Nice Guy (AFC) - 'too' nice, unattractive to girls, takes the fall and waits if the girl doesn't like him.
Nice Guy - A balance made between being a nice person and a jerk. He considers girls as human beings by not trying to hurt them, but he doesn't sit there obsessing over them. He knows the rules of the DJ and might very well be practicing them. His personality lets girls know that he is someone they can confide in, but at the same time, letting loose a little bit of a attitude to let them know that he's different. Basically, he's the guy that when girls find out that he's playing both nice and not, it could lead to extreme attraction.
Player: AFC enemy. Most use those solid 'pickup lines', some are DJ's that use the skill improperly, some just don't care about girls. Usually, these guys always have a girl drooling over them, and love to steal AFC's girls. Nice guys are also vulunable to a player, but are less suspecible because of their DJ training.
And finally, thy DJ:
He knows how to handle girls. He knows how to manage unpredictable situations and knows that he can grab his nuts, spin in a circle and bee-line it to the best looking girl in the bar. You could consider these the master pickup men, because they won't waste their time with someone who isn't interested. This allows for them to pickup a massive amount of girls and pick who they'd want. They aren't considered a player (although the misconception is big) because by taking a group of girls he got ahold of, he can pick the one(s) that offer him the best relationship for his current situation.
Skill Set:
AFC -> -9
Nice Guy -> 4
Player -> -3
DJ - 9