Goldenrocker91's log of self improvement


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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Hey guys. So basically, i just want to improve upon myself and my life. I have a pretty great life right now and I'm a pretty priveledged kid but there a few things i wish i could improve on.

So to start off, I'll tell you a bit about myself. I'm 16 years old. I live in Staten Island and i go to school in Brooklyn. I have alot of friends and have a pretty big social circle. However, I'm a little bit quiet. This could be because I have a speech impediment but I don't know. It doesnt really bother me much and I'm not that insecure about it. I'll listen to pretty much any music from rock to rap to dance. Ive also been playing guitar for 2 years. I'm also on my high school's soccer and tennis team and I'm on the model United Nations.

Haha, i feel like I'm writing an "about me" for myspace lol

My Plan to self improvement is kind of stolen from Sammo's ideas on a previous post he made.

I want to start off with his motivation section. He has five main areas that he uses for motivation and I want to work on improving them.

1) Family Life - Basically I want to be nicer to my family. Talk to them more, do what they ask, and help out when i can. I can be a real pain in the ass to them and I want to stop.

2) Homework - I hate itttt. I'm in my schools IB program. I dont know if any of you high school guys know what it is but its similiar to AP course except its for every class you take. Ive been working pretty hard this year but my average is the lowest its ever ben at an 88.1. One problem i have is procrastination. I think if i start doing all my homework every night, it would help me put and end to this problem.

3) Exercise - I do get a decent amount of exercise from soccer and tennis but on my off days i just sit around and do nothing. I was thinking maybe i could do pushups/situps when im not playing sports. Also once i get my liscene in a couple months I want to start going to the gym.

4) Nutrition - I eat ALOT. I'm 6 foot 190lbs. I would weigh alot more if it wasnt for soccer. I could afford to lose a few lbs and eating healthy seems like a great way to do it. I eat alot of fast food but i also eat good foods like yogurt and fruits too. I wanna try and cut out the crap from my diet if i can.

5) Sleep Patterns - Not much to say here. I get about 6 hours of sleep a night. I would like to boost that to 7-8 hours a night if I can.

At the end of every day I plan on writing in my log. I put 1-5 stars next to each of these catagories on how i did today in that section.

Next, Sammo had three sections of improvement: Physical, Intellectual, and Social Improvement. I'm going to make one goal at a time in each of these sections to work on. After about a month, If ive completed my goal, ill make new ones.

Physical Goal: Improve Skin - I have a decent amount of acne and I'm trying to take better care of it. I need to just try and wash my face more and put on the medication the dermatologist gave me. Hopefully after about a month it will mostly be gone.

Intellectual Goal: Read - Another thing i hate. I never ever ever read. My goal is to read 20 minutes each day.

Social Goal: Talk more - Like i said before, I'm a little quiet. I could be a little more outgoing especially around the girls. Which leads to my next problem....


I not very good with them lol. Girls love me but rarely more as a friend. I know alot and they always tell me how funny/great i am blah blah. But for some reason i never get with any.

Theres this one girl who I've been working on lately and a couple days ago her best friend told me that the girl really likes me. This seemed like a great thing. However, now whenever I IM her or anything, she just ignores me or gives me like one word answers. It's kinda weird sense shes supposed to like me. Ive talked to her online plenty of times before and i never had a problem making conversation. So right now i guess you could saying hooking up with her is one of my goals.

Alright so i guess thats everything. Here's how i did today.

Family Life: ***
I talked to my parents for a bit today. Nothing much went on. However I didnt do anything to make them mad so thats always a plus.

Homework: ****
I did it all but the trimester is over on tuesday and i have some **** i still gotta get done before then.

Exercise: ***
I didnt have any sports practice today but I did 3 sets of pushups each to failure.

Set One: 30 reps
45 second rest
Set Two: 13 reps
45 second rest
Set Three:5 reps

Nutrition: *****
I hate no junk all day. I had some yogurt and other healthy food. I'm about to have some chicken for dinner

Sleep Pattern:***
I fell asleep last night at about 12 and woke up at 6:45

Improve Skin: *****
I washed my face twice and put on medication. I tried to to touch my face more or pick at it at all.

Read: *
I have to read Death of a Salesman for school. I left it in my locker =/ Ill start that tomorrow.

Talk More: ***
I basically just tried to talk more and participate in conversation with my friends and stuff. I did good i guess.

So i guess thats about it for today. I would love any advice you guys want to give me. Everything is helpful. Thanks alot.


New Member
Oct 8, 2007
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be sure to keep us up to date on any fingernail or toenail clippings


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2007
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Don't listen to those replies. Keep doing these logs-they should help you reach your goals. Plus you should get some more mature replies than the above ones.
I might even start my own log sometime to help me concentrate on my goals.


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
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ahaha nah i actually thought the second one was mad funny. i really dont care if anyone reads this stuff its more for myself then anything else


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Rowland Heights, CA
That's quite a list, but go for it. I have something like that in my mind as well. I think I'll achieve at least half of those things after I'm done with my IB stuff this week. It's not fun when the extended essay, world lit papers, and tok stuff are all due Friday.

It's good that you're focusing on the qualities besides getting girls. Achieving your personal best is priority because that's the way you'll become happy. Girls will fall naturally into place once you start improving yourself. Good luck


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Rowland Heights, CA
yea it makes me feel a bit better myself since I'm not the only one sacrificing having a good time cause of this work.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
I bite my fingernails instead of clipping them, is that bad?

also, do whatever you have to do to help yourself out even if it means 'annoying' a bunch of randoms that have nothing better to do than whine in your thread about how theyre not goign to read it