Girls that have doesn't matter....Part I


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
What is a relationship? A relationship is a period of time that two people spend together. It is a mutual verbal agreement, like a pact, that two people make that they will be committed to each other. It is not bound by law or written in stone, and one, or the other, or both, can end it anytime or for whatever reason they choose.

That is why this whole argument about guys going after girls that have boyfriends is ridiculous. Is it right? Not from an ethical point probably, but there is no law or anything that says you can't. I've seen how girls treat relationships first hand, from seeing what they did to friends of mine, girls I meet, hooked up with, made out with, and I can tell you that they have no regard for relationships whatsoever. They fall in love, and a week later they lose interest in the guy, saying "he is not what I thought" "wasn't the guy for me" and they move on to the next. If some other guy was there showing them attention they would take it and have mutual interest.

An ambitous man goes out and gets what he wants. If he sees a girl he likes, and doesn't like the ones available to him, he will show interest and maybe pursue a taken girl to see what signs or mutual interest she gives him. A lot of guys on here seem to be upset about that. That is how it is in the real world, getting what you want, and nothing is gonna stop that. It all boils down to the woman. Read that again. It is the WOMAN who chooses what to do in this situation. Beautiful girls (even average ones) have guys hitting on them and pursuing them all the time. Guys want a piece of that regardless if she has a boyfriend or not. Nothing is gonna stop them. It is up to the WOMAN to decide if she wants their advances or not. If she loves her boyfriend and is happy with him, no guy in the world can sweep her off her feet and take her away from her man. On the other hand, if she gets bored or is looking for someting better, then yes, she will test the waters and look for a better catch. I know a lot of hot girls who have boyfriends, because hot girls are the ones usually taken first. The left overs and homily pickings are the ones that remain usually with guys that show no interest at all. Those hot girls showed an interest in me, I was the better catch, and was I going to just say no because she is taken? Hell no, if she wants me she will do anything she can to be with me. I wasn't stealing her away, she was coming to me, and yes guys do that, but like I said, it is the WOMAN'S choice to take the offer or not. It all stays with her. Do I go out and pursue taken women? of course not, but if she shows an interest, I'm not going to pass it up, because somewhere in her mind there is a flaw with her man, and she is looking for something better. So If I don't take the opportunity that is presented before me with her, some other guy is going to come along and nail her instead. She will want to be banged by someone, it might as well be me. Doesn't matter if she is taken or not, it is HER choice what actions she chooses.

Women want what they can't have. No matter how much they say they are into you, and how well you treat them, there is always some other guy that has better looks, more money, better personality, and the same girl that tells you how much they love/like you, and thinks how great you are, will leave you for that other guy, just because they think they can gain something better.

This is so true, and I've seen this time and time again. I've gone out to the clubs, to the bars, wherever, and I (and seen other guys) talk to some girls and they casually will mention after the convo gets going for a while that they have a boyfriend. Do I care about that? No. Would other guys? maybe yes and some no. She doesn't care about her boyfriend, otherwise she wouldn't be talking to me and showing that much interest. It is a test to see how I (and they) react to that. She is giving her signs to go ahead and it is YOUR choice to follow through or not. I'm not chasing her, and stealing her, she is coming to me, and wants ME to follow through. I've seen guys make out with girls who had boyfriends, I've made out with them and taken them home. Because in her mind, me, or the other guys she was talking to, making out with, going home with, is better than her boyfriend. She sees better qualities, something she wants and can't have. Feels that she can gain something better. So she chooses me, or the other guys over her boyfriend, even though she will say how much she loves/likes that guy. Doesn't matter, she found something that was better in her mind.

For Example, my friend Derek had a great girl named Lindsey, or so he thought. She was beautiful, funny, great personality, and everything a guy could want in a girl, or so they say. He was a great boyfriend, did everything right, wasn't AFC or anything like that. She was happy and he was happy. Said how much she liked him and all that stuff. Had the myspace and facebook pictures of the two of them, trips, parties, outings, love quotes, you name it, it was there. Somewhere along the line, some guy named Tony started talking to her on myspace or facebook, doesn't really matter which one, but he did. The convos got more and more and she was taking an interest in this guy. They hung out behind Derek's back and she added him as a friend. Derek got mad and asked who this guy was. She said it was a friend (the classic line they use) she hung out with him again and I guess they hooked up. After her feelings for this guy Tony developed, Lindsey left Derek for Tony. Tony was better looking, had a nice car, had more status, and made more money than Derek. She left Derek because Tony was something she wanted and couldn't have because she was with Derek and this guy was playing hard to get. He had better qualities, looks, money, status. So no matter how much Lindsey said she liked Derek, she left him for something she felt she could gain with Tony who she felt had better qualities. This happens all the time with women and relationships.

Originally Posted by MusicMan450

If you KNOW a girl has a boyfriend, why would you even go for her?

Because people want what they can't have. If a guy sees a girl he wants he will go out and get her regardless of whether she is single or not. Does that make it right? That is your call on that. It is up to the girl to decide if she welcomes that guys advances or not. If she loves her boyfriend she won't, but if she has reservations and thinks this other guy is a better catch, she will. This is nothing new. This has been happening since the beginning of time and will go on until the end. Men chasing other women, and women chasing other men. It's the game you play in relationships and sometmes you get burned. Same way with women, they will fight and claw, tooth and nail, to get with a guy, and they don't care what they do to get him. Happened with me several times, and it is awesome I think, to see women fighting with each other trying to accomplish that feat. Women will seduce men to get with him to leave another it goes both ways in the game of love and relationships.

It's having respect for a fellow man.

haha gotta love this one...respect for the fellow man. What are we in colonial times?

This is for the guys who are uptight about this subject.

For example, if some guy was banging your girlfriend do you think he is going to respect you? Hell no, he couldn't care less about you. Is he going to feel emasculated and feel like a p**** for doing that? No way man, he already got in hers and I bet he would feel that you're emasculated because he's the one banging her and you're not. While he's doing that, you're sitting at home crying with your d*** in your hand. Not to sound so harsh, but that is exactly what that guy will think of you if you have that kind of thinking. It is absolutely true. It happens time and time again. So don't think or be that way.

Two weeks ago, I had a girl come over to my place and I found out that she had a boyfriend. Did I care? no, not really. It was her choice and she chose me over him. And I can tell you one thing...I wasn't thinking about respecting my fellow man, and she wasn't thinking of her boyfriend while she was riding me on my couch.


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Good post.

My first relationship involved me "taking" the girl from her prior boyfriend. For the exact reasons you've listed. I just had better value, higher status; you can't let the boyfriend line get in the way. Just avoid the topic all together or ignore it if it comes up.

"You know I have a boyfriend.."
"that's nice. <continue>"


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Ok OP so what's your point. If a guy does not want to go after a taken women out of respect for the other dude then that's his personal decision.

Perhaps he thinks dealing with a jealous boyfriend threatening to shoot him is not worth some cheating sl*ts p00n.

Maybe, just maybe, he's perfectly capable of attracting unattached women.

And so what if Lindsay left Derek for someone better. Thank God he didn't get tricked into marrying that shallow wh0re. Don't worry, when someone better than Tony comes along she'll dump his a*s just as quick. Tell your buddy he dodged a bullet.

I would instead suggest guys just stop acting so godd*mn obsessed with trying to get laid at any cost, but that's probably too much to ask for. So never mind.....


The "I have a boyfriend" is subtle manipulation on her part. It is used to absolve her of any responsibility for the affair. Now if anyone negatively affected finds out (i.e. jealous boyfriend) she can put all the blame on you for "seducing her" or "I told him I was with you but he got me drunk and took advantage of me" Her boyfriend will now be gunning for YOU for "stealing his girl." Like I said, its your decision to make, but play with fire enough times and eventually you will get burned.
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Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
sstype said:
Ok OP so what's your point.

You mean you still don't know? You read my entire thread didn't you? After everything I wote....And you still don't know.... I eloquently stated the obvious facts here. I was so clear in it too. I will say it again for those who don't understand the point. The point is...if a girl has second thoughts about her boyfriend, losing interest etc. another guy that comes along that shows an interest in her, and she thinks this new guy is a better catch, she will go with the new guy. If she loves the boyfriend, she won't leave him. Guys hit on girls all the time REGARDLESS if they are single or taken. That DOESN'T matter. They will do that. If she wants to bang some other guy while she is in a relationship SHE WILL regardless if she is in a relationship. That is why most relationships I think are a joke. Men see that and seize their opportunity. Yes it sucks, but thats how it is. So guys knowing that will test her to see if she will bite and if she does they can reel her in like a big fish, a great catch. Hopefully now my point is fully crystal clear.

If a guy does not want to go after a taken women out of respect for the other dude then that's his personal decision.

That is their choice to do or not to do. A lot of men dont, but a lot do . If you had a hot girlfriend, do you think guys on the street or wherever she goes when you're not around won't smile and hit on her and chat her up? Of course they will. They would be on her like flies on a turd. Then it is HER choice to say "sorry I have a bf" and walk away. If she takes interest in one of them and thinks that one of them are better than YOU then she might leave you or hook up with the guy she thinks is a better catch.

And what is this respect crap? People don't really respect anybody these days. That is a joke and total myth. And I'm still surprised guys and you still still think this way after everything I wrote. Let's that hot girlfriend of yours took that guy up on his offer to go back to his place (or maybe your place when you were gone and they got in your bed) and had sex all afternoon. Do you think that guy is going to give s*** about respect? Is he respecting you by banging your girlfriend in your bed? Hell no, he is enjoying every minute of it laughing while he used your bed and girlfriend. Do you still want to respect him? After all that he is done. I've seen this happen to guys before, my friends, co workers, teammates, other people I talk to. So why on earth would you give a damn about respect?

Let's say you were at a bar, and this hottie comes up to you and after you get to know her a little, she's all over you, making out etc. She says she has a boyfriend who is out of town but she wants you. You're not stealing her, she is coming to you, and she tells you to come back to her place. What are you going to do? Tell her no? Are you going to say "I'm sorry Miss Hottie, I have too much respect for my fellow man." Then instead of getting laid you're sitting at home with your d*** in your hand respecting your fellow man. Not trying to make fun of you, or insult you, but thats how it is in real life man. That is how some women are and if she is hot you can bet your a$$ that she will be getting attention from other men.

Perhaps he thinks dealing with a jealous boyfriend threatening to shoot him is not worth some cheating sl*ts p00n.

What's with all this violence and shooting stuff? Women leave men everyday for other men. It's been happening since the beginning of time. a lot of women cheat on their boyfriend and they don't even know about it. If she is willing to give it up, guys will take it regardless if she is single or not. Is that right? No its not, but thats how it is sometimes my friend.

Maybe, just maybe, he's perfectly capable of attracting unattached women.

Of course, but do you think a guy or a good looking guy is going to pass up a free lay or a chance to be with a 9 or a 10 if he can get her instead of another girl who doesn't look as good? Again, people want what they can't have.

And so what if Lindsay left Derek for someone better.

You're the one getting upset about the whole respect thing. You mean you don't care that Tony took Lindsey from Derek? What happened to respect? Just like a lot of women do, they leave there men for someone they deem better. Tony showed interest and got Lindsey, regardless whether she liked and was with Derek. In her mind, Tony was the better man.

Thank God he didn't get tricked into marrying that shallow wh0re. Don't worry, when someone better than Tony comes along she'll dump his a*s just as quick. Tell your buddy he dodged a bullet.

I agree with you 100%. It hit Derek hard too, never saw it coming, neither did I. She was so happy and it seemed like a great thing they had. Which validates entirely what I was saying, no matter how much she was into Derek and what she told him, she left him for a guy who she thought had better qualities. She wanted something she couldn't have. I bet she will when she finds a better looking, more rich guy than Tony and he will suffer the same fate as Derek did.

I would instead suggest guys just stop acting so godd*mn obsessed with trying to get laid at any cost, but that's probably too much to ask for. So never mind.....

Thats true to a point, but again, people will go out and get what they want no matter what the cost. People just have to wake up and realize whats going on out there. Thats why you hopefully can find a good woman, spin lots of plates, and find a woman thats loyal to YOU and won't accept the advances of another guy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Dude you don't need my seal of approval if you want to go after taken chicks. You're a grown a*s man (I hope) so do whatever you want.

All I stated was its a personal decision. Just because I don't want to sleep with my best friend's or brother's wife/girlfriend doesn't make me naive or a fool for passing up on a "free lay." Even if she offered herself to me I would still turn it down.

And just because you don't believe in respect anymore doesn't mean some jealous boyfriend isn't going to hold back from teaching it to you. Actions have consequences. Trying to justify it here isn't going to make them go away.

"A woman will cheat if someone better comes along"

Did you need to hammer out a 3 page essay to state something this obvious?


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
runner83 said:
Fact is, girls are always available, regardless of whether she has a boyfriend or is even married, given the right circumstances.

A devoted married woman will get her brains banged out by another dude if the attraction is great enough.


However, I don't advocate actually going after them (taken chicks) with anything more than minimal effort, since that is poor time management and you could invest your time better on single chicks.

But occasions may come up where she leaves you in no doubt that she is interested.

How to tell?

Arrange to meet up alone and physically escalate. If she is into it, she will go along with it.

Any other actions are the sign of a ball-less pvssified orbiter.
'Nuff said.

Obviously, if I knew the guy and liked him, I wouldn't do it (bros before hoes) but anyone else is fair game if she is into me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
I'm still surprised guys and you still still think this way after everything I wrote.
I loled at this , not because of the typo either

I don't hit on taken women mainly because no one taken woman is EVER going to be worth my time , why should I make her feel like such a prize ? she gets a bf and me chasing after her ? hell no I can find a better single woman with less drama .

Example: there is a girl at my work that has to bring a taser every day because her ex bf try's to beat her a$$ when she comes out of work , my luck id end up with the girl that guys dating , Im better than that , Im a eagle , not a vulture , I hunt my own prey

to me its not so much respect for some douche , its my own pride and self respect do i have to get sloppy seconds from some loser that cant keep his woman? I don't want a girl that such a sad man could get

P.S you don't need to feel obligated to reply to each of my paragraphs individually


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
It would be interesting to see you were still preaching the same views if your girlfriend left you for a 'better' man.
If you accept the game in all it's glory, you must also accept that you will be out gamed by someone at some point.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
That is why this whole argument about guys going after girls that have boyfriends is ridiculous. Is it right? Not from an ethical point probably, but there is no law or anything that says you can't.
I agree with your post and the argument but the main reason on this site we advocate to tell guys not the go after a taken woman is for two main reasons

First: They usually invest way too much time trying to hook up (usually doesn't happen unless the girl wants to) and develop one-itis.

Second: Once they are involved with the girl (helping the girl cheat before she finally breaks it off with the bf), they get into a LTR with her and come back in the forums to ask why they got cheated on.


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
If these guys spent this much energy on single girls, no one would even be here in these forums. They would have girlfriends of their own. Going for, pursuing, lusting, or attempting to steal another guy's girlfriend is a complete waste of time. All you have to do is tell her "it's not time yet, just not the right time", and if she has fallen in love with you, she will dump her man and come be with you. Then, she will do the same to you.

You guys should focus on AVAILABLE women. Not one's who are in love with other men. You may have a lot more success that way.

This thread is one of the most useless ones I have read so far. FOCUS ON AVAILABLE WOMEN. Don't listen to this guy.

Speaking from experience here, there are men out there that don't take too kindly to people like Mr. Gantry, they will kill you if you go near their girfriends. Some will ruin your life. Not everything is as simple as it seems. There are very insecure, crazy, and downright hardcore mother fuvkers out there that will make your life hell.

And no, just because you work out, can fight, or a big guy, doesn't mean you can take care of yourself. It will happen without you even being aware of it. No puvsy is worth your life or getting a baseball bat to the head. Lot's of men out there that will protect their relationships, whether the woman loves them or not. Go out there and find your own woman. Find one that is physically and emotionally not in a COMMITTED relationship. Peace.


New Member
Apr 11, 2011
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Some quotes i like...

Boy: You're kinda cute
Girl: I have a boyfriend already
Boy: I have a fish
Girl: what?
Boy: oh, i thought we were talking about things that don't matter.

If a girl is single, you have the whole world to compete against. If she's in a relationship, you only have one.... (if no one else has a similar mindset as you)

Falcon does post some truth btw. From what i've seen in movies..... BAD STUFF CAN HAPPEN IF YOU STEAL A MAFIA LORD'S GIRL.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
The simplest thing to remember is the Tiger Woods scandal.

Did any of those girls say "Oh you're married Tiger! I have too much respect for your wife to bang you. Sorry Tiger?" Nope, they did not say this.

Did the media bash the girls for not having respect for Tiger's wife? Nope, no bashing.

All the media did was bash Tiger because he was the married one.

If you meet a girl in a relationship who wants to have sex with you, that's her problem, not yours. You are the single unattached person who should have no regrets, just like the women didn't care about Tiger's wife and turn him down.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
If your being outgamed by someone when you're in a committed relationship (in other words your girlfriend is cheating on you) then you're meeting the wrong women.
Any girl will cheat if you're a better catch than her current boyfriend. Even if its just a kiss... law of attraction overrules all morals.

Don't be fooled by the women who say "I'd never cheat"


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Falcon25, You had some good posts before, but you are way off on this one. I think you need to take that reading comprehension class like some of the others. Summer School starts up in a few weeks, you
should sign up and register for it. I would also suggest a class on understanding women and what they want 101 as well. What falcon says about this, has to be some of the most illogical and worst advice and thinking that I ever read in my life. Did you even read what I wrote or even understand it? Where in this thread am I advocating stealing another girls boyfriend or even spending anytime on doing that? You didn't read it very well. Or you just refuse to face and accept the facts. I am NOT advocating that... I used myself in the examples, but not for stealing another man's girl. This is about how a lot of men go about doing that. Yes, some men will do that Falcon, if you understand anything about most men going after hot, beautiful, sexy women. They DON'T CARE if she is single or taken. They will pursue her if they so choose too. If the woman feels the other guy is better she will leave him for the other guy. That is a fact and happens everyday and you should know that. You should read my thread again because I NEVER said that I go after to pursue a taken woman, I said a lot of OTHER men do. If the woman finds the other guy better she WILL leave him. If the taken girl wants to hook up with me, I will do that If I choose to, and so will most other men. That is a fact and NOT useless. Most guys should know this and incorporate this into their thinking about women. Again, read my thread another time.

Falcon25 said:
If these guys spent this much energy on single girls, no one would even be here in these forums. They would have girlfriends of their own. Going for, pursuing, lusting, or attempting to steal another guy's girlfriend is a complete waste of time. All you have to do is tell her "it's not time yet, just not the right time", and if she has fallen in love with you, she will dump her man and come be with you. Then, she will do the same to you.

Falcon reads something and doesn't fully comprehend or doesn't want to accept it. Let me explain....Yes, some men will go after your girlfriend if you had one. And if she actually was hot, when you're not around, they would be hitting on her and probably want to sleep with her, maybe even at your place when you're not around. This is true. That is a fact. Happens everyday. If your girl loves you and thinks you are a superior man, she will reject their advances, and stay with you. It is HER choice. And if you're as insecure as I can tell from some your writings on here, she will feel you're a weak, insecure, jealous man, and leave you for another guy who is strong and secure with himself. Some men will go to great lengths to take another woman from a man. That is what I said, and that is very true, happens everyday, probably is happening somewhere right now. If falcon read and understood my thread he would know that I don't do that. In fact, I wrote that in my thread. It was as clear as a sunny day. He should read it again. I don't waste my time doing that, but some men do, just like I stated that some men don't care if she is taken, and they really don't, they will go after her, but like I stated I DON'T do that because it is a waste of my time. To answer falcon on his severe misunderstandings here.......

I'm not spending any energy at all on taken women. The women are coming to me at a bar, a club, a pub, wherever, and want to hook up with ME. She mentions a boyfriend, hell some don't even tell me until later, and some after the fact. I say who cares.....Doesn't matter to me. I'm spending the same minimal effort as I would a single girl on any given night. I'm not pursuing her, she is coming to me, asking me to bang her. And I will oblige if I so choose. Yes, I have turned some "taken" girls down, but if I decide to hook up with a "taken" girl, there is no law that says I can't. Nothing wrong with it because SHE DOESN'T care. Happens every night somewhere in the world. I'm not lusting for her, she is lusting for me, she wants to sleep with me. She has already forgotten about her boyfriend for the night. I'm not attempting to steal her. We are hooking up for the night. I don't want a relationship with her. We are having sex falcon. And after we are done, she will be happy and satisfied, and go back to the boyfriend, and then the next weekend or whatever, she might even go out and bang another guy. We are not falling in love, she has no respect for her boyfriend or relationship. It is a why should I respect it? Just like I said most relationships are these days, some women have no regard for relationships whatsoever. If you understand women and how they operate, you would know that. If they are attracted to you, and want you, they will try to get you no matter what their relationship "status" is.

You guys should focus on AVAILABLE women. Not one's who are in love with other men. You may have a lot more success that way.

Again, Falcon apparently doesn't understand anything about women and how they view their man. Let me explain to him and the rest of you guys on this subject.... If I'm at a bar, a club, a pub, or wherever I am at. And a girl comes up to me and starts talking to me, and then starts hitting on me, and things starts to escalate. She might of mentioned the boyfriend. Do I care about him?, not one bit. Why should I? She obviously doesn't care about him does she? She does not respect him or their relationship because she is trying to get with me. So why in the world should I respect some guy that I don't even know, and a guy who doesn't even know that I exist, and especially, when his girlfriend has absolutely no respect for him. Their relationship is a joke, and just because they have "in a relationship" title that means nothing, because that is exactly how she views it. She could dump the guy the next day so what good is that relationship? Like I said, she probably will be banging some guy behind her boyfriend's back, so it might as well be me. Now to answer falcon and this ridiculous thinking.....

She is AVAILABLE, she wants to go home to my place, her place, her boyfriends place, with me and have sex with me. I put in the same minimal effort with her that I would with any girl at that bar. So what if she is single or not? She wants to get laid by me. She in NOT in love with another man falcon, otherwise she wouldn't want to go home with me or back to her place for the night. Does that sound to you like a woman who is in love with her man? Her boyfriend means nothing to her. So with her thinking that, I go ahead and bang her and sleep with her with no regrets or a care in the world. I was the better man, she found something in me that is better than her boyfriend, something she wants, something she wants to have. I am the prize and it does feel good to be chosen over another man, I'm not going to lie about that. I'm not stealing her, she is coming to me, she wants me, i'm putting no effort into it at all, we are hooking up for the night. Just like a single girl would at the bar. Who cares if she has the relationship title, she obviously doesn't care, so why should I? Yes, falcon, I've had good success, and to me, it doesn't matter about a title. Hopefully you understand that now.

This thread is one of the most useless ones I have read so far. FOCUS ON AVAILABLE WOMEN. Don't listen to this guy.

It is only useless for the guys like you that can't go out and have women want you regardless if they are single or not. If you did, and had that happen to you before, you certainly wouldn't be thinking or talking this way. So. you adapt yourself to this type of delusional attitude and insecure thinking and go around preaching this bogus nonsense hoping to get others to follow suit. How is it useless? It all true facts about men and what they do, and how women view men, and choose who they want. Nothing useless about it at all. Most real men would agree with me on this, and a lot of men on here do. It's the guys that are insecure, jealous, the guys can't land a hot beautiful girl for the night that already has a boyfriend because the woman finds him so irresistible, those are the guys who are frustrated with themselves that find this knowledge useless, and I really do feel sorry for them.

She IS AVAILABLE. She is making herself AVAILABLE to me whether she is single or not. Guys that are successful with woman know that, and they know if a girl has no respect for their boyfriend they will sleep with you. Read this guys...WOMEN MAKE THEMSELVES AVAILABLE TO YOU NO MATTER IF THEY ARE SINGLE OR IN A RELATIONSHIP. That is a fact. And what falcon here refuses to realize or understand that sometimes it takes almost no effort at all to sleep with a "taken" girl if she wants you. You can listen to an insecure man if you want, that is your choice, but after reading all his illgoical claims, and after reading mine, you can decide for yourself, but falcon is wrong. He has no idea what he is talking about, and I can tell has zero experience with this matter regarding "taken" women, how women view their man, women in general, what they want, what they are looking for, and the woman's mind.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Falcon25 said:
Speaking from experience here, there are men out there that don't take too kindly to people like Mr. Gantry, they will kill you if you go near their girfriends. Some will ruin your life. Not everything is as simple as it seems. There are very insecure, crazy, and downright hardcore mother fuvkers out there that will make your life hell.

Here we go again...More of this scared talk, a guy spouting off threats and outcomes and scenarios that may never be. Words from a very insecure and jealous man. Is that what you do falcon? Go after other men that goes near or takes your girlfriend? You sound very bitter and angry. Might of happened to you and that is why you say this and think this way. Yes, that could happen to the guys who pursue and lust after woman as you say. But then again, it may not. But I don't do that. We are having sex, a one night stand, and that is all. I never will see that girl again, she will bang another man, and the boyfriend who she doesn't respect, doesn't even know I exist, and she will keep it that way. Most women that cheat find their man weak, and most won't do anything about it, so they do it time and time again.

Let's say a woman dumps her man, a few weeks later she finds another man, she was never cheating, they start dating, the jealous insecure man probably would get angry and go after the other guy. So, you can apply this to the same scenario.

And no, just because you work out, can fight, or a big guy, doesn't mean you can take care of yourself. It will happen without you even being aware of it. No puvsy is worth your life or getting a baseball bat to the head. Lot's of men out there that will protect their relationships, whether the woman loves them or not. Go out there and find your own woman. Find one that is physically and emotionally not in a COMMITTED relationship. Peace.

She is not committed, and really emotionally isn't, if she is cheating and most likely will dump the guy in the first place, then again, maybe she won't, but the guy is better off without her anyway. Yes, I hook up with single women, and "taken" women if those offer. Those are women who are ALL available to me. There is no difference to me, if she so happens to mention a boyfriend. That is a title that she has no regard for. I'm not chasing or pursuing them. I'm not putting in any extra effort. They come to me. Yes, I turn down taken women, but if there is one that I like and she want me to bang her, I will oblige and do so, with no regrets or a care in the world. She has zero respect for her man and neither do I. I respect men who have a solid relationship, a relationship that is built on love and trust, one who has a women that actually loves him. Those are the guys you should have respect for, because they know what they are doing and they have a real special girl. On the otherhand, a "relationship" that is built on lies, cheating, deceit, no respect, are relatonships that are a joke and should be treated as such. The girl has no regard for it and neither should I. That's why I said most relationships mean nothing, its a verbal agreement that can be broken at anytime and that is a fact. A man should earn your respect, not just respecting someone for the hell of it. Those are the weak and insecure men that women cheat on. I've seen that time and time again. So if a woman makes herself availabe to you....whether or not she is single or taken, you have the choice to sleep with her or not, and like I said, there is nothing wrong with that just because of a title that means nothing to her. P**** is p**** whether it is single or "taken" because more times than not, more than one guy will always be in it.



Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
badboyjmm said:
I agree with your post and the argument but the main reason on this site we advocate to tell guys not the go after a taken woman is for two main reasons

First: They usually invest way too much time trying to hook up (usually doesn't happen unless the girl wants to) and develop one-itis.

Second: Once they are involved with the girl (helping the girl cheat before she finally breaks it off with the bf), they get into a LTR with her and come back in the forums to ask why they got cheated on.
I Agree with you, but my point was for what most men are doing out there. A lot of guys are naive on it. Like I said, I dont invest anymore time with a taken girl than a single girl. If she wants to hook up that is fine with me and will with no regrests. I'm not getting in an LTR but some guys do and thats where the problems start. Thanks for you post on here and glad you agree with me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Cherokee said:
Any girl will cheat if you're a better catch than her current boyfriend. Even if its just a kiss... law of attraction overrules all morals.

Don't be fooled by the women who say "I'd never cheat"

On a similar vein,:

Women will rationalise anything if the attraction is great enough.

Falcon25 normally has some good advice, and I can see where he is coming from, giving some of the recent threads on here where guys are wondering about taken women / women in relationships where the guy hasn't even got physical with her. That is a waste of time.

On the other hand, if a girl makes it clear she is interested despite being "taken" and you aren't friends with the guy and are willing to possibly fight for your life if he tracks you down, then there's nothing wring with it.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
sstype said:
Dude you don't need my seal of approval if you want to go after taken chicks. You're a grown a*s man (I hope) so do whatever you want.

I'm not looking for any approval here, yours, or anybody. I was just stating facts and trying to get guys like you to understand them. But you still don't understand my thread. I'm not going after taken chicks, but a lot of men do. That was the point of my thread. If i'm out somewhere, and a woman hits on me, and then wants to hook up with me, it doesn't matter if she is single or not, I will bang her if I choose to. The relationship has no meaning or title, it is a joke, the woman has no respect for her man. Then guys like you get all bent out of shape and complain about guys hooking up with a "taken" girls. It is an useless feeble argument, the girl obviously has no use or respect for the relationship or man, so if she wants to have sex with me, or any other guy she chooses, then there is no problem hooking up with a "taken" girl. That was the point of my thread.

All I stated was its a personal decision. Just because I don't want to sleep with my best friend's or brother's wife/girlfriend doesn't make me naive or a fool for passing up on a "free lay." Even if she offered herself to me I would still turn it down.

Well of course you should turn it down, I would too. Why the hell would you sleep with your friend's or brother's girlfriend or wife? that is crazy. I'm not talking about friends or family. I'm talking about strangers. A girl you met at a bar that happens to be in a relationship with some boyfriend who you know nothing about. These are strangers here, and if she gives you the opportunity to sleep with her with no extra effort required, then you have the choice to do so and there is nothing wrong with it if you decide to.

And just because you don't believe in respect anymore doesn't mean some jealous boyfriend isn't going to hold back from teaching it to you. Actions have consequences. Trying to justify it here isn't going to make them go away.

People earn your respect, you just don't go around giving it to them, especially if the girl has no respect for her man. I respect a man who has a solid relationship built on trust, love, and stability, a guy that has a loving girlfriend, one that knows what he is doing. Not one based on lies, cheating, and deciet. That is no relationship, it is a joke and should be treated that way. But there are some men who don't respect a good relationship, and try to ruin it, thats what I talked about, I don't like those guys, and I'm not one of them, but that is what they do, and that is a fact, and a girl must choose if she rejects those guys or not...I won't see the girl again and the boyfriend doesn't know I even exist. It's a one time hook up, nothing more.

"A woman will cheat if someone better comes along"

Did you need to hammer out a 3 page essay to state something this obvious?

Even if I wrote a 100 page novel you still wouldn't understand my thread, because you still don't. Yes, that was part of it, but the main part was that a lot of men will go after any girl they want and it is the girls decision to say yes or no. The other main part was this silly myth, this crazy notion, that a few of you have on "taken" women, that you and another poster on here suscribe to. And my point is.....that most people agree with me on, is that a "taken" girl is not off limits if she chooses to hook up with you. There is nothing wrong with that because the relationship is a joke and she disrespects her man. A relationship is a verbal agreement, not a law, and can be broken at any time, that is why a lot of women don't respect or have no regard for it. They feel it isn't serious and they can hook up with anybody if they want. Then some guys get all upset and angry about guys hooking up with a "taken" girl. It is a feeble argument to make. That is the entire point of my thread.