Going in for the kiss


New Member
Nov 13, 2013
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So I had a girl over in my room today, kino'd her heavily, we were touching hands and sitting next to each other.

I'm about to go in for the kiss, but I'm hesitating. Her body language is just not open enough. She is not facing me, and were I to try to kiss her, it would require too much awkward movement on my part. Also, we are having a conversation. She is only facing me when she is talking, or when I am talking. During pauses, she looks away, making it even harder to kiss her!

The question is: how do I open up her body position so the kiss is less awkward? The only time I seem to be able to pull off the kiss is when the girl is next to me and facing me. Then I just have to wait for a pause in the conversation and tilt my head and move it forward and we are locking lips. In the situation I experienced today, I would have had to move my whole body to the front and tried to lock lips or kissed her while she or I was talking, which seemed so awkward I was unable to do it.

After I recounted this to a friend he told me that a great way to make a girl open to kissing right before you do it is to stroke her hair. Do you guys have any other tips about creating the right moment for the kiss? I mean, even in this situation, I could have just locked lips anyway, but it just felt so awkward to force all those movements or to try and kiss her while she or I was talking or while she was looking forward instead of at me. This is another sticking point I need to shatter.

1) How do I go in for the kiss when the girl is talking?

2) Should I go in for the kiss while I'm talking?

3) How do I get the girl to stop looking away during pauses in the conversation?

4) How do I get her to open up her body language for the kiss? (be facing me, looking into my eyes, and not talking)

5) Even if I can't create a non-awkward way to kiss, should I just brute force the kiss anyway?


Master Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
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why turning your whole body is akward? so if i'm sitting in front of my remote control and I turned my whole body to grab it . its wrong? think about it


New Member
Nov 13, 2013
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So in a situation like that, should I have kissed her while she was talking or waited till she was silent and facing away and then turned my whole body to kiss her?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I know what you're saying. It feels awkward when you don't seem to have enough eye contact to initiate the kiss. I've had that happen.

But, you said she makes eye contact when she speaks to you. You could try the hair touch/brush then while she's facing you and see how she reacts. Women know it means you are going to kiss them. If she doesn't pull away when you do that, then kiss her.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2013
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My favourite method is just to go for it. By now, you'd have a general idea if she is attracted to you or not and if you'd get away with it. If you're flirting, the other thing I do is to keep them talking but make it obvious I'm going in for the kiss - grab her, keep looking her in the eyes or lips, inching my body closer while at the same time to tell her to keep talking.

Either way, you just have to make the move. The bolder you are the better. Don't be a chump, over think about signs and signals and wuss out.