Go fvck ten other women

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
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In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Since we've gone from a 'self-improving player board' to 'how to catch my next oneitis board', I'm going to go back to some of the basics that are being completely overlooked at this point.

Everyone is concentrated on 'this one girl flaked', or 'so and so happened with this one girl ...', and many variations on the theme. IT's ALL oneitis. I'm sorry, but people are here to pick up women, right??

This is a little paradox involved in getting a good women, you will quite likely have to be able to pick up ALL women to be able to get this ONE woman. Make sense... don't worry, it didn't make sense to me either.

What it means is that you are learning a skill, you aren't hear for a sudden achievement, that's more an ultimate achievement... your 'Mona Lisa' or your 'Cistine chapel'... not something simple like pissing without squirting the toilet seat.

What's going on here is that people are coming from the state of mind of scarcity. The feeling of "If I don't get a girlfriend I might not ever get a girlfriend"... I'll tell you from experience that when you decide to not have a girlfriend for an extended period regardless of what happens, you'll get more pus%y during that period than you could ever imagine.

I'm not saying give up trying to get a girlfriend, but when you are intensely in that state of mind you get a shift, it doesn't matter anymore.

Why do people say 'go fvck ten other women to get over this one'?? It's because by the time you'll have found ten women you will have seen at least one that is comparable if not better than the women that you were stressing about to start.

I posted recently, and for those that have seen DD's DYD, this will be familiar. You guys are searching to pull off the figuring out how to create the symptoms of the disease without having the disease... simply put, you are LYING to yourselves. You tell the world that you have the disease, but you only have some symptoms of the disease. (Disease being a good thing in this context)

What you guys need to learn is how to develop the disease and let the symptoms take care of themselves... you are still yourself, but you are yourself with a disease, that attracts the ladies to you.

If you wanna know how, it's as simple as asking the right questions... I can't give you the right questions, but I can recognize them when I see them...


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Amen to that.

Some of my earlier post PREACHED spending time dating more then one girl at a time to avoid oneitis, but it seems like that type of thinking is getting less and less fequent here.

That's really the essance of what my signature equates to pretaining to good time management.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
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omg... "So pimp its scary"... YOU SIR! ARE MY 2nd SAVIOR!

This is so true... Recently I have been dating multiple women at once. And not wanting a girlfriend... I've got laid more recently than at any other period in my life... I put the part of me that wants the one goddess away... Maybe when I am 30 I will settle down. heh...

Scorched bows to So pimp its scary!


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, it's good advice. Now we all need to follow it. :eek:p I really do want to get married, but it'll be a lot easier if i get married to the girl i want from choice then one i want through fear of scarcity. Scarcity is a whole subject to itself which can be delved into, but what is more important to learn about is ABUNDANCE. ;)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Just a question for people who have banged a lot of women. Is there a danger then that your standards for a relationship go too high. For example, you might meet " Sarah" whos sweet, good looking and fairly decent in bed.

However you've been with women who you've had a better sexual chemistry so you feel you can do better. Are you constantly writing off prospects as you've been with a woman previously who's shown better personality traits, had better looks or didn't have that girls particular annoying traits.

I'm by no means suggesting that you just settle for someone but generally most people have some side to them that is annoying. Thats life. A guy who's banged 50 chicks might say I can do better and next her. A guy who's banged ten chicks might say I can live with that particular trait and actually have a decent time with her.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Thanks guys... That just goes to show that some people are being real and others clearly aren't. Now, to be fair when I sucked I let everyone know it... when I improved I talked of that too, and now when I tell stories it seems like people are saying "BULLSHYT!!"... too bad tho...

Anyway, PRMoon, funny thing about that is my coworker and I had a good conversation on the dynamics of juggling girls successfully... Too bad I couldn't get it's full glory.

Vorbis, It's called male insanity syndrome... the only solution is to learn to figure out what traits are acceptable, what kind of look, attitude, everything... figure out if the (weighted) good vs bad scales line up... if there's too much bad, eventually you'll next her at the next opportunity.

Eventually you hve to decide, ok, she is good enough and she loves me enough... or whatever other conditions are close enough and just settle down. But, not me for at least a little while... see which of these 3 girls has the most potential.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
A oneitis is a good tool for the starting DJ. If they particularly like one girl they won't care that much about the approaches they make, will act indifferent, etc.

Back when I started out I had MAJOR oneitis (reason I came here), and it helped me view pickup as a social experiment - I genuinely didn't care about whether i picked up girls or not lol.