csycpr said:
How is this any different than when you've gone to a club with friends, unless you only approach when you have wings?
The chicks aren't going to know you're by yourself.
Ok. So I approach. Everythings going well, weve got some charming banter back and forth, etc. The girl is not going to be alone. She WILL be there with at least another girl. Usually you would call your wingman overand at least say, "yeah, this is ...."
I have done this solo thing before, but that was not the intent of the evening. I've walked up to tables of two to three girls on more than one occasion, worked the best game I had in me at the time, and it was still awkward. You know the girls are looking at you thinking, where is this dudes friends? Did he just come here alone. Haha. And I'm a good looking guy. Good social skills, albeit, not the best in a bar/club situ.
I think it this is a text book case of what some people here call "social proof". An unkempt jackass, that might be the "alpha" of his little phaggot posse will arouse more interest from these girls, than a good looking guy that's got his **** together- because he's ALONE. Like, there MUST be something wrong with him...
Whatever. I'm gonna go hit it up anyway.
WHAT ABOUT APPROACH STRATEGY IN THESE "LONER" CASES? Just own the fact that your there checking out the scene, alone. Next subject.
Girl: So, who you here with?