Girls who are into older guys

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Anyone have experience or knowledge about it? I met a girl who apparently is attracted from older guys, she is 18 and she is into guys much older than her from late 20s to 40s.
We met twice till now but I managed to get some infos without asking directly and thats how I got it, she also complained about some other guys who were jealous of her but as usual its hard
to take a girl by her words.

Its probably because after the divorce of her parents she was living with her father till she moved to the campus, I kinda like her in fact she is in a good position among my plates but first Im not that old and second I sincerly dont know what that kind of girl may be looking for.

A daddy who treat her like a kid or a guy to have fun with the opposite of a paternal figure than educate her?

Anyone has anything to say about it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
She'll like whoever is appealing to her at a certain time.

She's an 18 year old telling you that she likes 30-40 year olds. But if she meets some 18 year old dude with game, she'll like him too.

It wouldn't be logical for you to take a woman's words as if it's a rock-solid fact.

And even if she does only like older guys, I don't know that it has anything to do with divorced parents. Some people just like what they like. Would you say that YOUR taste in dating is based around your parent's marriage? Then why assume that someone else's is?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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yeah they change depending on the situation, as already stated, a girl who claims to only be into older guys will date a younger guy if he plays his cards right.

it's said a lot on here but it's worth repeating--never go by what a woman says. go by what she does

my first girlfriend ever, two weeks into knowing each other told me she just wanted to be friends and nothing more. i said ok. a week later she asked if i would be her boyfriend

women are not logical. that's not sexist, that's science. they're biologically wired differently. they say things they don't mean even if they themselves actually believe what they're saying at the time

Young Stallion

Don Juan
Sep 17, 2004
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MisterD said:
yeah they change depending on the situation, as already stated, a girl who claims to only be into older guys will date a younger guy if he plays his cards right.

it's said a lot on here but it's worth repeating--never go by what a woman says. go by what she does

my first girlfriend ever, two weeks into knowing each other told me she just wanted to be friends and nothing more. i said ok. a week later she asked if i would be her boyfriend
Exactly, a girl often does change her mind on such matters.

I for one was told by a girl in University that she did not want to kiss me and thought of me as a friend during the morning on campus. Apparently I looked like I wanted to kiss her.

Late that afternoon she instant messaged me asking if we could meet up and talk. I f*cked her before the night was over.


Girls are into older guys simply because 9 x out of 10, an older guy will offer more.

Older guys tend to be more mature, tend to be in a better position financially and generally have more sex experience.

It's a win-win situation for a younger girl to date a guy who is older providing he has a lot to offer.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Can't believe no one has said "daddy issues" yet. She is willing to DOUBLE UP(40s)! I have a friend who is like this and she admits its daddy issues.
So if its the case, what is the point? she is looking for an other daddy figure?


Oct 20, 2006
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Dating a much younger woman can be an amazing experience. You have to take them with a grain of salt, know that it's largely "out of sight, out of mind", hold on loosely, and know that they are fickle and their feelings come and go with the wind. The only way to really control her is to make her have an orgasm regularly. At least once a month. For women 18-22 Doc Love basically says that no amount of game can guarantee you'll hold them. They say they always come back later though and want to get married.


Don Juan
May 4, 2012
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Sure I'm dating a girl who's a lot younger than me and she's like addicted to me. Turns out her father was never around. She said she likes my maturity over less mature guys. Not sure if her father issues have anything to do with her liking me, but who knows? Maybe they do. So many thanks to this girl's father while I'm at it, cause she's just amazing in bed:)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Iceberg said:
She's an 18 year old telling you that she likes 30-40 year olds. But if she meets some 18 year old dude with game, she'll like him too.
I agree with this. Don't count yourself out just because she says she likes a certain other type. If the right guy comes along (in this case, you) and can create attraction with her, she'll forget all about her preferences. This can work the other way, too. There are girls who swear they wouldn't be with an older man, but if the right one comes along, all bets are off.

This thread kind of amuses me, since I recall a few posts recently where there were a few guys claiming that the whole idea of older men attracting younger women was a myth. Believe me, it's not.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2011
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Girls who are into much older guys (as in 10+ years older) have SEVERE mental issues. What's strange is that alot of these women (and I use that term very loosely since they're basically kids) are incredibly immature with stunted emotional development. Initially they start going out with guys their age, have 1 or 2 bad experiences with the jock/frat boy type, and immediately run into the arms of a creepy old man.

These girls are just as immature as the frat guys they've dated, but what they really want is to be "kept" and nurtured by mr grey beard and his money while continuing to run amok well into their 40's.


Oct 20, 2006
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Any man in his 40's would date a woman in her 20's if he could. If he could.


New Member
May 10, 2012
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Only downside for the woman , is that older guys have a biological clock too. Older men tend to give lower IQ to their children then a young guy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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bigneil said:
Any man in his 40's would date a woman in her 20's if he could. If he could.
You've done it. You're probably still doing it. I've done it (in my 40s). I don't recall there being anything particularly difficult or unusual about it, either. If you can form a connection with a woman, age doesn't matter. As long as that connection is there.

As for these younger fellows who seem to have a problem with it, I'd love to check back with them in 20 years when they get older. By that time, they will either have:

1) Changed their mind, or
2) Still be so hung up on age that they will not be able to pull any younger women


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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zekko said:
As for these younger fellows who seem to have a problem with it, I'd love to check back with them in 20 years when they get older. By that time, they will either have:

1) Changed their mind, or
2) Still be so hung up on age that they will not be able to pull any younger women
^^^^^Bingo!!!^^^^^Oddly enough... I have more pulling power at my current age than I did when I was in my twenties. I attribute it to being like a fine wine... Let me explain. At my age, I attract younger women and Older women... Works for me as I get to pull from a larger pool. I recall being in my twenties, I would have never found way older women attractive. Now I do!! I had a 60 year old woman at work hitting on me...and I must confess... She looks damn good for her age...

I digress..... If you got your $hit together when you are older, women love that maturity....they love that "daddy" figure...they love the qualities you have that say, "Look at me...I do not care If you go home with me or not..because they are 10 just like you kitten that will.." I think an older man that is squared away presents a huge challenge to most women regardless of their age.
Older women try and hold onto their looks/ pulling power, but WE AS SMART MEN know... they are passed their shelf life!!!

I have kept in shape and strive to keep doing it... May I suggest you do the same!


Oct 20, 2006
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It's essential for men NEVER to rule themselves out because of the age difference. Let the woman do that. Some girls will think that a guy 6 months older is a dirty old man. Other girls have no problem with 25+ years (though it gets weird at some point).

As you get older, you will find that greater age differences just somehow work. There are HUNDREDS of tests a woman puts a man through before falling for him, so if you pass all those tests, who cares about age difference? It's ultimately pass/fail.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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Some may have daddy issues. Some may just be confident in themselves and know what they want. Though I'm not the type to rescue some chick with daddy issues or someone who's 'learned from many past experiences' with guys her age and decides I'm the older 'mature' man for her. If I saw those signs I'm not wasting my time with either chick.

Most chicks think I'm either lying or at least never guess anywhere near my real age of (going on 43). They think I'm lower to mid thirties or think I'm married, ask why don't I have a girlfriend, etc. Even dudes think I'm like 27. I guess I don't act like a guy who is 43 is supposed to 'act' in their minds. Hell none of my friends or brothers 'act their age' either.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I think it's a mistake to assume that a young woman is damaged just because she likes an older guy. To me, it's a very natural thing. You meet someone, you like someone, you get together. Maybe someone's a little older. Who cares?

My girlfriend is 15 years younger than I am, and she has no daddy issues that I'm aware of. In fact, she's probably the most level headed woman I've ever met.

I think for the most part, you guys are making too big of a deal out of this.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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zekko said:
I think it's a mistake to assume that a young woman is damaged just because she likes an older guy. To me, it's a very natural thing. You meet someone, you like someone, you get together. Maybe someone's a little older. Who cares?

My girlfriend is 15 years younger than I am, and she has no daddy issues that I'm aware of. In fact, she's probably the most level headed woman I've ever met.

I think for the most part, you guys are making too big of a deal out of this.
Not making a big deal out of it.

I just like to look at the realistic aspect of things and not delude myself into what I'd like them to be.

If a chick is younger, level headed and normal (rare these days) then fine.

Even if the chick is normal and level headed she may in the near future be expecting or having seeds of doubt placed in her head by friends that her older man/lover will soon possibly be looking like Mr. Burns and in any chicks mind that isn't so "Eeeeexcellent".

All you can do is be the best person you can be and stive to better yourself, dress well (in not too over the top 'trendy' fashion looking like a older man trying to be a hip younger dude) and work out regularly.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Naughty Ninja said:
Even if the chick is normal and level headed she may in the near future be expecting or having seeds of doubt placed in her head by friends that her older man/lover will soon possibly be looking like Mr. Burns and in any chicks mind that isn't so "Eeeeexcellent".
Well, that may happen yet, lol. If that happens, you know what they say, charge it to the game.
Thing is though, remember men age better than women.
By the time I'm 65, my girlfriend will be 50, and that's no spring chicken either.