Everybody has different morals, beliefs, etc. And being that this website is visited by people from around the globe, different opinions and morals are bound to exist.
But I'm not the one who is preaching about morals. I'm just warning people. If your in high school or some young college kid, what I say most likely does not matter because most high school and college aged girls and guys are playing the field and having fun.
I'm refering to those guys who once they are out of college-age land, you enter a new realm.
A realm where if you have sex with some other guys GF, there are going to be consequences.
If you want to have a one night stand and the girl is all over you, go for it. Just watch your back. But if you continue to sleep with some girl who you know has a bf, or you might even know the guy or know enough about him, do you really need the drama?
For every AFC guy, there are non-AFC friends.
Some places, friends have the backs of their friends.
Which means, yeah you snuck behind the bfs back and slept with his girl on numerous occassions. You know about the guy and think he's just some loser AFC who will never do anything.
What you didn't know was that he has a few close friends who probably aren't AFC or DJ or anything like that. They are just guys who you'd rather not mess with, guys who cover their friends back when **** goes down.
I reveal a short story. A friend of mine, his younger brother was the typical AFC kind of guy. Not a bad guy, but too nice when it counted and too nieve when it came to the world.
He was hooked up with some hot babe, courtesy of his brother, and they wind up going out for quite some time. As i said, cool guy and all, just a typical AFC. We all knew she was cheating on him, and the majority of the time we'd try to tell him.
Then one day a few of us went out to some club out of town. Low and behold, we saw the little brothers GF with some other dude. It later was found out he was one of her "friends".
My friend, the little brothers older brother, did not take kindly to this. He approached the girl, guy got all ansy and suddenly a fight persued.
It didnt end there though. See my friend not only beat the hell out of the guy, he followed him later. And even though i really wasn't friends with his little brother, I knew him and i had my friends back.
The gf was all pissed off, but I'm the one who had to save the guy who was sleeping with her. My friend proceded to follow him to his car and was going to beat the living **** out the guy, if not kill him.
I almost had to fight my friend, just so he wouldn't kill the guy.
A couple of the guys friends later showed up and a bigger battle happened, but the dudes friends were just a bunch of pansies.
So i pulled my friend away before the cops would show up and we left. The dude was face first, all bloody on the ground.
Who knows what would have happened if i didnt pry my friend away.
All i'm saying is, if you mess with some girl who you know is in a relationship, and you even know a little about the bf, don't be surprised if one day you wind up seriously injured or dead.
My friend also had a gun in his car, lucky it never came down to that, but who knows what could have happened. Remember, it's his little brother, and this guy don't play any **** when it comes to protecting his family. Even if his brother was an AFC.
As i said, i'd rather avoid the drama, i mean what, there are tons of single girls out there, why persue some girl you know is in a relationship. Your just calling for the wolves.
I made my mistakes over the years, i'm just leaving you with a word of warning.
If you know a girl is in a relationship and has a BF, your whole idea of she never mentions her BF around me is false. Because someway or another, you did find out she has a BF, so she at least mentioned it once.