Girls should be coming to you...not the other way around.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Women choose men.

Working on your looks should be the main priority.Not personality transplants and trying to become some *******.

The way I feel is that if you have to constantly anylyze yourself & go hard after females you desire

....Then something must be wrong with your look.

If you stand at the mall..on a friday afternoon.Packed with girls and not one of them makes any comment to you after you make eye contact with them.

My dude,it means you aren't attractive...period.Women like fixeruppers.So that tells me most of the men in the world who complain about there non-existant sexlife are just bs'ing.

If a woman is attracted to you she'll let you know--most of the time at least.Through eye contact,signals and initiation of convo's.Compliments,freindliness and the like.You will just KNOW.

There's really no deny this.

There's no need to memorize lines or attempt to become some badass like some people will try to tell you.

First thing people here should be doing is hitting the gym & working on there wardrobe.--IMO.Don't complicate yourselves.

Women aren't as bright as you guys think.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
I think you are completely wrong. I would say im not bad looking. I used to do what you said. Get looking good and go out. Yeah girls gave me IOI but they never came up to me and said "Im yours". Be real! Girls are what they have between there legs....PUSSIES!

Since i have been learning the DJ tactics in about November my rate of sucess with women has increase from 1 women a year to 1 a fortnight. I intend to get it to 1 a week if needs be.

Diffrence is i still do the same. I go out and look good. Diffrence is asoon as someone shows me IOI. Bang. Im in and gaming her. DIffrence is i know how to now whereas before i didnt have a clue.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
^Then something is wrong.

I don't know about you,I AM AVERAGE,(I am pretty tall and muscular) and girls come up and talk to me all the time...I mean this ..every day I have women just either saying "hi" after I make long eye contact with them or just making chit-chat..after that they try to get pu ME.

I don't know..but most guys I meet offline that are successful with women tell me the same thing:Women come to them 90% of the time.

Maybe you guys are just trying to hard.Cuz I just get dressed up,hit the gym and start looking at girls all sexy like and they come after me...:woo:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
How hot are these chicks who approach you? Have you ever been approached by a 9 or a 10?


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit Rock City
Originally posted by Tha Realnezz
^Then something is wrong.

I don't know about you,I AM AVERAGE,(I am pretty tall and muscular) and girls come up and talk to me all the time...I mean this ..every day I have women just either saying "hi" after I make long eye contact with them or just making chit-chat..after that they try to get pu ME.

I don't know..but most guys I meet offline that are successful with women tell me the same thing:Women come to them 90% of the time.

Maybe you guys are just trying to hard.Cuz I just get dressed up,hit the gym and start looking at girls all sexy like and they come after me...:woo:
Well, I'm glad you've got the world figured out.

If what you're saying is true, guys like me (below average looking) who NEVER get approached should just stop trying and go hide under a rock somewhere, because there's only so much you can do to improve your looks.

If that's true, what's the point of giving advice? Just rely on your genetic material and hope for the best.


Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score

(To me a ten would be someone like a Beyonce,Vida Guerra)..everyone is different but I don't have super-high 'I only sleep with models' standards alot of guys have nowadays.

The betterlooking the easier they fall for the eyecontact .."Hi" bit...i'm telling you.Just dress up and ease up..

When I'm in any place that's alot of chics from the supermarket to the airport I relax and treat it like a social atmosphere...the result:Women come to me.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Cool. Can you give me a couple of examples of how you picked up a super hottie who approached you? What were you wearing, did you initiate eye contact, where was it etc...

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cheat_LBJ
Well, I'm glad you've got the world figured out.

If what you're saying is true, guys like me (below average looking) who NEVER get approached should just stop trying and go hide under a rock somewhere, because there's only so much you can do to improve your looks.

If that's true, what's the point of giving advice? Just rely on your genetic material and hope for the best.

^Your attitude can turn people off.If it's anythings as sarcastic and teeming with low selfesteem like that post is.

You can do a LOT of things to improve your looks --btw.Wardrobe,hairstyle,weighttraining--etc...

If you think women aren't just as shallow as we are.your kidding yourself.I think they're maybe...20% less into looks than we are.

.It looks different cuz women need providers so they often go with guys who have $$$ or at least willing to pamper them.So many times you'll see a hot chic with a goober.chances are he has money or he treats her like she's god's gift.

Most men don't even stop to think about women's personalitues cuz we can take care of ourselves.While women still depend on men.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by wolfie
Cool. Can you give me a couple of examples of how you picked up a super hottie who approached you? What were you wearing, did you initiate eye contact, where was it etc...

The other day I started a course in Speech,there was this fine ass mexican chic sitting in the back with some fat italian guy.I notice a chair next to her..(perfect)

But I thought he was her man since I see him talking to her..,so I hesitated to sit next to her & avoided eye contact.

I hear her say something about "pimpin" to me..and some other girls smile and look at me..I say "huh,whatchu saying?jokingly".

And look for a desk closeby,after two seconds I notice her say something about me again... (I'll get to why later) so I peer at her and she halfsmiles...

.before I sit down in my orginal choice I get up, walk towards her,keeping eye contact and mumble 'wassup' to her.

She says "Hi" smiles and I'm taking off my jacket and again make eye contact.She starts asking me the usual ****.."is this my first semester"..Is this my first time taking the class..does this teacher suck,,ect..

Before you know it I'm asking her about her accent and where she's from and I'm from such and such and I liver here and she lives in the next town over.I pick up the ball where she mentions the sandbar(club) she went to on the weekend.I say I just got back from my homeland(i was born and I don't know anybody ,etc.

She digs it and asks for my number and says we're gonna hookup on the weekend.

I didn't even finsih taking off my jacket and taking out my books before shes asking me about my "girlfreind".I'd say it took about 7 minutes before she had my phone number.

Gear:I had on..

a plain black shirt with "Pimp" logo on it...:she loved that.

A white cotton lightsweater underneath..

Stonewash,darkblue,semibaggy roc-a-wear-jeans..

Some black dog-tags I had made up with "Prettiest Man Alive on it"(they love that ****)..and all black baseball jacket with a black STL fitted cap on.I was urban but not TOO urban with it...suffice to say that she isn't into that stuff at all and she was luving me..

Now you might say she didn't "come after me" but she was the one that made that comment to me...usually that's how it plays out..I keep eye contact or they make it with me till they say something to me..that's all it is...


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tha Realnezz
^Your attitude can turn people off.If it's anythings as sarcastic and teeming with low selfesteem like that post is.

You can do a LOT of things to improve your looks --btw.Wardrobe,hairstyle,weighttraining--etc...

If you think women aren't just as shallow as we are.your kidding yourself.I think they're maybe...20% less into looks than we are.

.It looks different cuz women need providers so they often go with guys who have $$$ or at least willing to pamper them.So many times you'll see a hot chic with a goober.chances are he has money or he treats her like she's god's gift.

Most men don't even stop to think about women's personalitues cuz we can take care of ourselves.While women still depend on men.
Dude, I agree with you 101%.

The problem with many guys is that they think that, as they're not BORN beautiful, they can do nothing about, so GAME is all they have to cling on. But come on, genes sucks. I was born ugly too, still am. But that doesn't mean I should ignore looks and say that game will solve my problems, when in fact, every single time I did something to better my looks, my success skyrocketed... and I can't say the same about my game.

I guess the saying goes to... we're not saying that you have to be BORN beautiful. You just have to make yourself AS BEAUTIFUL as possible. I have a cousin who is far more beautiful than I am, get tail like mad, and does nothing for it. Effort always wins over natural talent. -- I'm getting ahead.

So it's not that big deal. Better looks, better confidence. More women, more experience, more details on what you want. The circle closes, you won. :)

And don't act like you can not do something about it just because that's the way you are. No way. If I kept using those excuses I would still be the fat blob that I was. :nono:

AWESOME post Tha Realnezz.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
^Good post,thank you.

That's what i'm trying to say.Honestly many people say well look at these guys they don't look good and they have pretty women at there disposal..

And they usually mention celebreties,men with stable jobs(soldiers,police officers,etc)guys who are SUPER-NICE to women..

Despite what tv might tell you..there aren't that many ugly & azzholish men getting laid left and right without having NBA contracts and the are quite a few but not this fairly tale people make you wanna belive.

It's common sense really:when you get dressed up & your nice and clean and ready to go..Not only do you look good,but you feel good.Your more confident,people do notice you more & are more open.

You gotta snap out of that "Don't judge looks by it's cover" sh!T.Cuz when it comes to chosing partners people go chose the purdiest thing on the shelf.Now if they're are two equally nice books with covers(long ass anolgy,lol) then the content will seperate the two in the eyes of the chooser..


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
women are as shallow as we are , some are more shallow some are less , but all in all they would fu\ck a good looking guy with no good personality in a instance but they wouldnt probably have a rlt with him , while they might give a chance to a normal looking guy , cuz society has told these girls , that good looking men are dumb as\sholes , while average looking men are usually the ones that u would fall in love with......

And the reason why women dont approach men , is cuz society says that if they were to approach males then they would be considered sluts , by the male and anyone around her..... wich imo is compleatly bullsh\it , but they are programmed with this sh\it while growing up.....


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit Rock City
Originally posted by Tha Realnezz

You gotta snap out of that "Don't judge looks by it's cover" sh!T.Cuz when it comes to chosing partners people go chose the purdiest thing on the shelf.Now if they're are two equally nice books with covers(long ass anolgy,lol) then the content will seperate the two in the eyes of the chooser..

I guess you're entitled to your opinion -- but I'll just say that I certainly hope you're wrong. As someone who is well below-average looking and, additionally, extremely tall -- there is no amount of clothing and accessorizing that is going to help me.

I've got my wit, and whatever game I can muster on a given evening, and that's it.

Glad you've got stuff working for you. :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tha Realnezz

(To me a ten would be someone like a Beyonce,Vida Guerra)..everyone is different but I don't have super-high 'I only sleep with models' standards alot of guys have nowadays.

The betterlooking the easier they fall for the eyecontact .."Hi" bit...i'm telling you.Just dress up and ease up..

When I'm in any place that's alot of chics from the supermarket to the airport I relax and treat it like a social atmosphere...the result:Women come to me.
thats because your looks give you automatic social proof. some guys cant go sarging alone because they need another person wiht them for social proof since they're not good looking enough, i know a few good puas like that. just count yourself lucky


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
I agree with you on this. Girls who come to you or "conveniently" place themselves in the position of taking you usually are initially interested in you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
gotta say bollox.

(In the UK this is) I don't think I've ever been approached by a girl, it just doesnt happen, and I'm decent looking. However, since I started looking at this site and specifically the Gunwitch method, I've got laid a LOT more.
Sure it helps if your well good looking, but its blatantly obvious that this isn't a necessity


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tell me is this.

I will say I am a good looking guy. I also did sports in high school, so I was defineltely in shape.

However, girls never approached me, rarely said hi to me, never touched me or said I love you or anything like that.

So far to this day I have never had sex.

I don't believe looks has anything to do with it because if that was the case girls would be hitting on me all of the time.

I know for example that guys less good looking than me and which girls have said he is unattractive looking have had way more success than me to the point where I think has been getting laid constantly.


May 6, 2003
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
I NEVER get approached yet am told how super hot/good-looking i am. Girls i never thought were even noticing have told others i have heard that from and when they're really drunk - say that is the only time they get the confidence to say something.

It can actually work against you. I go to the gym am intelligent etc. You don't want to be TOO intimidating.

For you guys that don't consider yourself good-looking - don't think the good-looking guys are getting all the action either.

In fact, may take more work as you need to *convince* them you're not a player etc. - find them *special* and you meant it etc.

Oh .. but let me say .. if i had a dime for every instance of longer eye contact from a girl i'd be rich.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
This debate will go on forever, because each works in each situation. It depends on so many factors. Ok I know I am straight but let me go over this. Ok its funny because I have 2 friends, and 1 is what most women consider very hot, he is in great shape and has apealling facial structure. He can talk to women but he is not that great at initiating the conversation or progressing. He still gets a good amount of girls, but not nearly as many as he could. I mean he could get probabaly 3 times as many girls as he does if he had a better game and could talk better to them.

I would say that my game is really really good, however my looks are slightly above average face, mediocre body, but I do have good style. I probably get as many girls as he does at his current state. I however am trying to get into better shape, get the beach body, develop a better sense of style as well, ect.

My third friend is not what you would consider a great looking guy, but he is at least average, but his game is great and he has no fear what-so-ever about talking to girls. He has a g/f now but before he did he got the same or more numbers that the good-looking friend got.

So basically it comes down to this. Its a 50/50 scale. I you are model like good looking that your game doesnt need to be that great. If your a bum but you have great game you can still do ok. So the trick is to develop everything about you to maximize your potential. Get in impecable shape, get a great haircut, get some excellant clothes and outfits. Do things to get noticed, and then develop your game and social skills with girls.

Basically you cant focus on looks or personality. You have to do your best at reaching your potential in both. The other day me and 5 friends went to tour an apartment(were 18). The tour guide was a hot latina(about23-25). I was with at least 2 guys that were what most would consider better looking than me, however me and the last friend I mentioned were by far the alpha males, she was only talking to us, she was coming on to me specifically and did not even notice the other 2 better looking friends that I have.

The reason is because they cant talk to women like I can. So you need a blend of both.