I'm gonna make this very easy....
You see girls just as us men have sexual desires and ALL humans have SEXUAL ATTRACTION (That is they are attracted sexually that is by LOOKS...). Now is looks EVERYTHING? No, hardly. Not at ALL.
Does looks help you? Both YES and NO!!
If a girl is out to bone a hot dude, just get some hot ass ye looks is all you need and some balls (Yes you can't be a friggin slob in the corner even though you have great looks).
If a girl is _OPEN_ for sex or dating or whatever (which most women are) what good looks does is create "trust", value and a natural OPENING. You see, people have a tendency to trust, admire and listen too good looking people more because good looks means good genes which sorry to say is what we are all made of and coded with.
Can an averagelooking man outgame a good looking guy easily? Hell ****ing YES.
What good looks is, is an ASSET. It's just as a skill, but it's something natural and inate. Good looks can also work both ways because with good looks (If you know it) often comes an attitude, and some of the good looking guys are players and do trust me on this Players are what women Love to hate and hate to love.
I've had my fair share of women to say the least and I have a very large social circle with alot of girls. I've been called it all, hot, gorgeous, sexy, smashing, cute, prettyboy, I've been called a player countless times and girls have even flat out called me a Don Juan. Do you think I've gotten these girls by looks only? Hardly. If I weren't a confident, funny, very extrovert guy I wouldn't have had the "success" I have had.
Guys like Big Pappy, I love guys like him (He's alot older though but the TYPE). A guy that is CONFIDENT, ****ing hilarious, a fun dude to be around. Just by seeing his pics I'm smiling because I can see him irradiate with FUN. When I look at Big Pappy i see FUN and HUMOUR. This is probably his biggest asset (I would imagine).
You see, looks are great sure. They help some guys, they fvckup other guys. I know some girls would not jump on me just because I can be too confident, player and ye somewhat arrogant at times.
It's just ONE side of a man.
Remember also that girls "fall" for different kinds of guys. One girl I know have fvcked 3 friends of mine. They are extrovert but not in the AMOG sense, more in the don'tgiveafvckhavefun kind of way. They are abit shy around girls but she loved this, that they aren't agressors. Even though she finds me attractive on a looks basis she finds me too extrovert and confident. Girls can be very charmed by this behavior they have. (It's hilarious, they share an appartment together. Threesomes and what not goes on there all the time, people having sex in the livingroom after partying while others are sleeping on the couches etc
One of my friends though, he makes me really sad. He is my pet project
He is not a badlooking fellah, he is short though, works out alot now, he has a good body, his face is completely average. He was a TOTAL warhammer freak, he never went to parties etc. He had NO relationships with girls whatsoever except being a friend of a couple of ubergeek girls. I dragged him out, took him to parties, invited him to go clubbing/barhopping etc. Now he has changed. He no longer at parties wear those completely geeky lame sweaters and ****. He has gotten a bigger social circle. His social antennas are growing etc.
But he is still too much of an AFC but now he has atleast gotten to makeout with some girls etc but he is still the too friendly, a bit to goofy person. He just got blown out by a girl he has been macking since august and they have not gotten anywhere longer than making out AFAIK. I've told him countless times to make a move or move on but he hasn't listened (I moved to another city for uni
) He does NOT take ANY **** from guys though but from girls he does and it's really sad.
The day he wakes up and realizes that he is a great guy and that he mustn't take **** from girls, that day I think he'll feel like a better man and have better success. But him getting out more and getting more friends has helped alot, that it has.
But I digress....
That btw reminds me of one thing. If you have issues with interacting with girls, or anything like that or actually for no reason at all you should get female _FRIENDS_! Female friends are great and you should get atleast 1 maybe 2 or 3 VERY GOOD female friends. Girls that will share everything with you and you can share everything with them. Girls have an AMAZING ability to raise a mans confidence and selfimage by being your friend. They can also help you with everything. An honest female friend can teach you and tell you alot and also by being their friend and hearing about their issues and situations you learn alot about female logic, womaneze and female/male dynamics. So your assignment from me is to get atleast ONE good female friend.
As I said, don't worry TOO much about looks. Ye they help but a good game beats looks (generally)...
Yes if you are _ugly_ I mean if you are repulsive, then you will have a REALLY hard time, you need some INSANE exposure of values, humour and **** like that. Those guys seem to get girls more from them being friends first.
But people here is also the biggest issue with people, ESPECIALLY people that are insecure (AFCs for example), OVERANALYZING... You see, even though it's called "a game", "your game", "the game", it's all ying and yang. Life is a game and it's not a game, the most important thing is that you LIVE _YOUR_ LIFE, preferably to it's fullest. Explore yourself, explore life, explore the world and most importantly HAVE FUN....
If you've had some bad fvckups with women or you're struggling, then go have some fun. Either by trying again or hey take a night of do something you LOVE todo. Play pool, watch a movie, hang with friends, go hiking in the himalayas for all I care but make sure you are having a GREAT time! Your mind is a powerfull but also a dangerous weapon. It can spit sarcasm, ****y+funny, humour, satires but it can also destroy you. It can diminish your selfimage to the lower depths of Mordor (God I used a LOTR reference and I hate the movies).
Humour is a stressreliever, it clears your mind. This important, don't be clouded by negative thoughts. POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE.
A positive outlook on life is a very attractive quality and is visibile on anyone that has it. You know when you are with other people, you can always seem to sense from them how their life is just by facial expressions, how they wear themselves etc.... So positive = goooooooood!
Good luck my friends
I know that someday life will smile down on you who need it. The Universe has a way of balancing itself out so luck eventually will smile on you
Oh and one simple little fact more which is again about POSITIVE thoughts
It is scientifically "proven" that people with positive outlook are more lucky because they seem to not be distressed and preoccupied consioucly so they pick up easier on posibilities etc. So again, think positive, have fun and Wank of ALOT (nothing relieves stress better!)!