Going to the mall alone


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by muttley
ok like i said , i tryed to make today a coldpick up day. Went out in my mind to approach as many girls as possible.
I couldnt really find many girls to approach even though i did get eye contact / looked at by a few chicks. Some were in groups and some with friends ( female and male ) so i basically didnt go there.

Anway i wanted to approach at least 5 chicks and see whats up. I approached a grand total of ONE lol. I know cold pickups are not my thing but hey i had to try right :D

any how this is how it went.

target: hb7, great body, tall, ok face, brunette

location: just outside shopping centre

field report:

i walk out of shoppin centre exit, and wait at the road to cross over, target is on the other side about 10ft away crossing in opposite direction.

i looked at her and tryed to get eye contact. She was smokin a cig and she waited outside to finish it. Good chance to make a move :D

i walk up to her and...


muttley: Are you here to do some shoppin?
hb7: er... sorry
muttley: are ya out to do some shoppin?
hb7: nopes, am not
muttley: heh ok, so are you single then?
hb7: no im not, *gives a little smirk/smile*
muttley: so you got a boyfrend then
hb7: yeah i do
muttley: well u can have another one :p
hb7: haha no its ok *lil smirk/smile*
muttley: oh alright then, bye
*muttley escapes*

hmm i kinda know where i went wrong, but im open to suggestion.
Di-sect that for me men...ill do some more cold pickups 2morow



yo can some of you pros tell me where my mack went wrong or any thing else..
personnally id idnt build up more rapport or i didnt introduce my self or fluff talk... fire away brothers




Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2004
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation

Ahhhhh the mall, full of jailbait out looking for the latest coach bag or victoria's secret wonderbra. I've gone solo purposely for macking probably 15 or so times, with little success. Most of the girls I approach are the ones who work at the stores. I find it difficult to approach customers for 3 reasons:

1. They are with 1 or more friends/bf/mom

Let's face it, even if they think you are hot, if you start a convo with them you have to somehow involve the other person, and forget about # closing them.

2. They are walking past me or in front of me and I never get initial eye contact

This occurs not in a store, but the general mall area. If you are alone and you say hello or use an opener, they know why you're there and you look desperate. I would suggest buying something first, like a pack a gum and put it in a bag so they at least THINK you're there to shop and not pick up ho's.

3. They are too damn young

I'd prolly say over 50% of the chicks you meet in malls are under 18. Pointless unless you want to get arrested or just look like a big pedophile.

Now I have gotten #s and a few dates from chicks who work in the mall, but even that is a challenge bc you have to find an off time when there aren't alot of customers demanding their attention. Then you can usually have a meaningful convo and hopefully score the digits. Keep in mind though, that's its their job to be nice to you so you really have to read body language to see if they are attracted to you vs. just treating you like a regular customer.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Ya, he's right about the age thing.

It's common knowledge that high schoolers go to the mall to pick up chicks and to get picked up especially on the weekends.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
I do it all the effin time, what's there to worry about? There's gangs of butt there!