Going out wednesday night. I need your input


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
Hey Guys- I am trying to game this plate that I used to work with. She is friends with me on facebook . She went through a divorce a year or so ago. She is still playing hard to get/ interest level is low. How can I convert? Below is my conversation with her on facebook today. I am hanging out with her on Wednesday night.

HER- I just found you on match.com LOL

Me - Haha..That should tell u that we are a match...lol I put my profile on there but I haven't been on in months. So what's up with u. U know I like you but u playing hard to get...lol

Her- LOL.. I know you like me, but I think we are better off as friends. I'm not trying to get into anything serious right now and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

Me - That's ok..it doesn't have to be serious right away. We can hang out and see how it goes. The first time I saw I could tell u are more than girlfriend material. U r more than beautiful. I wanna get to know more abt u

Her - I don't want to let you down if I'm not interested. I don't think we'd ever be more than friends to be the truth with you. I usually can tell when I meet someone if I'd want to be more that friends. I think you are a great person, but you'd be more like a great friend to me

Me - Haha ...that's fine. Let's hang out sometime though

Her - Wednesday night

Me - Cool..lets hang out Wednesday..Don't make other plans


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Have you ever read anything on this site bro?

That was a gay ass interaction, and I mean that in the most polite way.

Your forecast sounds like it be a 90% chance of flake.

If this chick even does decide to meet up with you, it'll be nothing more than a free meal, +20 to her attention meter, and a nice ego stroke wrapped in validation.

Heed these words my friend,

~If a chick does not fvck with you, (have interest) than leave said chick the fvck alone, and proceed to fvck with chicks whom do/will fvck with you

Seriously bro, she said she wants to be friends, and you did nothing but supplicate and shower her in validation.

Not how you get chicks bro, not how you do it.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
SmooveMooves said:
Have you ever read anything on this site bro?

That was a gay ass interaction, and I mean that in the most polite way.

Your forecast sounds like it be a 90% chance of flake.

If this chick even does decide to meet up with you, it'll be nothing more than a free meal, +20 to her attention meter, and a nice ego stroke wrapped in validation.

Heed these words my friend,

~If a chick does not fvck with you, (have interest) than leave said chick the fvck alone, and proceed to fvck with chicks whom do/will fvck with you

Seriously bro, she said she wants to be friends, and you did nothing but supplicate and shower her in validation.

Not how you get chicks bro, not how you do it.
Yeah...I made some AFC mistakes but that's how we learn. I know she will show up but am not expecting much


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
friendzoned already. Time to move on and what's with the supplicanting and begging behavior? Grow up and be a man!


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
friendzoned already. Time to move on and what's with the supplicanting and begging behavior? Grow up and be a man!
Haha....Its someone I used to work with. Its not your typical game that's why it may sound as begging behaviour


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
Even if she doesn't flake (which she will), don't bother hanging out with her. She told you point blank that you're fvcked (and not in the good way). Don't waste your time. Read the DJ bible and The Book of Pook.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
In the words of Doc Love, "Women don't lie; Men don't listen."

She just did what about 99% of females won't do - she was blatantly honest about her lack of feelings for you and told you directly that she doesn't see you as more than a friend - and you decided you'd bypass that and take her out anyway, in the hopes that whatever you do on the date will somehow change her mind. Reality check: IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. She's not playing hard to get at all - she has low interest, and she's TELLING you she has low interest; however, your ego can't take the idea that a girl would reject you since, to you, you're such a great person that she should love you regardless. You need to look at the situation for what it is and really LISTEN to what she's saying - she does NOT like you. She does NOT want to go out with you. You are wasting your time taking her out because you're going to be on the non-date hoping she starts to see you in a different light, and it's NOT going to happen.

I don't want to sound harsh with all this, but I used to be just like you, pinning after a girl for WEEKS long after she had given me the LJBF speech, hoping that something I did or said would make her change her mind. It doesn't happen. She actually did you a HUGE favor by telling you she's not into you because it means you don't have to guess her interest - she doesn't have any, so you can move on to other girls IF you're smart. if you're not, you're going to continue to pine after this one girl that you have NO chance with. There are tons of choices out there; if you can't get the first one you want, oh well - it sucks, suck it up and move on to the next, maaaaan!