Girls who say they feel "uncomfortable" when you ask them out


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Drum&Bass said:
DUDE !!!! ARE YOU NUCKING 49 how can you NOT SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE and rediculousness of what you are doing..

If you are serious and this isn't a troll or a joke..then you have MAJOR PROBLEMS BEYOND any help that someone from a seduction web site can offer... YOU NEED TO WORK ON YOURSELF BIGG TIME... BUT DAMN FOOL..YOUR 49 YEARS OLD..WERE YOU IN A COMA FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS.... SERIOUSLY. I think you should NOT WORRY ABOUT DATING WOMEN AND SORT YOUR F-CKING LIFE OUT...or what little life you have left.

I understand the "tough love" approach when giving advice. However, there is no need to go into insults.

He is here and he is asking for direction. Nothing wrong with that.

And he is 49...he still relatively young and he is working.

Plenty of women in their mid to upper 30s and in their 40s too.

Remember, he didn't have the benefit 20 years ago (heck, no even 10 years ago!) of the Internet and Forums like this that are designed to help men self-improve.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Espi said:
I'm able to do it...some people can, and some cannot. You've probably heard of a guy or worked with a guy or know a guy who bangs his co-associates. It's very hush-hush, actually. I didn't go around bragging (I don't like to go out of my way to disrepect someone), and she didn't want to hold hands or have lunch with me at the office...I was able to focus on my job as usual...I have the mindset that when i'm into something, nothing distracts me. Some athletes, for example, handle off-the-field situations like they're nothing. I'm not an athlete, of course, but I do see myself being able to handle such situations, just like how I handle rejection. When I approached that girl, she could have well rejected me...I took the chance, that's all.

I'm actually more comfortable taking chances with women rather than avoiding them.
I see your point. I am a risk taker myself (with life in general) and God knows I've risk my reputation in the past.

But keep one thing in everybody is like you or I. We have certain things that come with us than very few people have. Plus, we have our priorities straight.

Therefore, I have nothing against YOU doing what you are doing. However, I would admit, I disagree with the advice you gave. Here is why...the guy asking for help in this particular thread is NOTHING like you or I. So, the advice must be adjusted to reflect that. If he does what you do...he will sink. If he does, what I'm capable of doing...he will also sink. We can get away with certain things, because we understand woman and what we do, we do it UNDERSTANDING the possible consequences. He doesn't. In fact, most people don't.

Don't you agree?