Don Juan
i read that huge post on looks. Quite interesting, and a real wake up call as you can really see the large number of people on the site who still don't have a grasp on the so-called "game". It's really not that hard to figure out. Looks can get you in the door alot of times, that is true. But for the most part, its all about doing your cold approaches. Even if you're only moderate looking, once you learn to cold approach and get your game down, you will do fine. Most females don't approach. I've been into the club for a long time, and I can tell you that for the most part, the enrique iglesias look alikes who stand in the corner away from the floor almost always go home alone, while joe-blow whose wasted off his ass on the dance floor freakin random hoes is getting the numbers. Another thing I can tell you is that women want to be excited. Many guys have no idea how to. So they blame it all on looks, or they figure since all the girls at work drool over the hot copy machine repairman, thats the way it is. Wrong. Re-read the stuff on auras, personality, convo skills, and approaches. Keep yourself looking half way decent. And by all means approach as many women as possible. And if you're not doing well, something needs to be fixed. That simple.
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