Girls are even more aggressive than guys


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
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IMO you should document the breaking of the rules and then pick the worst offender and fire her. Then have a team meeting witht he rest and cover the rules once again and don't keep it private as to why so and so was let go. This should shake them up and make them realize that it's not a game they are playing with you. Hopefulyl it should all stop after 1 firing if the rest are smart.


New Member
May 26, 2005
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I like to be nice to everyone

However, they may probably take my kindness as a weakness.

So they start climbing up to my head and do lots of unpleasant things.

Previously, my superior took care of them before they get me to replace the old manager which resigned 2 years ago. Long story.

And most of the time when they try to mess with my boss, my boss will shout at them. So guess what. They shouted back at my boss. And the shouting match go on and on without any action taken by my boss to either suspend them or fire them.

I was wondering if any other organizations managers will allow such kind of disrespectful thing to happen to them.

And some of the b|tches even got angry when my boss announced their name for being late comers and whatever silly mistakes they have make in their work during meeting. They got angry and queried my boss "Why do you always need to pick me to point out my mistakes during meeting? There are others who did the same thing but you didnt pick them. Are you trying to embarasss me in front of everyone?"

Oh man, this is a real f*ck up. Even if managers embarass them, they have no right to rebel against the managers. These people are real daring.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
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when you shout at them or complain at them, they may do what you want them to but will resent you and there for stop doing what you say as soon as your back is turned.

Im sure you do not make a bad manger, your probably pretty standard, but to be agreat leader, a great manger you must look at things from a new perspective.

First thing is if they are not being productive, start off by telling them how you apreciate that their work is hard and that you apreciate the work they do (even if you really dont) basicly show then your are on their side then give them a reputation to live up to tell them how pleased you are with the work they have produced, but that recently it has not been up to the standard you would expect from a good employe like her and tell her how she can improve and tell her you have fauth in her that she will be able to improve on her work.

As far as them eating inside heres a great ideas now god knows no 1 is as productive as they could be, so promise them if they work well and stick to the rules (which you explain that you do not necciserly agree with but must enforce because it is what the company wants) you will legnthen their lunch break.

You may think, how cna htye meet targets if i give them more breaks but you will be suprised how much productivity could shoot up.

And once you do this dont forget about them, let them know from time to time how good their work is.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Tone of mutual disrespect

What a bloody zoo.

Criticize in private; give praise in public. check_mate_kid_uk has a great point: these people need a hell of a lot more appreciation for anything good they do. There must be one hell of a bad vibe there!

The managers are just getting what they bargained for. They've set a tone of mutual disrespect that is not conducive to any sort of motivation or discipline. It's like the saying "the whippings will continue until morale improves."

This is tricky. You have to maintain discipline, but you also have to demonstrate that you respect those you manage and make it clear to them -- without stepping on your bosses' toes -- that you respect them, unlike your dumb ass bosses.

Best of luck. You really need it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
To further the discussion for the two posters above:

McGregors theory X and Y managers? Seems to me that you're counselling him to become a theory Y manager (tries to act in a fatherly fashion, coerce workers into work). In my opinion following a Taylorite/theory X manager would be the best way to go (Theroy X is autocratic and forceful). The work of the women isn't upto standard, therefore they shouldn't be coerced into working, they should be made to.

Remember the maxim : Workers should work, managers should manage.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by WesCottII
To further the discussion for the two posters above:

McGregors theory X and Y managers? Seems to me that you're counselling him to become a theory Y manager (tries to act in a fatherly fashion, coerce workers into work). In my opinion following a Taylorite/theory X manager would be the best way to go (Theroy X is autocratic and forceful). The work of the women isn't upto standard, therefore they shouldn't be coerced into working, they should be made to.

Remember the maxim : Workers should work, managers should manage.
Both x and y tend to be too extreme and antiquated. Plus neither works for every problem. Kenneth Blanchand method is based on situational leadership (leading as opposed to managing) which is dynamic enough to be used in all occasions.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
the only oyher way other then making them want to work is going to be a bit like a dictator but that wont work as they will just leave in the end and you will be left with no one.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
Get them to love you and fear you as well. This famous theory on leadership still holds true, I'd like to say it doesn't but it does.

I'm a big believer in getting people to unlock how to motivate themselves, after all you can't be there all the time and be the thought police, and people only go the extra mile when they get committed.

By the same token, through practice rather than reading books I've found some people will always take the p1ss.

My approach after a year or two of getting the runaround was to get tough. Give someone a chance to prove they are committed, give them any help they need, but there comes a time when you lay down the law.

I had one guy always late, and he had the most plausable reasons every time. In the beginning I did the understanding let me know how it goes, caring approach, then after about a month of this I started giving written warnings. He started coming in on time from then on.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
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Yeah alpine you are right that in practice some people will just break the rules. I realised somthing you need to give them to often get them to listen. Give them Some responsibility, they may not mind doing somthing bad that they want to do, now imagine you give them a task with responsibility they will be responsible. People on the forum break the rules sometimes, the moderators dont tend to, i bet some of you mods have been aobut to post somthing contriversial and then said wait a second i am the moderator i am the one making sure others dont do what im about to do, so i should probably not do this. Well tell this guy at work that shes in charge of taking the register of who is present and maybe he will be in on time, partyl because he has ot be present to take the register of whos present lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
I agree with you checkmate but I think you have given a bad example.

Ultimate power corrupts!:D


New Member
May 26, 2005
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I did what I could to maintain control

But it succeed half way. My team members are angry with me and now they have shunned me.

When it comes to official matters, that's the time they speak to me. Otherwise, they will just leave me alone. During lunch time, Im eating alone. Everybody greets good morning when they see each other but they don't greet me. Even when I greet them. they ignored me.

I never wanted to be an evil boss but they forced me to do so (Why do they need to be indiscipline?)

Oh well.... in the book of office politics, they said this is the most severe form of punishment. How could I get myself out of this?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
dude its because you are making them do what you want due to your authority, if you are nice to them they would do it because they do not want to let you down. Remember at school how sometimes there are teachers you do the work for because you do not want to be punished but with some oyu like its because you want them to be pleased with your work. If you do it because you do not want to let them down you end up working much harder doing more then the minimum.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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Work doesn't exist to make friends. Work is there to make money for you.

You said before that these women were not being productive? Are they now after you laid down the law?

If they have become productive, it means that your ass is no longer on the line for being a bad manager. Sure, they may not like you, but if they're bringing in the capital, then you look good as a result. Who cares what they think: YOU'RE THEIR BOSS! GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD!

However, if they're still being lazy, I'd can the one who sells the least as an example.

The y theory will not work on these women. They seem to have arrogance problems and bosses that were too intimidated by their luscious breasts and tight asses.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Re: I like to be nice to everyone

Originally posted by Vader_Sidious

I was wondering if any other organizations managers will allow such kind of disrespectful thing to happen to them.
Not really, well not effective managers anyway. I spent some time with a recruiter for a staffing company last week and he says this kind of thing does go on in alot of companies. This type of situation is not however the ideal way to run a buisness with employees. Good managers are half human and half shark. The understand certian qualms and what not that people may have with the company they work for and they do what they can, within reason, to help their employees cope or adjust or get the quirks out.

However when they see BS like the stuff you're describing in your post, a good manager will have a staff meeting with upper managment, document what's happening, analysis the situation and act accordingly. Often that means a few people have to be fired and their interviewing process has to be adjusted so they get a better standard of employee.

This isn't necessarily true if where you're talkin about working has a high employee turnover anyway (fast food, whole sale stores, mega stores, etc etc) because the bottom line for them is to stay in the green and employee performance and evaluation is not as much as a concern as it is to be running well. Still for jobs with long term value, ie jobs with a future, serious and costly adjustments have a process.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
And my superior has mentioned that the way to make them do what I want is to screw them.
... and that's why they respect no one. The guy thinks he earned respect by screwing them, but no no. The bytchez know they'll have their way because they put out and the boss go all ga ga, so they can get away without respect anyone.

I do not wish to be an evil boss around since Im new here, but I need to get these people to follow instructions, to be discipline and to get things under control. Im afraid if I failed to control my people, then top management will get the idea that I am not a capable manager.
You don't want to be an evil boss, but you're the boss after all, so you SHOULD be an evil boss if the situation demands it. If you fire one of these bytchez, all the others will see that you're the real deal. If that doesn't help, fire 'em all.

A manager isn't allowed to be afraid. You HAVE to HAVE control, it's what your job calls for!


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
NO if you fire one you are only showing them your authority they will do what you say but when you are gone resent you and break the rules. Do what i have been saying earlyer.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Re: I did what I could to maintain control

Originally posted by Vader_Sidious
But it succeed half way. My team members are angry with me and now they have shunned me.

When it comes to official matters, that's the time they speak to me. Otherwise, they will just leave me alone. During lunch time, Im eating alone. Everybody greets good morning when they see each other but they don't greet me. Even when I greet them. they ignored me.

I never wanted to be an evil boss but they forced me to do so (Why do they need to be indiscipline?)

Oh well.... in the book of office politics, they said this is the most severe form of punishment. How could I get myself out of this?
sidious that is fycking ridiculous man...
fire all those bytches and fycking outsource. Asians and latinos are far more productive and appreciative of their jobs than those prissy white girls.


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Sit all those Bi***es down in one entire room, keep a serious face on. Tell them all that they will have deducted pay by 1 dollar per hour everytime they come in late or eat while working or anything disrespectful. If that isn't enough you might add, they have a 3 strikes policy on being late then they are fired. That'll easily work for them, my mom was a manager for her office and went through the same problem.

It also seems to me like you are interested in their bodies because you're not knuckling down, remember that they are your workers and nothing else. They are robots set to come to work on time, do their work, go home and the rest is none of your business.

Hope this helped.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Vader, i am taking my time when i should be sleeping to write this, so i wholeheardly advice you to listen.

You are the manager. You make decisions. Your ass is on the line. You make sure the company succeeds.

Just because you want to be strict it DOES NOT mean you are going to be hated or become and evil manager. I've met plenty of managers who have 0 tolerance to some issues but are great people to work with.

Your workers disrespect you because they feel they as a group have the power to influence you. You are the new guy. They want to take advantage of that and TELL YOU HOW TO DO YOUR JOB. Tell me something, if you had a kid, say 5-6 year old, and he told you. "Buy me this. Buy me that. Play with me right this second.", you wouldnt do it just becuase he said it. So why are you letting these guys affect you.
They can sit in a circle and jerk off all day while talking trash about you, what counts is when work day starts they better be working.

Verbal warning work for 1 may be 2 weeks, then the person realizes they can still get away with what they are doing.. think about it, you are speeding on a road and get pulled over. cop says it is a warning.. you drive again, 10 minutes later you are speeding. Now if you got a ticket, that would be a whole different story

Written warning do their job, unless you go overboard. I dont know if you guys have the 3 written ups policy, but make sure the write up COUNTS. you cant do a "semi-write up" that doesnt count for anything and doesnt change a thing.

**** bro, if anything, give anyone who is giving you advice a call and make them fly in town, we'll fix it for ya :p ;)

Good luck


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
get the staff to manage their own time keeping as a team.

get them to set their own team targets.

offer some kind of bonus for meeting targets.

if time keeping really does effect company revenue then finding a small bonus shouldn't be too hard.

Set up a meeting with your staff to educate them on why turning up late is effecting the company and how much it costs each year.

keep things light hearted and interactive. Try to avoid a 'them vs us' situation. Get the staff involved and ask them for ideas on what they would do. They probably have loads of issues about why they don't like coming to work and how it could be better.

same can be done for sales targets and snacking.

shouting at your staff will only make them resent you even more, sales will take a nose dive and then you'll have to fire someone, moral will be at rock bottom and noone will want to get out of bed to do 8 hours of work for a boss that hates them.

a good boss can get the best out of anyone.

man management is an art.