Girls approaching guys


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
I've seen some guys on this site and other places that say they've been approached by girls. If you're one of these guys, what exactly do you mean by "approach"? Do you mean a girl just looking at you and body language signs that show you she's interested, or are you talking about a girl you don't know just walking up to you in some public place like a grocery store or mall? If it's the latter, I have a hard time believing that.

I mean I'm a good looking guy. I get looks from women all the time, but I've never been anywhere and had a girl that's a total stranger just walk up to me and start a conversation. I've never even seen a woman do that to any other guy. Are most of these guys lying, or are they just "lucky"?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
OKAY HERES THE TRUTH-even if you're like BRAD PITT good looking you STILL GOTTA send out the VIBE that you are a cool, approachable guy.

Not many woman hunt for men that when someone says they get girls coming up to them hitting on them, it;s cause of the approability factor.

Surroundings-if you are in a target rich enviroment and women are single and actively seeking, ya you may get approached but not as often as men on here brag about. The Key is to tease a bit, send that vibe out (ACTIVE DIS-INTEREST). You gotta initiate a little then you can watch them approach you and it does happen a lot. You see HOT CHICS get approached all the time so they are not used to making the first move...they actually get lazy or comfortable being approached. You can experiment with this online......take a really hot guy and see how many emails he gets as opposed to an equally hot comparison. Confident chics fear rejection just as much as men do. Chics with attitudes who are very superficial approach men from time to time but their approaches are very lame.

Let me ask you this..........if a hot babe came right up to you, offered to buy you a drink and said You are to have some dinner with me.....I'm buying.......what would be your reaction? Well first, better check your alarm clock to see if you are dreaming.....but if that did happen you would be like HELL YA. But a more experienced man might think OH there has to be a catch.....she's a working girl, she is just divorced, she is away from hubby, etc. Male models don't have to try as hard as the average guys.....they infact have to alter their game plan or else face rejection through over-qualification.

Usually chics on a mission (or intoxicated) go after men.......but the majority of hot women prefer to be chased. So if a guy claims women chase him 24-7.....I say he is really doing something, even in the smallest degree to initiate a vibe first.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
dotcomwill said:
I've had this happen to me a few times. I don't send them any EC or anything, they'll just approach. Normally they do this when there with there friends though. Never alone.

Where were you at when this happened?


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Happens to me sometimes. I don't go out often, but when I was out with my buddy a few months ago, we were walking through a bar and a girl grabbed my ass. She wasn't that cute, so I just chatted with her for a few seconds and kept walking.

Two weeks ago I was at a pool party with my friend. We were sitting at the edge of the pool with our feet in the water talking and a girl swam up to me alone and told me that she loved my swim suit, that it was the best one there and if she had a boyfriend, she'd want to buy one just like it for him. We chatted for a bit, I got her myspace info, then she swam off. At that same party, my boy had a girl sit right next to him, start chatting and gave him her card and told him to call.

It happens all the time, maing. Watch your body language, smile, have fun, be relaxed, approachable, be well groomed, workout, keep your diet in check and they'll come to you. There are no set-in-stone rules about girls approaching you. They're all different. In my experience, they come up to me alone.

<tangent>I'm 33, my buddy is 39 and he pulls tail like a celebrity. He usually goes to bars alone, starts chatting with a cute girl and takes her home or gets her number and bangs her within a week. In the past month, he's banged his spin class instructor (she asked him over to her house), the girl who sold him his suit at the Men's Wearhouse and some chick who approached him at a bar while I was with him.</tangent>


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
Unfortunately, my experience has been that the only women who have approached me without me even so much as glancing at them prior were fat and/or ugly. lol.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
I just don't get how that happens. It's rare for a girl I don't know to even smile at me much less approach me. They just look at me and that's it.

This is the thing I don't understand: before you approach someone all you really know about them is the way they look. To me, it would seem to follow, then, that if you're a good looking guy you would have a good chance of this happening to you. I'm a good looking guy, yet I get nothing. I take care of my appearance, too. I'm not a slob. I'm not overweight. If I'm sending out any bad vibes, I'm not aware of it.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
I'm a good looking guy, too. It's only happened to me a couple of times, and neither of them resulted in anything because I just wasn't interested.

My experience has also been that the fat and/or ugly girls are just the most aggressive in general. They're either more desperate, or more confident. Don't know. But it's sad.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
Re: Very Interesting Post

Even me, despite most of my unfortunate experiences with the American women I've met, have been approached by women. Most were in my country, but at least one or two approached me here in the U.S. The one I most vividly recall happened about four years ago-it's an event I try not to think too much about...and you guys will figure out why when I'm finished writing this. I once went to a club in down town Philadelphia at night. I was all by myself, broke as anything...didn't even have money to buy a drink for myself or anyone. Just $10 to pay for parking. A group of girls were on the dance floor grooving it to the music. A brunette with her blonde friend standing next to me asked me if I was with the group of girls dancing. I said "no." She asked if I was all by myself. I said "yes, but I often come here with a friend of mine. He couldn't make it tonight." Then she kept on looking at me with a shy smile and her blue eyes seemed to shine. I asked her if she wanted to dance, she accepted, and we danced for almost two hours, not wanting to let go of each other.

At the end of the night, when she was about to leave, I got her cell phone number. I punched it into my cell phone and stupidly, didn't think to give her mine because I didn't see any indication that she had a phone with her. The next day, I browsed through my cell phone contacts under "L," and to my greatest surprise, her name wasn't there. That was one of the few times tears almost ran down my cheeks. I couldn't believe it. How could I seem to be so unlucky in love? She was a sixth-grade teacher with a Master's and the chemistry between us was just amazing. I went back to that club two times after that week, but I never saw her again.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Back in feb to march, I was getting approached by women a lot. It isn't as much because I haven't been working on this as much as I used too. Basically you'd have some girls who would find ways to open me. While I don't remember exactly what was said I do remember the general interactions...

Note - This was mainly back when I was learning to convey "Coolness" and "Standing out". So I basically ended up coming up with my own style, my own way of talking, my own handshakes, etc. When I walked around I looked and felt like a high value guy.

- Girl's would open me on the way I dressed
- If I talked to a girl I breifly knew there friends would ask who I am and ask what my name is
- Girl's I didn't know but seen me once in awhile would come up and hug me as if we knew each other
- If the girl was working she'd always mention why I didn't get nothing for my gf (Just last week I was at a concert and 3 women were just complimenting me left and right and telling me to buy something for my gf because they know I have some hot girl out there, which was true, they assumed)
- Girls bumping into me or they'd stand right in front of me with the look of "Talk to me"
- If I'm talking to a friend, the girl would tend to listen in on my conversations and either laugh or jump into the conversation as if we knew her. (This happened on the train once and my AFC friend goes "Why is she talk to you? We don't know her"
- A girl seen me on the train one time and I seen her again with some friends and she randomly says to her friends "I know him"

There were a good amount of women approaching me or finding ways to approach me. At one time I remember I was getting opened atleast 2 times a week.

I think the main reason this happened besides me just conveying the right personality traits was there I was a sexually comfortable man who was just having fun and didn't want anything in return. Back when I was constantly practicing I was always doing all these stuff just for fun and I never wanted anything from the girl. Some girl's were even fixing there bra, rubbing there breast, etc right in front of me thinking I'd start oogling over what I seen. But even before I was in this community I never would do that.

While all the guys who happen to see the girl doing that they'd have the face of "Did you just see that" meanwhile I always had my same face and they'd think that it was "Normal" for me to be seeing such thing.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
When you guys say you are approached "alot," what does that mean? Does that mean once a year? Once a night? Ten times a night? Don't give an example from four years ago as evidence of being approached a lot. Be specific.

Do you have friends get approached a lot? ("Alot" = 4X a night or more). What was it about them that led to them getting approached.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
I just don't know about the vibe theory. Maybe it's different in other areas of the U.S., but here in South Carolina most people don't go around smiling and talking to complete strangers. I've lived here almost all my life, so I've been around this area long enough to notice this.

It's not just me, either. I have a cousin that is the epitome of a "DJ". I mean he can talk to anybody anywhere. He's had more girls that I can count. Yet, I've been out with him, and he never gets approached. He's a good looking guy, very sociable, puts off good vibes and everything.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
OK, at least you are specific. I wouldn't say this is a lot though. I would say 4X a night or more every night is "alot."

Snow Plowman said:
At one time I remember I was getting opened atleast 2 times a week.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Anyone here who has ever been approached while in Cali, particularly SoCal? I doubt it, lol.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
COD said:
Let me ask you this..........if a hot babe came right up to you, offered to buy you a drink and said You are to have some dinner with me.....I'm buying.......what would be your reaction? Well first, better check your alarm clock to see if you are dreaming.....

ROFL :crackup: :crackup: god i needed a good laugh....AMEN BROTHA



Don Juan
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, what does "alot" mean? Several times a night? That's alot. But once a night or week, or even less? That's not alot.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
thickandcreamy said:
OK, at least you are specific. I wouldn't say this is a lot though. I would say 4X a night or more every night is "alot."
Yea I agree it isn't a lot but when you think about it in closing terms. Two girls approaching you a week is a great potential of fuking two girls a week on average.

The thing I noticed the most at that time was just how many girls would be in proximiy of you. Like say if you were with you're friends and your just having so much fun, you'll notice people start drawing into that area. I remember the first time I noticed that was when I was in school, me and 3 friends are playing around doing stupid dance moves while somebody plays a beat. People started dancing solo and everyone who wasn't in class was drawn towards our group. Eventually as people started to walk by they would start dancing as they walk by and we'd all just give them a moment of hype.

After that one time i started bringing the party where ever I go and as a result many girls would already be receptive before I even said anything to them. I then started to rationalize it as if I'm a great looking guy, but I was 100% wrong it was the energy and attitude that I brought. That is why I think I stopped getting approached and as many AIs because ever since I stoped practicing constantly, my game started declining.
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Girls dont approach guys cuz their puzzys,thats why they have a puzzy their puzzys!

And oh yeah hoes approach me ALL the time!


Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
I've had girls approach me, but thats usually just because Im a bouncer, but its happend when im not on the job also. What I find though is even though they approach you doesnt mean a whole lot. I had a girl approach me and was all over me then flaked out. Chances are if they approached you they will do it to other guys too and you really aren't that special.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
If you're one of these guys, what exactly do you mean by "approach"?
since i've repented of my DJ ways (about 1.6 years ago), I've been explicitly asked out by girls on probably three occasions (3 that come to mind, anyway), and on other situations I've had girls simply hit on me. So if you're doing things right, it will happen.

Imo, tho, girls that approach you are most likely hors who aren't worth getting involved with. Ahhh...the terrible paradoxes of life.

It's better to be bold yourself, I think.

I've never been anywhere and had a girl that's a total stranger just walk up to me and start a conversation.
this won't happen often either. It's happened to me before (HB8), but it was a Halloween party so, umm, enough said...

Basically, it takes manliness to approach someone. You don't want a manly woman.