She didn't feel a mental connection with you, the right chemistry/vibe between you. How is that female entitlement?
Female entitlement would be her accepting your invite with your high SMV, good looks, charm and money
without feeling any sort of chemistry or connection with you. And going out with you for validation and/or what you can provide.
THAT'S entitlement.
I agree she did you a favor, of course she did you a favor. Any woman who rejects a man because she feels no chemistry and connection with him does him a favor.
And vice versa.
Happened to me plenty of times. Guy approaches appears to be high value - good looking, nice style, smooth approach, good job, $$$ but for whatever reason that cannot be anyone, I felt zero connection chemistry with him.
There was zero serendipity as a previous poster would describe it.
That's what some of you guys don't understand about women. You think what attracts you (good looks, high SMV) attracts us.
@BeExcellent posted about this too in the hypergamy thread.
We connect through out emotions. How "connected" we feel during that initial approach and beyond. Our mutual chemistry, energy, vibe.
can be accomplished with good Game. In part but there are other elements at play as well.
Instead of blaming her and her perceived entitlement, work on your Game.
How to connect with women through her emotions versus being "suave, having good conversation, getting the number and the date concept agreement," as you posted.
Those things mean nothing if she isn't "feeling" anything.