Girls with a lot of guy friends


Senior Don Juan
Nov 7, 2013
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So I ran into a fairly hot girl. She told me herself that she has lots of guy friends and that guys are easier to make friends with. She would refer to activities she has done like movies and dinner and drinks with said guy friends. I sensed that she was trying to do the same to me. I told her that's not how I roll and she said not one of her guy friends ever did or said that to her.

I'm assuming these guys are just beta orbiters. I have no intention in becoming one of those. In the past I fell into this trap, always thinking I had a chance since we'd do date-like things but not realizing she just saw me as one of those guys. Is this usually a red flag for all girls with lots of guy friends?


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
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From my personal experience I wont mess with this girl seriously. Make your intentions known that you only want to bang her (if thats what you want to do). Then if she doesn't agree then leave her don't fall into that trap again she just wants you as one of her pawns.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
Attention wh0re. Simple as that.

This is why I always tell men to do things on their own terms. The woman should not be making the "rules" for how your relationship will go.

REMEMBER --> Sex first.. relationships later.

This means flirting, lots of touching and bold moves EARLY ON. If she doesn't embrace your behavior and submit her body then she has low interest. End of story.

You don't have to be f*cking her on the first date.. but there should be lots of physical contact and she should have NO PROBLEM WITH THIS. :up:


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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She's got orbiters who she can rely on to do sh!t for her. Just don't become one of them. Like PHM and JMAC said, make it known you have no intention of being her friend.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 7, 2013
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PlayHer Man said:
Attention wh0re. Simple as that.

This is why I always tell men to do things on their own terms. The woman should not be making the "rules" for how your relationship will go.

REMEMBER --> Sex first.. relationships later.

This means flirting, lots of touching and bold moves EARLY ON. If she doesn't embrace your behavior and submit her body then she has low interest. End of story.

You don't have to be f*cking her on the first date.. but there should be lots of physical contact and she should have NO PROBLEM WITH THIS. :up:
Yeah that's what figured. You know....a lot of this comes down to realizing that you should be doing what YOU want. YOU should be setting the rules. To often, AFCs go by what the woman wants, her reactions, her emotions, etc. But what about yourself? Once you realize your self-worth, everything begins to fall in place.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
teddy said:
Yeah that's what figured. You know....a lot of this comes down to realizing that you should be doing what YOU want. YOU should be setting the rules. To often, AFCs go by what the woman wants, her reactions, her emotions, etc. But what about yourself? Once you realize your self-worth, everything begins to fall in place.
Yep its really that simple.

But most men let their desperation and oneitis turn them into pandering faggots. Then women exploit them and run them over.

A friend zoned beta orbiter is a man with no options and no dignity. Never be that man.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 7, 2013
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PlayHer Man said:
Yep its really that simple.

But most men let their desperation and oneitis turn them into pandering faggots. Then women exploit them and run them over.

A friend zoned beta orbiter is a man with no options and no dignity. Never be that man.
This was when I was beginning to awaken. I was like....wait, so you expect me to be just like all those other guys? I realized that her mindset was (subconsciously) that all these guys were there to serve her emotional/lonely needs but then she got to choose who she wanted to be physical with. And for once, I did not submit to it. I walked away. That was the first time I didn't voluntarily put myself into the friend zone.

It was scary realizing I had the power to do that. So scary that I thought I did something wrong at first (by her reaction saying that no guy ever did this to her, etc., almost getting unnaturally angry at me). But that happens when you're not used to valuing yourself properly.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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There are two types of "guy friends" that a woman keeps around...

1) The genuine friend: He is not attracted to her, she is not attracted to him. The friendship has been cemented over a large period of time. They view each others' relationship as if it's a family relationship. In other words, he's like a brother to her, and she will NOT sleep with her brother.

2) The guy waiting for her to fall for him: He does all kinds of 5hit for her, compliments her, and is waiting for her to see that he really is a great guy, and hopes that she will fall madly in love with him over time. When she gets a new BF (who is not him), he will react with jealousy, insecurity, and low self-esteem.

Both of these are hardly worth worrying about. Type 1 doesn't want to fvck her, so he's no threat. Type 2 will weed himself out of her options when he gets pissed off that you're dating her.

Men are naturally territorial when it comes to their women, and you must remember that when jealousy pops up. This natural trait doesn't work well in today's society, so it's best to be aware of it and suppress it hard when it shows up. Also remember that her orbiters are going to be territorial as well, and will do their best to c0ckblock you when/if you meet them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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teddy said:
This was when I was beginning to awaken. I was like....wait, so you expect me to be just like all those other guys? I realized that her mindset was (subconsciously) that all these guys were there to serve her emotional/lonely needs but then she got to choose who she wanted to be physical with. And for once, I did not submit to it. I walked away. That was the first time I didn't voluntarily put myself into the friend zone.

It was scary realizing I had the power to do that. So scary that I thought I did something wrong at first (by her reaction saying that no guy ever did this to her, etc., almost getting unnaturally angry at me). But that happens when you're not used to valuing yourself properly.
:up: You did the right thing man. You never know, if you play your cards right you may be able to bang her. Just play around with the idea of you not been interested. If you can knock her around emotionally enough (which you already are) then I'm sure you'll be able to get some fun out of her. Either way, play around with it now you know it bothers her.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 7, 2013
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adam225 said:
:up: You did the right thing man. You never know, if you play your cards right you may be able to bang her. Just play around with the idea of you not been interested. If you can knock her around emotionally enough (which you already are) then I'm sure you'll be able to get some fun out of her. Either way, play around with it now you know it bothers her.
What shocked me was her reaction. Telling me how there was no problem with any of her guy friends and she seemed so UPSET. I haven't seen her since; I think she's gone icy cold on me. But whatever, I'm just continuing my life. I'm not reaching out to her. Maybe she'll come to me. Maybe not. But I can't revolve my life around that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Hate these types of women and the faggots who orbit her. Avoid like the plague and date a chick who has girlfriends.


Dec 19, 2013
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This reminds me of Fairly Oddparents where there was that girl called Trixie who was the "popular girl" and she had hordes of beta orbiters or so called "guy friends" ready to do her bidding. She's a typical Trixie. An attention wh0re. She likes to live in princess and fairytale land and believes everything revolves around her.

These type of girls, you want to destroy their ego not build it up. It was great what you told her. After this, next her and move on to another girl.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
This is kind of a sticking point with me because I've had a few really great girl friends, but I've also dated girls that a lot of you guys sem to refer to.

This is my synopsis:

There are two type of women that have mainly guy friends: The Cool Chick and the Snake in the Grass.

The first type: The Cool Chick. For whatever reason, she just gets along with guys better, connects with them more, sometimes due to growing up with brothers for instance. I have a long time friend like this. She's not into the typical chick drama or petty gossip and insecure conversations. She's good looking and all woman, but she loves hanging out with the boys. She laughs and shakes her head at the stories she hears, but she also chimes in with usually good advice. She gets it. She's just more comfortable around guys. And when the bill comes, she pays her way, sometimes more because she's financially successful. She has a few girl friends that she's known for a long time, but it's a lot easier for her to make new guy friends then it is girl friends.

The second type, and everyone's favorite: The Snake in the grass. This chick has a lot of guy friends because, to her, a "friend" is something she uses for her benefit. For her, she quickly realized that guys are a lot easier to manipulate than women. Why go to lunch with a woman while pretending to care about her meaningless life and at the end, having to split the bill, when you can go to lunch with a guy and he'll pay for it, at the same time showering her with attention and letting her be the centerpiece of the conversation. Friendship to her is not a mutual give and take, it's a take. Whatever she gives is a small investment on future greater returns. She has no real loyalty to those around her. She will have girlfriends, but those friendships are usually short lived, and usually just for show.

I was in an LTR with a woman like this^^^^. Orbiters for days. I met up with her and her "best friend", who did happen to be a girl. They seemed to get along fine at the time but I thought it was strange that her "best friend" was asking her questions like: "so where did you grow up?".

There may be a little cross over at times between the two. But those are the two types I've had experience with. They're both chicks, and they both do chick $hit, but as a friend, one's looking out for you, while the other's looking out for only herself.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 7, 2013
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Peaks&Valleys said:
This is kind of a sticking point with me because I've had a few really great girl friends, but I've also dated girls that a lot of you guys sem to refer to.

This is my synopsis:

There are two type of women that have mainly guy friends: The Cool Chick and the Snake in the Grass.

The first type: The Cool Chick. For whatever reason, she just gets along with guys better, connects with them more, sometimes due to growing up with brothers for instance. I have a long time friend like this. She's not into the typical chick drama or petty gossip and insecure conversations. She's good looking and all woman, but she loves hanging out with the boys. She laughs and shakes her head at the stories she hears, but she also chimes in with usually good advice. She gets it. She's just more comfortable around guys. And when the bill comes, she pays her way, sometimes more because she's financially successful. She has a few girl friends that she's known for a long time, but it's a lot easier for her to make new guy friends then it is girl friends.

The second type, and everyone's favorite: The Snake in the grass. This chick has a lot of guy friends because, to her, a "friend" is something she uses for her benefit. For her, she quickly realized that guys are a lot easier to manipulate than women. Why go to lunch with a woman while pretending to care about her meaningless life and at the end, having to split the bill, when you can go to lunch with a guy and he'll pay for it, at the same time showering her with attention and letting her be the centerpiece of the conversation. Friendship to her is not a mutual give and take, it's a take. Whatever she gives is a small investment on future greater returns. She has no real loyalty to those around her. She will have girlfriends, but those friendships are usually short lived, and usually just for show.

I was in an LTR with a woman like this^^^^. Orbiters for days. I met up with her and her "best friend", who did happen to be a girl. They seemed to get along fine at the time but I thought it was strange that her "best friend" was asking her questions like: "so where did you grow up?".

There may be a little cross over at times between the two. But those are the two types I've had experience with. They're both chicks, and they both do chick $hit, but as a friend, one's looking out for you, while the other's looking out for only herself.
The first type of chick you mention is interesting. Aren't her friends still kind of orbiters though? And how do you deal with a chick like that?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
teddy said:
The first type of chick you mention is interesting. Aren't her friends still kind of orbiters though? And how do you deal with a chick like that?
Great question.

The answer: she just doesn't become friends with orbiters. She doesn't need or want them. She's married now but back in the day if a guy became interested in her, who she wasn't interested in, then she'd just set him straight, but if he continued trying then she'd be cool about it, usually laugh it off, but if it became too much then she just wouldn't hang out with him anymore. Don't get me wrong, there were a few orbiters now an then that did orbiter things, but in the long run, she just wasn't interested. The guys she is friends with are the guys that can understand this. Sure, some of them would like to take her home every once in a while, but they know that it's not going to happen. If she's interested in someone, she'll let them know. If she's not she doesn't tease or lead them on....or give them any hope either. Boundaries. She's there as a friend, and that's it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Just because they're orbiters of some type doesn't mean she isn't banging them. I would avoid.
She probably aint. If she bangs them she will give up her power.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I've been an orbiter and banged. I can't say whether that is the exception or the rule with certainty though, although I've also experienced exes "cuddling but nothing happened" and other activities with "orbiters".

My guess is if she is insecure enough to need orbiters that she brags about with you and can't maintain female friendships (often b/c she's a skank) then she might as well fvck them. Its 2013 people. Sex isn't sacred anymore.
only for another 11 days..

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
teddy said:
This was when I was beginning to awaken. I was like....wait, so you expect me to be just like all those other guys? I realized that her mindset was (subconsciously) that all these guys were there to serve her emotional/lonely needs but then she got to choose who she wanted to be physical with. And for once, I did not submit to it. I walked away. That was the first time I didn't voluntarily put myself into the friend zone.

It was scary realizing I had the power to do that. So scary that I thought I did something wrong at first (by her reaction saying that no guy ever did this to her, etc., almost getting unnaturally angry at me). But that happens when you're not used to valuing yourself properly.
Another problem with a lot of men is they are white knights --> Afriad to make a woman mad or cause a woman any emotional stress. F*ck that!

Just because a woman is mad, upset, yelling, crying, throwing sh!t or insulting you.. that doesn't mean she is right and you are wrong. It usually means she is a brat or a c*nt. :crackup:

Stick to your own values and morals... don't let women shame you or guilt you into doing things their way.