GOING NC.. Really need some advice


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Please someone, i really need some advice :> thanks in advance


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
This girl doesn't like you in any way romantically. Where as you may take the prize for biggest afc on this site. In the so suave text book you are the picture they use to show what an afc looks like. You are a Hallmark card on steroids.

Please stop thinking about, dreaming about, and talking about this girl. Period.


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
Drowning In Vaginal Fluids. Help.
OH MY GOD! I dunno where to start from dude..... ATTRACTION IS NOT AFFECTION....

Have you even gone through the various lessons of attraction and seduction?
7 months is enough to say SHE IS NOT ATTRACTED! 7 months is not 7 weeks or 7 days!

Do you really think you would "don juan" a girl WELL and not have her disturbing you by the 3rd month at most ? ( WELL doesn't necessarily mean how good, it means to her peculiar taste... Girls have different standards )

Truth is, maybe you can still get her... But I bet its gonna be out of pure pity, I'd rather be the guy a woman considers as her prince charming from the blue than somebody who gets her as a result of pity..... Exercise persistence without desperation if you insist you wanna chase her. Make her chase too. Demand effort from her.

Pray her ex doesn't have some hold on her mind cos its never gonna stop as long as she not really ATTRACTED to you.

7 months is enough to suggest you've lost..... BUT..... Try if you wanna, ignoring her/delaying replies is just one out of many things you'd need to do to peak her curiosity .... Understand ATTRACTION.

Be ready to move on, we all lose too. I bet if you're ever gonna get her attracted, its not gonna be now.... Instead move on, meet girls, Go catch fun, spin plates, exercise revenge on other females well enough to get so much female attention and p***y that you forget her, catch more fun. You might just even find out that you deserve better after all. Become A DJ. We are all on the journey too, you're not alone.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2012
Reaction score
Come on man have some self respect. this chick has got you so pvssywhipped its pathetic. you might as well tattoo her name on your forehead so everyone knows you're her *****. now on to other matters.the ***** is stringing you along and playing you for a sucker because you allow her to. she feels nothing for you else she wouldn't be repeatedly ignoring your calls and messages. if you want to go NC, do it because that's the right thing to do. remember you are the catch, she should be trying to win your attention and not the other way round. Don't mail her, don't talk to her and definitely don't try to win her back. i can sense so much desperation in your post its not even funny.from what i can tell you don't have any options apart from this *****. no girl is worth the lose of your self respect.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2012
Reaction score
If you expected any advice from guys on this forum on how to crawl and cheapen yourself to win this ***** back, i think you've come to the wrong place


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Lol, u guys misunderstood the whole situation. She was my girlfriend for like 7 months. But in between due to some things that happened(her friend died) she needed space, and I didnt give it to her. My bad, I know. Anyways she came back to me telling me how much she missed me and wanted to give it another shot. we were together that time for 4 months it allwent good.

Seriously, I want some concrete answers on my questions. It has nothing to do with desperation, the girl obviously cares for me I just dont know how to handle it from here.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
cuz she did ignore me because of her ex, it was a two sided battle, and due to me being always for her she maybe came to the conclusion that I was better as a friend to her.. but I believe I can attract her back, I just need answers on my questions in order to achieve that. So to AVOID to make this thread too long, I just need concrete answers on to act based on that to get her back. Thanks choochieman, cordoncordon go suck some balls


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
So basicly, should I continue to ignore for like 2-3 weeks(never did this before to her and she did it to me, she might even miss me and see me the way we used to be),

tell her now, that we should part ways if she believes that being friends is the only option and move on like that,

or suggest to meet up next week to just talk face to face like mature people? tell her how I feel and see what happens

What will be the best course of action to get her back?

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Who cares? You sound like a b*tch.

I finally did the thing she always did to me, I ignored her out of the blue. I send her a text beforehand telling her that i was fed up with being distant, not knowing what she wanted because ive been with her for 7 months,
By the way. There's no point in No Contact if you tell the girl why you're doing it.

Not only are you weak, you're also not very smart. Good luck being a jackass.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
I didnt make it sound liek I was going to ignore her , seriously whats ur problem lol,


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Anyhow, Like i said before, IF YOU ARE GOING TO POST LAME ****ED UP MESSAGES DONT, go waste your time elsewhere, for the ones who reaally want to help, thanks!

So basicly, should I continue to ignore for like 2-3 weeks(never did this before to her and she did it to me, she might even miss me and see me the way we used to be),

tell her now, that we should part ways if she believes that being friends is the only option and move on like that,

or suggest to meet up next week to just talk face to face like mature people? tell her how I feel and see what happens

What will be the best course of action to get her back?

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Savaris said:
What will be the best course of action to get her back?
Shut up. Go away.

Don't you realize that you've posted in this thread more than anyone else? What does that tell you?


New Member
Mar 4, 2012
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I know your upset but you got to think of yourself as you are more important than her or what she's thinking. Sounds cliche but improve yourself everyday and you will see things will come to you! You are the priZe and not her! Let her be! If you keep improving your life then you won't have time for her sh*t. Think of it as a distraction, If you were to watch a clock and ponder and think about it don't you think that time will go slower and you will hurt for longer rather than keeping yourself distracted with yourself? Just food for thought...