girls that claim they want a real man who knows how to pamper and spoil a lady


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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What's the general consensus on these types of women? Are they possible to game without having to spend money or are they just looking for a rich dude to take care of them?
Apr 23, 2015
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applegoo said:
What's the general consensus on these types of women? Are they possible to game without having to spend money or are they just looking for a rich dude to take care of them?
A good stable base to cheat and slvt off on.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Spoiled girls, just tease them, keep it blunt but in a funny ****y confident way and if they ask for anything give them the stank face, KINO bend, but don't break and they will be yours


Jul 12, 2015
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applegoo said:
What's the general consensus on these types of women? Are they possible to game without having to spend money or are they just looking for a rich dude to take care of them?
1) Be prepared to show you've got that big money to "pamper and spoil" them.

2) If not? Then you'd better be cut up to shreds, look damn good either on or mostly above their own looks level.

3) If neither? Good luck trying to "game" them.
Apr 23, 2015
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MidnightCity said:
if its coming from a nearing-the-wall woman (often the case) or loud obnoxious heffer, stay away. if its comng from a smoking hot girl, gold digger. theres some that will be overt in their demands to weed out beta cornballs. understand that what women say they want and what they actually want is often incongruent. you just nod your head and say "sure, ofc any girl would want that" and treat them the same.
No... There are women who don't want broke dudes or dudes who won't spend any cash on them. They don't think men who have aspired for more or have deeper pockets are beta at all.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
I follow a standard policy of never listening to anything women say and just pounding them like meat instead.

Women are generally full of sh!t and nothing they say is deep or meaningful. They speak based on whatever fleeting emotion they have at the time. Their words are meaningless.

Just flirt, tease and pound. Its an easy three step process. :up:


Jul 12, 2015
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Poon King said:
I follow a standard policy of never listening to anything women say and just pounding them like meat instead.

Women are generally full of sh!t and nothing they say is deep or meaningful. They speak based on whatever fleeting emotion they have at the time. Their words are meaningless.

Just flirt, tease and pound. Its an easy three step process. :up:
That isn't working unless you've got big beta bucks to spend on her and she knows it or she finds you attractive.

If neither you're doing nothing with her but pounding your keyboard in anger at home alone.

AFC King is mad. girls that claim they... 07-15-2015 11:08 PM Poon King Troll post
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Apr 23, 2015
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MidnightCity said:
Yea that's cool if you're looking for a gf. But if I just wanna fvck her I could care less if she's only interested in a guy that can take her out and spend on her.

You beta bucks guys have no argument no matter how hard u try. Keep pushing tho, that pill will eventually go down
Wow. Then what should a big Alpha who finally got deep pockets do then? Sometimes he wants his main h0 to be loyal or think he did that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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applegoo said:
What's the general consensus on these types of women? Are they possible to game without having to spend money or are they just looking for a rich dude to take care of them?

"I want a real man"

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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Spoiled, slutty, and entitled. The general consensus is these are the women who are out acting like wh0res and become embittered.They boo-hoo because they can't find a stable relationship, while they aren't relationship material by a mile. But they still expect and feel they deserve a quality man who's supposed to deal with all of their s**t. Someone who put up with all her bad habits, buy her things, and give her the house, children, and stability she seeks.


Jul 12, 2015
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applegoo said:
What's the general consensus on these types of women? Are they possible to game without having to spend money or are they just looking for a rich dude to take care of them?
The Top 10 Reasons Why Men Should Avoid Princesses

10. Because she’s not royalty. Unless you have inside connections to one of the few remaining monarchies in the world, she isn’t a princess anywhere except her childish imagination. Is her first name Princess, or Duchess or even Lady? If the answer is no, she is just a mere mortal, and unless you would enjoy life with someone who deludes themselves into thinking otherwise, then it is better that you figure it out, NOW.

9. Because anyone who wants to be treated like a princess won’t be impressed with anything you do for more than about 5 minutes. It’s a life of chasing your tail trying to satisfy a princess, and when you are used up, she will get someone else to take over.

8. Because any grown woman who can actually look you in the eye and tell you she expects to be treated like a princess has the emotional IQ of a toddler, and that’s if you are lucky. Do you want a woman, or a spoiled brat who will always, ALWAYS end up making you miserable?

7. Because princesses are not cost effective. They are expensive. They have constant demands that they fully expect to be satisfied, only they have no intention of paying for any of it. What you will get for turning your wallet into a cushion under her lazy ass is the pleasure of her company; time she will spend making more demands of you.

You will actually be paying for her to sit around thinking of more ways to make you pay. She won’t know that is what is happening, because it doesn’t pay for her to be aware of it. This is not true for you.

It will pay off big time for you to be aware. You not only have to be aware that she’s a princess, you have to know it and make the choice to get rid of her. You can’t manage a princess and, if you take one on, you’re going to get exactly what you asked for.

6. Because princesses are invariably stupid and boring. Real intelligence doesn’t lend itself to being self-absorbed. Women that will tell you they want to be a princess and that they just love shiny presents and constant attention and always getting their way, are also telling you they’re not smart enough to realize the benefits of cooperation, shared burdens, or being invested in anything except themselves.

And that will become real apparent when they talk. Almost everything they say will be about themselves or something else equally stupid. Want to spend the rest of your life listening to a blow-by-blow account every time she buys a new pair of shoes, every last detail of her trip to the spa, or her cutting insights on the hair styles of the rich and famous? Get yourself a princess and get ready to dumb things way, way down, while you are forced to pretend that you like it.

Well, unless of course, you’re a simpleton yourself, and if that’s the case, a princess is just what you need. She’ll make your life very, very simple. Fetch! Roll over! Good boy! Now fetch! That’s the cycle, guys.

5. Because princesses are vindictive. If someone finds it acceptable to have a relationship based on getting their way in all things, it won’t improve when times get tough. In fact, it will get worse. Again, let us put this into the form of a question for you to answer as rationally and honestly as possible.

If, when she thinks that you are the best thing since sliced bread, when the sight of you makes her heart go pitter pat, she thinks that everything you do should be about her, and that every decision made should be what she wants, then how do you think she is going to act when things go south and you become the anti-Christ in her eyes? You think she was demanding before? You ain’t seen nothing yet. And she might just have a lawyer and a couple of cops there to help her express her disapproval of you when the time comes for you to be banished for displeasing her.

4. Because having a spine is fun. Your spine is the motor control that allows you to do everything you want to do in life. It starts at the base of your brain and ends in the same general neighborhood as your balls. It is instrumental in helping you pursue things you actually like to do, and allows you to walk away from doing things that you don’t like or don’t want to do.

Princesses only like spines in certain circumstances, like when they are removed and mothballed in a box for safe keeping. Of course when that happens, the brain and the balls get put in storage with it. You see, without a spine, a brain and balls are pretty useless anyway. While you’re storing those things away, you might as well include your dreams, desires, friendships, interests and ambitions, and maybe even your family depending on how much control your princess requires.

3. Because a princess will cheat on you. You always have to remember the emotional condition of someone who actually thinks being treated like a princess is a normal and a tenable requirement in a relationship. You are dealing with someone that is grossly immature, self-centered and irresponsible.

She is more than capable of convincing herself that cheating on you is not only a good idea, but probably what you deserve — because if you really knew how to treat a woman like a princess it would not be happening to you. Even if she hates herself for cheating on you, she will figure out how to dump that on you as well. Royal is not loyal, guys. Remember, you’re not her man. You’re her subject and god help you if you ever cheat on her. It is subjects who are expected to be loyal to royalty, and not the other way around.

2. Because whatever a princess feels for you, it is not love. At least not the kind you want. Again, when you have a princess, you’re not her partner. You’re the help. We may like the people who help us a lot. We may well think they are vital and indispensable in some ways, but we don’t love them. We don’t even really like having to pay them for what they do.

When you are with a princess, you are unpaid help. Well, okay, I take that back. You do get the pleasure of her company, and you get to enjoy all things HER, every minute of every day of your miserable life. Heck, every once in a while you might actually get short lived recognition that you are a human being. But if you think anyone that would treat you like an accessory really loves you, then you might want to check in with your self-respect and ask it how it’s doing.

1. The number one reason to not get involved with a princess is because there is no one there with whom to get involved. I want to say that one more time: Because there’s no one there with whom to get involved, guys. There is no there there. When it comes to princesses, there’s no one home. Princesses are empty, vacuous human beings with no real personal identity to speak of at all.

They are a mouthy collection of wants, imagined needs and whims, all driven by the fantasy of self-importance and specialness. They are just the sum of their desires, and without exception you can be nothing more in their eyes than the human “doing” designated to deliver what she wants.

In that sense, you can never be any more whole or real than she is. You will be just as shallow and fake. In fact, if you are involved long-term with a princess, it is probably a good time to take a look in the mirror, and to recognize that the only thing staring back at you is a useful clown.

If there is anything more substantive than that left in you, you might want to start talking to that part of yourself about making some changes because to women who want a "real man" to spoil and pamper them you aren't a "real man" at all, you're just a useful idiot with a wallet.
Apr 23, 2015
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weaponx said:
The Top 10 Reasons Why Men Should Avoid Princesses

10. Because she’s not royalty. Unless you have inside connections to one of the few remaining monarchies in the world, she isn’t a princess anywhere except her childish imagination. Is her first name Princess, or Duchess or even Lady? If the answer is no, she is just a mere mortal, and unless you would enjoy life with someone who deludes themselves into thinking otherwise, then it is better that you figure it out, NOW.

9. Because anyone who wants to be treated like a princess won’t be impressed with anything you do for more than about 5 minutes. It’s a life of chasing your tail trying to satisfy a princess, and when you are used up, she will get someone else to take over.

8. Because any grown woman who can actually look you in the eye and tell you she expects to be treated like a princess has the emotional IQ of a toddler, and that’s if you are lucky. Do you want a woman, or a spoiled brat who will always, ALWAYS end up making you miserable?

7. Because princesses are not cost effective. They are expensive. They have constant demands that they fully expect to be satisfied, only they have no intention of paying for any of it. What you will get for turning your wallet into a cushion under her lazy ass is the pleasure of her company; time she will spend making more demands of you.

You will actually be paying for her to sit around thinking of more ways to make you pay. She won’t know that is what is happening, because it doesn’t pay for her to be aware of it. This is not true for you.

It will pay off big time for you to be aware. You not only have to be aware that she’s a princess, you have to know it and make the choice to get rid of her. You can’t manage a princess and, if you take one on, you’re going to get exactly what you asked for.

6. Because princesses are invariably stupid and boring. Real intelligence doesn’t lend itself to being self-absorbed. Women that will tell you they want to be a princess and that they just love shiny presents and constant attention and always getting their way, are also telling you they’re not smart enough to realize the benefits of cooperation, shared burdens, or being invested in anything except themselves.

And that will become real apparent when they talk. Almost everything they say will be about themselves or something else equally stupid. Want to spend the rest of your life listening to a blow-by-blow account every time she buys a new pair of shoes, every last detail of her trip to the spa, or her cutting insights on the hair styles of the rich and famous? Get yourself a princess and get ready to dumb things way, way down, while you are forced to pretend that you like it.

Well, unless of course, you’re a simpleton yourself, and if that’s the case, a princess is just what you need. She’ll make your life very, very simple. Fetch! Roll over! Good boy! Now fetch! That’s the cycle, guys.

5. Because princesses are vindictive. If someone finds it acceptable to have a relationship based on getting their way in all things, it won’t improve when times get tough. In fact, it will get worse. Again, let us put this into the form of a question for you to answer as rationally and honestly as possible.

If, when she thinks that you are the best thing since sliced bread, when the sight of you makes her heart go pitter pat, she thinks that everything you do should be about her, and that every decision made should be what she wants, then how do you think she is going to act when things go south and you become the anti-Christ in her eyes? You think she was demanding before? You ain’t seen nothing yet. And she might just have a lawyer and a couple of cops there to help her express her disapproval of you when the time comes for you to be banished for displeasing her.

4. Because having a spine is fun. Your spine is the motor control that allows you to do everything you want to do in life. It starts at the base of your brain and ends in the same general neighborhood as your balls. It is instrumental in helping you pursue things you actually like to do, and allows you to walk away from doing things that you don’t like or don’t want to do.

Princesses only like spines in certain circumstances, like when they are removed and mothballed in a box for safe keeping. Of course when that happens, the brain and the balls get put in storage with it. You see, without a spine, a brain and balls are pretty useless anyway. While you’re storing those things away, you might as well include your dreams, desires, friendships, interests and ambitions, and maybe even your family depending on how much control your princess requires.

3. Because a princess will cheat on you. You always have to remember the emotional condition of someone who actually thinks being treated like a princess is a normal and a tenable requirement in a relationship. You are dealing with someone that is grossly immature, self-centered and irresponsible.

She is more than capable of convincing herself that cheating on you is not only a good idea, but probably what you deserve — because if you really knew how to treat a woman like a princess it would not be happening to you. Even if she hates herself for cheating on you, she will figure out how to dump that on you as well. Royal is not loyal, guys. Remember, you’re not her man. You’re her subject and god help you if you ever cheat on her. It is subjects who are expected to be loyal to royalty, and not the other way around.

2. Because whatever a princess feels for you, it is not love. At least not the kind you want. Again, when you have a princess, you’re not her partner. You’re the help. We may like the people who help us a lot. We may well think they are vital and indispensable in some ways, but we don’t love them. We don’t even really like having to pay them for what they do.

When you are with a princess, you are unpaid help. Well, okay, I take that back. You do get the pleasure of her company, and you get to enjoy all things HER, every minute of every day of your miserable life. Heck, every once in a while you might actually get short lived recognition that you are a human being. But if you think anyone that would treat you like an accessory really loves you, then you might want to check in with your self-respect and ask it how it’s doing.

1. The number one reason to not get involved with a princess is because there is no one there with whom to get involved. I want to say that one more time: Because there’s no one there with whom to get involved, guys. There is no there there. When it comes to princesses, there’s no one home. Princesses are empty, vacuous human beings with no real personal identity to speak of at all.

They are a mouthy collection of wants, imagined needs and whims, all driven by the fantasy of self-importance and specialness. They are just the sum of their desires, and without exception you can be nothing more in their eyes than the human “doing” designated to deliver what she wants.

In that sense, you can never be any more whole or real than she is. You will be just as shallow and fake. In fact, if you are involved long-term with a princess, it is probably a good time to take a look in the mirror, and to recognize that the only thing staring back at you is a useful clown.

If there is anything more substantive than that left in you, you might want to start talking to that part of yourself about making some changes because to women who want a "real man" to spoil and pamper them you aren't a "real man" at all, you're just a useful idiot with a wallet.
You know way too much about "princesses" to not have learned the lesson the hard way.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Pamper those princesses with c.ock, and spoil her with semen.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
Promise them the moon and stars but deliver only c0ck.Thats only proper strategy so better be good and confident about your fake promises.Promises are cheap the cost nothing, but first throw some small bite.


Jul 12, 2015
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DaddyLongShanks said:
You know way too much about "princesses" to not have learned the lesson the hard way.
No. I've learned from knowing several of them in real life, and dudes who dated them, friends etc. They're easy to spot up front or soon as they start talking.

old_skoolr said:
Pamper those princesses with c.ock, and spoil her with semen.
That's a good quote but if she doesn't find you attractive enough to overlook her being spoiled and pampered right away you're going to have to pay if you have the money she expects.

JohnyTheArrow said:
Promise them the moon and stars but deliver only c0ck.Thats only proper strategy so better be good and confident about your fake promises.Promises are cheap the cost nothing, but first throw some small bite.
Again she has to find you attractive enough physically for you to buy your time before spending anything on her. You dudes really in your right mind think some chick who isn't attracted to your looks, physical etc is just going to jump on your dic while you stall pretending to have money? LMAO. That's KJ nonsense. If you aren't physically, aesthetically appealing enough to the chick where she'll put off the money for a minute she's either going to want you to "prove" your worth up front or she's bouncing to the other dudes who are willing to be her extra purses while you ask why your "game failed you" on SS.

Either have the aesthetics and looks or have the money. If neither? Forget it. Though anyone with an ounce of common sense who possessed BOTH the looks and the money wouldn't be dumb enough to waste time with chicks like those. Period.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
can you tell me why I would even want to date a girl like that? if she don't find you atractive and turn you down you move on, I don't need to show money I don't need to entertain this kind of woman, I will just use my time on something better like washing my dishes, better thing to spend my time

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
JohnyTheArrow said:
Promise them the moon and stars but deliver only c0ck.Thats only proper strategy so better be good and confident about your fake promises.Promises are cheap the cost nothing, but first throw some small bite.
:up: :up:

A man who "gets it". At least there are some of us here.

All a man's success and alpha qualities should be used only as bait to lure women onto your c0ck. Only foolish blue pillers, white knights and co-dependent faggots actually invest heavy amounts of emotional and financial resources into a woman.


Jul 12, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
:up: :up:

A man who "gets it". At least there are some of us here.

All a man's success and alpha qualities should be used only as bait to lure women onto your c0ck. Only foolish blue pillers, white knights and co-dependent faggots actually invest heavy amounts of emotional and financial resources into a woman.
You or anyone aren't going going to be able to promise anything with no money if she doesn't find you attractive enough to put off wanting to be pampered and spoiled in the first place. You spend your beta bucks paying big tips to bartenders in urban bars trying to get the same women you called entitled drunk or else they aren't DTF. You'd be first in line to pamper and spoil entitled princesses in hopes they throw you a bone. Your "advice" is hilarious. You don't even care if your advice is garbage. You just live off other MGTOW KJ reps on a forum. Pathetic.

You are either attractive enough off the bat to her or you are going to pay. Not be unattractive and promise her things while "giving her your cok". Get real fool.

You're simply typing KJ fantasy talk like the rest of MGTOW.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
weaponx said:
You or anyone aren't going going to be able to promise anything with no money if she doesn't find you attractive enough to put off wanting to be pampered and spoiled in the first place. You spend your beta bucks paying big tips to bartenders in urban bars trying to get the same women you called entitled drunk or else they aren't DTF. You'd be first in line to pamper and spoil entitled princesses in hopes they throw you a bone. Your "advice" is hilarious. You don't even care if your advice is garbage. You just live off other MGTOW KJ reps on a forum. Pathetic.

You are either attractive enough off the bat to her or you are going to pay. Not be unattractive and promise her things while "giving her your cok". Get real fool.

You're simply typing KJ fantasy talk like the rest of MGTOW.
Pure sh!t.

Your clueless posts make you look stupid AND do nothing to help the men on this site. With this post you prove your ignorance about how women think compared to men.

When men assume good looking guys are guaranteed success.. they are projecting male qualities onto women. Women care about UTILITY than sex. Women do not drool over hot men the same way men drool over hot women. Men drool over a woman's physicality while women drool over a man's status. For women, sex is more of a tool than a desire.

Case and point.. I actually know a very good looking guy who is horrible with women because he has no "game". He is socially awkward and doesn't know how to talk to women. Bizarre, but true. Because of his awkwardness, he does not have the ability to make any woman he dates "look good" in front of friends or family. In addition to that, he is not "fun" or "exciting" for them to be around.

For women.. a man's looks are more related to STATUS than sex appeal. If a man doesn't have a high status personality to go with his high status looks, the woman loses interest just as fast as if the man was ugly.

Women are not attracted to weak, faggot men.. regardless of their looks. This is not to say women don't care about looks at all. BUT women primarily care about what RESOURCES they can extract from a man in the form of:

-Social Status
-Reproduction (where the good looking guy has the advantage.. BUT she might question his genes if he has a personality like Steve Urkel)
-Security (in many forms)

Looking like Brad Pitt alone is not enough. Hot guys get shot down by women all the time. Just go to any bar, club or beach and see for yourself. Ever wonder why these model "hot" men are getting rejected?

You're an idiotic idiot. Stop trolling all my posts.