So I've been dating this 18y.o for two months now. Things are great,she never flakes,sex is almost everytime I see her.,we see eachother at least twice a week. She is a bit busy but she makes a good effort to see me anytime she can. Calls me almsot everyday to just say hi...
I like her...she is fun to be around and sex is the best part!..Onto the problem...
We had a conversation about our "status". I initiated it by calling our relationship "dating". Turned out she didn't feel like we are dating,just seeing eachother. She considers herself single and apparently not even dating anyone. I trust she doesn't have sex or even go on dates with other guys. She tells me I can trust her that she doesn't do that. And plus I know her schedule pretty well,there would be no time.
I checked her myspace page last night. She is pretty active on it.,has 125 friends and post on it everyday. So out of about 30 pictures there are none with me! I actually took some of the pictures,but she chose to post the ones without me in it. Her status is Single too. Nowhere on her page you can find anything about me. Strange,because I am supose to be a big part of her life.
She never introduced me to any of her friends. When we are in social situations and she is around people she knows,she pretends that we are just friends( no hand holding or standing close). I agvce her a ride once to one their school events and tried to give her a hug,she kinda stepped away from me.
She is failry affectionate when we are not on public,or on campus at my university.
She still is friends with her EX. Talks about me to him all the time. The guy is a chode,she dumped him. He is still trying to get with her I think.
I feel really weird about the whole relationship. I asked her all those questions about why she hides me in a way. She said she is just like that.
I think the age differnce may be an issue,she is 18 and I am almost 30. However I look maybe 22-25 at the most.
What is you opinion on this situation and do you think it is fixable? I want her to tell her friends she is not single and aknowledge that we are dating. And include me on that myspace page for gods sake.
I like her...she is fun to be around and sex is the best part!..Onto the problem...
We had a conversation about our "status". I initiated it by calling our relationship "dating". Turned out she didn't feel like we are dating,just seeing eachother. She considers herself single and apparently not even dating anyone. I trust she doesn't have sex or even go on dates with other guys. She tells me I can trust her that she doesn't do that. And plus I know her schedule pretty well,there would be no time.
I checked her myspace page last night. She is pretty active on it.,has 125 friends and post on it everyday. So out of about 30 pictures there are none with me! I actually took some of the pictures,but she chose to post the ones without me in it. Her status is Single too. Nowhere on her page you can find anything about me. Strange,because I am supose to be a big part of her life.
She never introduced me to any of her friends. When we are in social situations and she is around people she knows,she pretends that we are just friends( no hand holding or standing close). I agvce her a ride once to one their school events and tried to give her a hug,she kinda stepped away from me.
She is failry affectionate when we are not on public,or on campus at my university.
She still is friends with her EX. Talks about me to him all the time. The guy is a chode,she dumped him. He is still trying to get with her I think.
I feel really weird about the whole relationship. I asked her all those questions about why she hides me in a way. She said she is just like that.
I think the age differnce may be an issue,she is 18 and I am almost 30. However I look maybe 22-25 at the most.
What is you opinion on this situation and do you think it is fixable? I want her to tell her friends she is not single and aknowledge that we are dating. And include me on that myspace page for gods sake.