Originally posted by HeyPretty
I think that if you can't do a job perfect, don't even get your ass off the couch.
Then how do you GET perfect?
I've had some AMAZING BJs but then I've had some fvcking sh!t ones too. Girls need to get their TEETH out of the way... Like, shielding them with her lips. I saw a TV program where girls were practising on an unpeeled banana. If there were teethmarks it's back to the drawing board.
And yea, I've noticed that the chicks who are good at it enjoy doing it more (and swallow) with plenty of encouragement. My ex said it was rude not to swallow

Bet there's a few vitamins in there..
If the girl is shy about doing it to begin with, I like to show them how good
I am at giving them oral pleasures a few times. Then if they don't offer I stop offering. It's a subtle but effective hint