Virgin's over the age of 20 are indeed hard to find. I found two above the age of 20. I went out with both of them. The first one never even kissed a guy before she met me. She was a very sheltered girl and I got to her right before she went to college. She was definately hot. Eventually I deflowered her. It does take some time to get to the goods if her mind-set is to stay a virgin until she's married, but you can change her mentality if your skilled like me and patient. I respect that some people don't got the time and energy for that type of thing though. Nevertheless, I'd rather marry a virgin not out of my on insecurity or anything like that, but just that I like fact that their uncorrupted flesh and their alot more managable as a long-term girlfriend or a wife. Plus the fact that no guy's ever busted a nut inside your girlfriend/wife is definately better hands down. What would you rather buy a used car or a brand spank'n new one?
If she don't bleed, I don't proceed...