yea, i feel so ashamed of myeslf for making this mistake, i have been in this dj game for almost a year now, i have learnt and changed so much over the year and i am getting a lot more success with girls than i was when i first came here, thx, and everyone here 
two weeks ago or so i met this girl online in msn who used to go to the same school with me. Being social both online and offline, i just had a friendly chat with her. Since then we had more and more chat together on msn and i found a much closer bond to her than any other girls i have met before, both in real life and virtual
i dont think it's because she is special, coz as all djs know, no girls are "special", i think the closer bond is caused by the fact that her family background, personality and life experience are so similar to mine. when i first met her i had no intention to have a relationship with her, but now i think i may have just changed my mind.
recently for the last few days, we talked on msn for 6 hours in the morning not going to sleep for several times now. i know that it's a mistake, but it was so interesting talking to her that time just flew by without both of us realizing it
i got her number yesterday night, and wonder where i should go from here.
have i alerady screwed up and landed on the LJBF zone?
two weeks ago or so i met this girl online in msn who used to go to the same school with me. Being social both online and offline, i just had a friendly chat with her. Since then we had more and more chat together on msn and i found a much closer bond to her than any other girls i have met before, both in real life and virtual
i dont think it's because she is special, coz as all djs know, no girls are "special", i think the closer bond is caused by the fact that her family background, personality and life experience are so similar to mine. when i first met her i had no intention to have a relationship with her, but now i think i may have just changed my mind.
recently for the last few days, we talked on msn for 6 hours in the morning not going to sleep for several times now. i know that it's a mistake, but it was so interesting talking to her that time just flew by without both of us realizing it
i got her number yesterday night, and wonder where i should go from here.
have i alerady screwed up and landed on the LJBF zone?