haven't really been out alone, but the other week i ended up going out with my female flatmate to meet one of her dates she had stood up for 2 hours! (long story).
anyhow, as soon as she met him, she was all over him to make up for it, so i was basically alone, which forced me to go make an effort to chat to girls.
I was in the cavern in liverpool, which is where the beatles used to 'supposedly' play, so is a main tourist haunt.
spotted these 3 girls in a group, blatently tourists, so go say hello and ask if they mind me joining.
turns out theyre all french canadian, the 2 where friends already and not that nice and couldnt speak english. but the other who they had only met that day was FIT! at least a 8.5, 21, tanned with dark black hair and spoke fluent english:cheer: and was travelling around the Uk and going ireland the next day.
so i got a good conversation going with her, and took her elsehwere for a drink, but it was a sunday so everywhere finished early, so i had no choice to take her back to my flat and let her sleep with me.
so basically, if your prepared to make an effort, being alone can be a good thing, but in the UK i think a lot of girls may find it a bit weird, so perhaps haveing soem story about your friend has gone home already with some bloke...