The thing about threads like this is that there are extremes it brings out, one is the guys who swear race does not matter but then you get the extreme incels who are the most toxic people out there blaming everything on race. No actionable advice, just a bunch of toxic negative beliefs and wishing they were whitey. I thought I'd offer my advice here as an Asian guy who has seen this commonly with his race.
I can relate wanting to go against the grain and go for something that is different from what men like you usually get.
1. Just do well with white girls and the rest will fall into place.
Seriously, all of these ethnic sloots want to be white, desperately. They envy the hot blonde and envy what hot white girls get out of life. Fortunately for any ethnic guy out there, once you get attractive enough and have game, cute white women will give you the time of the day. These days, white women date out a lot more given that so many white guys played the field, there are many out there just begging for an ethnic guy to take them given that they feel ignored. Once they see you with white girls, they will give you extra attention.
That's what happened with me, as soon as I started dating white girls, their Asian friends were ignoring white guys and trying to get with me. Random Asian women who saw me around, the whitewashed ones with bleached hair, wanted to desperately be a part of my life and threw some really strong IOIs at me. I even slept with a pledge sister of this one girl I used to smash.
2. Go where escorts are legal and smash a ton of girls with that look.
I have a friend with a thing for tanned brunettes but since he is very ethnic looking himself, he could not get them as easily. What he did was he spent money sleeping with a whole bunch of escorts with that look in a part of the world where it is legal. Since he makes a ton of money, it was of no issue to him. I would assume anyone on here wasting time with women and game at least works on their finances, especially if they are not a Chad. Get those in order and just plow escorts with the look you like, you'll be set. After a long enough timeline, you will find that you do not have the same feeling towards these kinds of women.
You also find that a lot of other women from that same group now want you more since people love those who are successful, it's a very subtle thing.
3. Go HAM and spam approach every woman you run into with that look.
Got a thing for Latinas? Move to Miami and spam approach Latinas. Spam approach them like crazy. Approach every Latina that is hot and be laid back towards rejection. Realize that while a Chad might need to only approach 2 or 3 to get laid, you'll have to approach at least 10 perhaps.
Does it suck? Yeah. Is it unfair? Oh yeah. But when all is said and done, you still get your "type", even if it took you many attempts to get it. Now that is what happens.
4. Accumulate a lot of status in spaces that encourage sex.
Be a strip club owner, maybe a porn director, own a porn company, a model photography firm, and who knows what. Get involved in avenues that attract loose women. You will find that there will be a diversity of women looking to get a job in there, it will be your pickings. You can also work with a club promoter as well to make sure you get your type, money is needed perhaps.
Realize that it is more nuanced and not as black or white as you think.
Yeah, as a swarthy dude you might do better with a pale blonde than you would a hot girl with dark hair. It is not 0% with one type of hot girl and 100% with the other. For a hot blonde, maybe you have a 50% success rate while for a hot latina, more like 30%. Keep those numbers in mind.
I gave you ideas, now implement them.
And most importantly, avoid negative people.
I'd avoid whiny losers who take no action and just ***** and moan all the time.