Going to ask a HB9 to a prom TOMORROW. What to bear in mind?

ASD :)

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
There is a HB9 in my class, who is gorgeous but very quiet and shy. I do not think she goes to parties and drinks (etc) much, she is smart and lovely. I have not talked to her much during the 1,5 years she has been in my class. On the other hand, she often laughs to my jokes, but well, I am quite sure there is no attraction. She is just a very friendly girl.

Anyway tomorrow I am most probably going to ask her to come to the Valentine's Day ball with me (I am not sure if this is called prom too, lol, sorry) as on the next Monday dance courses will start and I would like to go there with her. I am pretty sure noone has asked her yet, so I HOPE I will be the first.

But what should I bear in mind? How should I do it? Should I talk about something else and then like "Oh, by the way, would you come to the ball with me?" or just go to her and tell her "Hey, let's go to the ball together" and leave after I get the reply?

Lol, what would a DJ do?


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
You're really setting yourself up to fail, aren't you?

Be direct.

"Hey, Alex, I think you're a really cool girl and I was hoping maybe you could grace me with your presence by letting me escort you to our senior prom." or something along those lines. Be NATURAL and be cute, and you've got it.

ASD :)

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Hehe, well, I do not usually fail with such things.
About your example, though, would it not be a bit AFC? Especially if I would want to get closer to her and this prom is a perfect opportunity.

On the other hand, maybe it is not that AFC after all :/

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
whos cares if its "AFC", if it works, it works. i cant guarantee you anything but have confidence in yourself. it's not that hard

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
You barely talked to her basically your value in her eyes is most likely low. I highly doubt she say yes. Its like some kid that she never even seen before asking her to go to the prom. What makes him so special that she has to say yes too her. Unless she isn't social at all and every boy is so scared to talk to her then maybe you have a chance. I say there a 10% chance she says yes. Keep us updated


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
It's charming and unusual, not necessarilly AFCish.

We had a semi-formal dance this fall and I asked if the girl would like to "accompany" me to and "grace me with her presence" at the dance. She said yes, but asked why I was so formal about it, and that's when I busted out the C/F and told her that I didn't hink asking her ot be my arm candy for the dance was a very good way to do it.

Like i am me said, if you have the confidence, it'll work. And it can't sound forced like AC/DC said. If you don't usually use words like that, it might seem awkward.

ASD :)

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, I usually do not, indeed. But on the whole I guess I get the point. And also, I pretty much agree the chance of her saying yes is tiny. Not only because she would not want to go with me (I believe my value in her eyes is the biggest, compared to the other boys in out class), but because she might not want to go at all. I do not think she is a very good dancer. And well, not everyone is going there - it is not like a graduation prom, it is just a Valentine's Day ball.

But sure - I will keep you updated. I am not sure if I will see her tomorrow, but I hope I will! If not, then you will have the update on Monday :)

Thank you for the replies!

ASD :)

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Just as I thought, we unfortunately did not have any lessons together - I did not see her.
So Monday it is. Damn - Friday would have been a lot better, since the first dancing lesson is already on Monday.

But well, I will keep you updated anyway!

ASD :)

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, I did see her today, but only just as she was leaving school. I asked her to come with me, but reacted a bit AFC to her response.

Anyway I asked her to come with me. She smiled and said that it is very much possible she will. But she was in a hurry. I know I should have told her that I need to know for sure instead of what I did - act call and say "Fine.. let me know soon!".

Tomorrow I will ask her again and tell her that I need to know right now so that I can ask someone else if she does not come or something (or what would you suggest?). But I think she will accept me, BECAUSE.. today she had to leave the school, so I went to the dancing course.. I was the only boy from my class and I did great! Very many girls were impressed that I could actually dance and that I was the only and the special one and I heard them talk about it later. So "my" HB9 will eventually hear about it and probably come with me :) If not, there are quite a few girls that would love to go with me!

Sorry about the really poor language and structure. It is 2:20 AM lol.

Any suggestions?

ASD :)

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
You didn't act "AFC" man. You did the right thing, don't pressure her. It sounds like she's gonna say yea


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
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you say you have been in her class for one and a half years. This means she does know you to some degree and that your a decent guy (we hope lol)
To get to the point you dont think anyone has asked her yet? so if you ask her in a sincere way, and in the way you would usally speak, she should say yes.
Dont forget to get pretty much straight to the point when your talking.

keep me posted!!

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
sounds like its a done deal either way, lol. yes, great, lets do it. no, oh well, i got a dance class full of prospects. i'd be pretty happy if i was u right now, u big stud. hahaha

ASD :)

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, lol. I skipped most of the lessons yesterday, but today she just came to me, smiled and said she is coming with me.

Hmm.. I need to improve my dance moves even more and ask every HB8+ to dance with me at the prom :) Well, the perfect HB9 is fortunately already 'mine' anyway :p


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Good to hear man. Keep on pimpin'.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Don't underestimate yourself so much. This girl obviously has some interest in you, otherwise she wouldn't be going to this dance with you. I'll tell you a little story... My fiancé and I barely knew each other at all and I had known her (mostly acquaintance) for about 2 years or so. We never talked, but close to prom time we started up a little chit chat here and there. I ran into her a few times with my friends and had a class with her. As far as I knew.. that was as far as things would progress with her. I wasn't really even trying to bag this girl because I wasn't sure there was any interest at all. Why? Because this girl was quiet and shy... and was a HB9 so I figured she had guys all over her all the time.

Well a few weeks before prom her best friend comes up to me and tells me to ask her friend out to prom. I was pretty shocked because I did not see this coming. So I asked her to prom a few days later... a few days after that we went on a few dates. Shared our first kiss. And a few days after that I asked her out to be exclusive with me and be my girlfriend.

10 months later we're engaged and I couldn't be more happy. We're very much in love and it all came unexpectedly. So don't underestimate yourself! I'm not saying you're going to marry this girl... or anything like that.. but don't be so quick to say she isn't attracted to you and you guys are just going to go as friends. Step up your game! Show her you're the catch!