Originally posted by affliction
Wyldfire, I appreciate the help you're trying to give me--honestly. But I'm wondering if you realize that my last paragraph you quoted was a joke? It almost sounded like you thought it was a true story. I was being sarcastic, you know.
Also, why do you believe that you know more about these people and these circumstances than I do? Do you have a reasonable answer for that? And don't say something like "because I worked with drug addicts in the past." That would only be applicable if we were arguing hypothetically. This is different--I know these people and you don't.
I know you were being sarcastic.
Why do I think I know more about this than you? Simple...I've seen it all. I also am a 39 year old single mother. My oldest child is about your age. I have friends with sons your age. There is NO WAY a normal woman my age would be messing around with her friend's kid OR her kid's friend. It would hurt people she cares about. That is the first clue that this woman has some serious problems.
As far as drugs go...I've never used them, but much of my life has been spent around them. I have lost two friends to heroin overdose deaths, including one woman who was hold up in a seedy motel with her 9 year old daughter at the time of her death. Her husband was HIV positive and both of them were slaves to the needle. That poor little girl laid beside her dead mother in that sh*t hole motel for a day and a half, catatonic before someone found her. This woman didn't reach that point overnight. She USED to live in a decent home, was a doting mother and had a life. A couple of years later, she was dead.
I saw my best friend go from being a successful cosmetologist who was doing well for herself fall victim to the insanity that is crack cocaine. My kids were spending the summer with their father in Florida so I moved in with her to take care of her kids and try to keep her from totally destroying her life and family because of her addiction. She had just started her own business and was renting a booth in a salon and doing very well...until she was convinced by some piece of sh*t guy to try crack. She lost her business, lost her phone and damn near lost her home. If I hadn't been there helping her financially she would have lost more. I was right there seeing what crack does to a person, and it is NOT pretty.
I sat with another friend and her husband who were trying to quit heroin...while they were going through withdrawl. My God, they looked and stunk like death. This stuff is goddamned tragic.
Why do I know? Because I have seen it first hand...and I saw how my crack addicted best friend was able to fool everyone and hide her addiction from her other friends, kids, parents and neighbors. The only ones who knew how bad it was were those she did drugs with and me, and that is only because she didn't hide it from me. Others knew she did crack "sometimes" and had no freaking clue what it was doing to her. She finally got away from the stuff...but before it was all out of her system she got pregnant. Her ultrasound showed real problems. She got further tests. Her baby had ancephaly...it had no brain. She had to give birth and watch her baby girl die because no baby with this deformity ever survives beyond a few days at most.
Just because this woman doesn't look or act like she has a serious problem around you it doesn't mean for a second that she doesn't have one. You should NOT even be messing with her in the first place because if it gets discovered it's going to destroy your mother AND your friend emotionally. On top of that, you're being a damn idiot by not protecting yourself. Is sex with this woman really worth death or an STD that stays with you for the rest of your life? If you give any answer other than "no" you seriously need your a$$ kicked.