'm from southern US. Most "hot" women are 5'3"-5'8". Seems pretty tall, and the range seems absurd, but its the facts...from my personal experience...not some "overall" analysis that incorporates midgets and ugly to average women. Stick with your own experience and from how you judge the average height of HOT girls, because real statistical surveys are going to of course skew whats really important to us men
If a woman wearing heels that raise her height more than about an inch (usually those "going-out" shoes), and she sees an average height man wearing shoes that have low heels, she won't say "Oh, he's a decent height, I'm just wearing heels thats what makes him look small." She will right off the bat think, "Ew, hes short." Shortness IS a turn off.
Moral of the story? If you are short or average height, wear shoes with the bottoms larger than 1/2 an inch.
ANYWAYS, in terms of looks, I height is more of a determining factor than attractive features. I know this because I often sarge with two of my of them is about 5'6" (fairly short by today's standards, but not that bad), and the other one is 6'1". The shorter one is by FAR more attractive than the tall one. The tall one looks average..girls would probably rate him a 6 out of 10. The shorter one would rank higher by most girls standards....don't ask me how I know, I just know.
Its funny how only about 6-7 inches makes such a great difference. The shorter one, even though he's more attractive, ALWAYS gets the uglier of the girls in a 2set or 3set. 100% of the time.