Rough synopsis:
I've been seeing a girl for about a month, pretty irregularly as we are both busy. We are "dating." We went on date #1, we both had a great time (good sex multiple times). Date was multiple days long... heh. This was probably an error. She cancelled date #2 twice, at least once totally legitimately, and she said she might have to cancel a third time, but she followed through. Much fun and some sex was had. Date was very long again.
We hung out a few times briefly between date one and two. We got coffee a few days back. Date #2 was two weeks ago. She was pretty sick during one of the weeks. I asked her on date #3 a week and a half ago, but she said she was too busy that week, then got sick later in the week. She invited me for coffee once she was well. She invited me to another thing, but she cancelled at the last second, flew off the handle about how bad her day was, acted disrespectfully, then hung up on me (she apologized later, without prompting).
The problem:
I've been too nice. I cancelled plans twice to accommodate her schedule. Dumb. I know. Aside from flaking multiple times, she has acted disrespectfully on several occasions. I have a lot of fun with her and she hinted at going on date #3, but she did it in an annoying way that pretty much put herself on a pedestal.
My biggest boneheaded move was agreeing to be sexually exclusive, because she was worried about STDs. I wouldn't have minded, except it has been two weeks since our last date. It took some of my power away agreeing to it. Also, I've been fine in actual interactions, but my phone game was kinda off.
The options:
I like her, but I'm considering dumping her for being disrespectful and flaking. This is option one. Option two is revoking the sexual exclusivity, on the grounds that we aren't seeing much of each other. This could prompt her to break up with me, or could restore my power. Option three is simply not contacting her and seeing if she tries to make plans in a week or so and doing better in the future about maintaining my frame.
I have a potential hookup that I will be passing up if I don't change things by the weekend, however (better than 50% chance). I am unwilling to have a hookup during a time when I have said I am sexually exclusive with someone. The ideal situation is to remain dating her in the short-term, though she is probably not long term material.
Waddaya think?
I've been seeing a girl for about a month, pretty irregularly as we are both busy. We are "dating." We went on date #1, we both had a great time (good sex multiple times). Date was multiple days long... heh. This was probably an error. She cancelled date #2 twice, at least once totally legitimately, and she said she might have to cancel a third time, but she followed through. Much fun and some sex was had. Date was very long again.
We hung out a few times briefly between date one and two. We got coffee a few days back. Date #2 was two weeks ago. She was pretty sick during one of the weeks. I asked her on date #3 a week and a half ago, but she said she was too busy that week, then got sick later in the week. She invited me for coffee once she was well. She invited me to another thing, but she cancelled at the last second, flew off the handle about how bad her day was, acted disrespectfully, then hung up on me (she apologized later, without prompting).
The problem:
I've been too nice. I cancelled plans twice to accommodate her schedule. Dumb. I know. Aside from flaking multiple times, she has acted disrespectfully on several occasions. I have a lot of fun with her and she hinted at going on date #3, but she did it in an annoying way that pretty much put herself on a pedestal.
My biggest boneheaded move was agreeing to be sexually exclusive, because she was worried about STDs. I wouldn't have minded, except it has been two weeks since our last date. It took some of my power away agreeing to it. Also, I've been fine in actual interactions, but my phone game was kinda off.
The options:
I like her, but I'm considering dumping her for being disrespectful and flaking. This is option one. Option two is revoking the sexual exclusivity, on the grounds that we aren't seeing much of each other. This could prompt her to break up with me, or could restore my power. Option three is simply not contacting her and seeing if she tries to make plans in a week or so and doing better in the future about maintaining my frame.
I have a potential hookup that I will be passing up if I don't change things by the weekend, however (better than 50% chance). I am unwilling to have a hookup during a time when I have said I am sexually exclusive with someone. The ideal situation is to remain dating her in the short-term, though she is probably not long term material.
Waddaya think?