If I were you OP I wouldn't listen to any of these guys. And don't listen to me either. Take what I say with a grain of salt. Take what everyone ever tells you about women with a grain of salt. Apply the 80/20 rule to dating seduction whatever you want to call it. That is, spend 80% of your time (the time you spend on dating, pickup, seduction.. not your entire life, like dah) actually talking to girls and trying to get laid and 20% looking up advice, if even that. I like to go online and look for advice ONLY when I feel I need it. Like when I run into an obstacle with a girl or I don't understand what the hell is happening with a girl, etc. Like why isn't she replying all of a sudden? Could she be shXXXt testing me? Do women purposely (or unconsciously) take long to reply to test your confidence? Like maybe they don't want you to be a Mike from Swingers. lol That's my latest question, cause frankly I'm not very good at recognizing a shxxxt test. I don't know what the fuk it looks like. Guess that's my sticky point. Always wanted to meet a girl who gives me a hard time, I hang in there, overcome her shxxxt tests, then we bang. Wow, that could lead to amazing sex! But every time I run into a girl who doesn't SEEM (to me) interested, it take is as "it is" (or is it?) and let it be. What if she was shxxt testing me, tho? What if she wanted me to continue my pursue? How do I know?? And that's the beautify in this little game of ours. There's away something to learn, a new challenge to overcome. Ironically the shxxt builds character. who knew chasing tail could make you a better man lol