guys get to 5 to 6% for contests. nobody is even placing in top 10 over 6% BFA lot of people are leaving out one key explanation that would clear Dave's confusion: single digit bodyfat isn't easy to obtain and isn't sustainable because of what it does to your hormone levels.
If you watch any natural bodybuilder go through their show prep where they get to 6-8% bf, they are extremely drained, low testosterone and VERY irritable. This is why it's unsustainable.
You can do it, but it's not worth it to hold this state for a long time. Its not healthy from a hormonal standpoint. Yes it may LOOK healthy but that's different. Not to mention that the pictures shared that have low bf have a LOT of muscle. You do not. If you were 185 with 8% bf, you would look like a Greek god. But again, this isn't sustainable for hormonal reasons. You need hormone balance to be a functioning human.
Just increase your muscle mass and hold 12%. Sustainable.
that I agree is not healthy. 9 or 10% is fine. Plenty of people i know maintain 9 or 10% all year round