Fingerling said:
she was like no go get me a cushion then.
Just want to point out this is a blatent shi* test, all women do it ALL women.
But somewhere in your relationship, you turned into the smuck who would go down and get her a pillow when she was playing brat.
You see the reason why I state to take accountability is, because even the best girls with the right intentions test you in little ways- it's how we handle those situations.
In future if your girl tries to spin out a chump test (a s**t test is to test if your a chump or not at it's basic level) - You amplify it up and turn up the hidden bastar* that is deep in your core, a mans core, especcially if the women is acting like a spoiled princess.
For this instance, though you did the correct thing considering the level of shi* you've had to suffer with. But if a guy was fresh into a relationship and a girl throws a similier chump test, you turn around to her when she says "no go get me a cushion then" and laugh in her face, and I mean a real deep down belly laugh, coming from the fact you cant believe the cheek of the women and turn to her and say "give me the cushion" and look at her like you expect no other outcome or conclusion" - trust me she will give the thing and probably sulk for 5 minutes, but soon after she will be trying to snuggle up to you like a puss* cat. (Yes a women would label this type of action being a bastar* and if the girl is being honest, she will tell you to not stop being like that, they actually want it).
Now the worst thing I can do, is what you have been doing with this chick, is to go down and get her that dam cushion and give into her brat demands. For one thing she will feel good inside that her feminine powers have made you do what she asked and jumped her hoops, on the other hand her attraction is dipping because she realizes the guy she is with is plyable and then! More and more the shi* tests flow, and before you know it, the biatch is getting you to pay for her, pay her debts for her, bend over backwards for her and all the while her preformance in bed is lacking.
On the other hand if you stand up to the bratty emotional bull-shi* women do, like a man who is not to be fuc*ed with, they will be like sex kittens in bed, worship you, wont fuc* you about and will in most cases pay for you! Like my current girl does.
That is to say if at the outset she wasn't latching onto a provider wimp in the first place, i.e those sorts of actions will make her seek out the chump when she comes across a wise guy.
I.e be concurent and if your women is shi* testing you to this degree and taking advantage of you, it's because you allowed it to happen by being a limp wristed beta boy who is afraid to tell her firmly and simply "NO" - or treat her like the brat she is trying to be.
Also dont be under the impression this is about arguing, one of the other worst things a man can do is to be sucked into the drama. You have to handle this shi* like your spanking a child, you wouldn't get emotional retarded over a kid and no offence to women, I find it the best way to treat this stuff has such.
Here is an example of a current shi* test my girl did.
She sent me a
text, she is renting out her place - some guy was coming to view the place.
She sent me this text (not word for word).
"I'm staying here now, the guy was hot and i'm not coming to live with you lol".
Typical attention seeking bull*shi* women like to pull, hoping to get some beta response out of me.
I simply text back
"I'll break out the champagne"
Her reply back, 'I thought you'd put you'd break his neck'
You see this women, has women go, is pritty good with the shi* tests, but they all do it, to varying degree's ALL OF THEM. A Man when dating has to expect a constant shi* test bombardment and if the man even fails one simple little test, even if it's orchastrad around a joke, he his setting himself up for a future shi* test and an escalation of the women pushing for more - Stopping it dead, means you wont get another one for a while, unless you slip up in some way.
It's in a womens nature, I know no women that doesn't shi* test the BF, there doing it un-intentionally, it's just who they are. A guy who does not know his women shi* tests, is either a zen master who bombs through it without realizing or a beta wimp who simply complys.
You should strive to be the king of the castle, no other outcome should even be a factor when dating, if you want to have the best time in a relationship, I state this from experiance. Hence when your women starts acting like a brat, it's time to lay the smack down, in a way that diffuses the situation and the best method I find is to handle the situation like your dealing with a child. If anything depending on the level of the shi* test, the best thing to do is reply in kind or even ramp it up a bit more.
This is not trying to be an ars*hole, you can be a nice guy, but this is about looking out and knowing women test for chump actions constantly - hence it's about knowing they are thier and not complying, if anything flipping them around, which I know builds attraction, where has being the beta guy who fails the tests, just has the women taking advantage more and more.
Also the hotter or in demand the girl is, the more shi* tests, you'll most probably face (from experiance).