I have been wearing glasses since I was if grade four and I never really thought that it was that big of a problem. People would always say, "Why don't you get contacts?" And I would always reply that I didn't want the hassle of the cleaning solutions, and putting them in and out every day. I just thought it was easier with glasses. Then about six months ago........ I got contacts and I can seriously state that the interest level shown by women in myself has at least doubled. I think there is this stereotype that women associate with guys who wear glasses, like they can be AFC geeks, if you know what I mean, and wearing contacts makes myself look alot more masculine. It turns out that I have really nice eyes and I was covering up one of my best assets with glasses. Getting contacts was one of the best things I could have done to change my image and it has worked wonders.
I still wear glasses, since I can't wear them at work, but when I got my contacts, I also picked up a new pair of cool looking, trendy glasses that fit my face very well. But everytime I go out or have a date, I always put in my contacts. A rule of thumb is that you should get new glasses at least once every two years to make sure that the style of the glasses is still trendy enough. Also, glasses can work for some people, as it can do alot to develop a certain "look", it is even a good idea to get several pairs of glasses to go along with the appropriate occasion, and depending on the shape/look of your face. I prefer the once a month disposible contacts, since I don't wear them every day, I can use them for about two months before I need to change them.
The ethical DJ - gt95ab