Girls Approaching Guys


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Well..when you always here how hot you are from many girls, i'd say that's pretty good indication that you're good looking to many girls. At least that's where my feedback comes from.

You often never hear it directly unless they're drunk. Usually through a friend or someone knowing them.

One girl, was crazy a resteraunt. I heard this "He's really hot, i want to fukk him" and she's staring me right in the eyes while saying it. Needless to say, was a nice boost to my ego.

I just got called a stuck up SOB today LOL! I must be doing my job as a DJ ..aye? I'm done Djing so to speak. Something i learned today, it all stems from body language and then everything comes naturally. If you have to think about it, you're fighting an uphill battle, really with just yourself.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
London (currently in Sydney)
tmpgstx said:
Well..when you always here how hot you are from many girls, i'd say that's pretty good indication that you're good looking to many girls. At least that's where my feedback comes from.

You often never hear it directly unless they're drunk. Usually through a friend or someone knowing them.

One girl, was crazy a resteraunt. I heard this "He's really hot, i want to fukk him" and she's staring me right in the eyes while saying it. Needless to say, was a nice boost to my ego.

I just got called a stuck up SOB today LOL! I must be doing my job as a DJ ..aye? I'm done Djing so to speak. Something i learned today, it all stems from body language and then everything comes naturally. If you have to think about it, you're fighting an uphill battle, really with just yourself.
No offence but in your last post you say you never approach because of your great fear of rejection - not much of a DJ in my eyes??! Some guys who are great looking never get anywhere cos they are shy or can't approach. You're right about girls when they are drunk - but they also get beer/alcohol goggles plus alcohol can get a girl very horny.

My last gfriend approached me after we'd had eye contact - walked up to me on the dancefloor asked me a question & walked off. I checked her out a few other times but she was with a guy (a gay guy i found out later) so i left it, she came back over, we went off to chat and it all went from there.

Generally the very hottest women won't approach though but like everyone says it's all in the eye contact, etc... & yeh the fugly girls who are too keen are f**kin annoying! I reckon it puts you into a womens shoes with all the losers they have approaching them being letchy, clingy & annoying