I remmber MY first day in the club. I'll never EVER forget it!!
I was total looser at that time, (Two years ago) but I really did have a way to embarass myself lmfao. I was really excited in that day but really really anxious. I was going with three friends, one who used to go to clubs, one who was a fat arrogant guy who "is too mature to have fun" and another who is so so.
I danced for 5 minutes... Before in that day I teased about going to the platform, (The highest point in the club, where everyone could see me, especially me being so tall) and my friends were like pushing me and I went STRAIGHT UP THERE. WHAT was I thinking?
I got teased like hell... People tought I was drunk. But I was really excited. Then three chicks started chatting up to ME. I didn't really do anything (WTF?!) and they were like teaching me dance moves. It was FUN! I never tought I'd like a club, but that was a okay moment. a good moment dare I say! (NOW that I look back, it was frikin awsome!) Then they went away and gave me a braclet. Yahoo.
I was actually supported when I went down... People were like you should have gone with them, and I was, damn, why didn't I think of that?! XD
The two other friends teased me for a while, but they didn't do ****. Since that day, everyone always asks me to dance and copies dance moves I did, even tho I didn't know what the hell I was doing. ACtually, that was one hell of a night! I don't think I got more attention in that summer ever.
My tip to you is to do something out of your mind. You don't even need alcohol- just get out of your comfort zone! You'll get really nervous, but guess what, even if all these people try to bring ya down, be happy! It DOESN'T MATTER. You'll have the BEST positive energy in the zone, and EVERYONE is attracted to that. You'll feel like you will win the world. But you have to have courage! Sometimes you don't even realise it, but next day, you'll look back and think... THAT WAS AWSOME!
So get out of your comfort zone, even if you do get anxious, even better! channel that to excitment which will up your crazyness! In a party crazy is the rule!