Some really great responses here guys. I am impressed!
Personally I find that anything in my life that requires discipline or deals with business goes hand in hand with goals.
A simple goal might be "today I will do 150 push-ups" or "This month I will net 3000 bucks" Neither are set in stone, but I find it helpful to shoot for SOMETHING.
On the other hand, there are certain facets of my life that do not work so well within the goal-driven paradigm. Getting good with women is a perfect example, because you really need to be in the moment and feel out the situation to respond effectively.
I had tried to force myself to do XX number of approaches and that just didn't work out, because you really have no control over how many girls you will see that will inspire an approach. As a result my approaches were forced and totally unnatural.
It's like going out with your friends - you don't say to yourself "I'm gonna make 5 jokes tonight, have exactly 4 beers and stay out till 3AM."
On other fronts I find it most helpful to intersperse both mentalities. For example I really enjoy listening to and making music, so I make it a personal goal to set a certain amount of time per week to just zone out and do my thing. When I finally am in that mode, I don't think about anything else and time flies by in an instant.
Call it satori, actionless action or whatever, but it is definitely real. There are times when I get so deep into a mix that I listen to it later on and think to myself "Wow, thats really hot.
I did this?" It's almost like you are channeling something, or someONE else.
Another thing worth noting: We all have different energy levels. Some of us are self-starters, others are more laidback and some are just practically sleep-walking their way through life. In this respect, it seems like this may be another case of subjective measures.. goals will simply work better for certain people in certain circumstances than others.
Either way, I believe that the key is not to directly link happiness to our goals. It is very easy to fall into the trap of "Life sucks, if only I had a million dollars/supermodel GF/private yacht"
Happiness is not found in any of those things. (I've seen miserable people with all 3) It is found in one's ability to be grateful for what he already has.