I don't think the tips or even any of the gurus have gotten the signs of high IL spot on. Sometimes girls do all those things we are told to look for (kino, whites of the eyes, proximity etc). But sometimes it is the opposite of that.
The conclusion I have come to in judging interest level is in incongruous behavior.
If she acts different towards you compared to any other guy you can be sure you have gotten under her skin (although for some of you guys just learning this ****; it might be in a bad way! so be careful).
Some ****ed up IOIs: deliberately flirting with other guys in front of you. talking about how hot so and so is. walking away at the high point of conversation. being challenging. throwing backhanded compliments at you. ignoring you. trying to be centre of attention....
You mean, she does this when she actually has very HIGH IL, right? So high that she's afraid it will be "obvious", so she "overcompensates" in order to hide it -- which to a guy, at least a socially unware one, seems like she actually DOESN'T like him. I don't think these girls are aware of how GUYS see their behavior. Fair enough they don't want it to be TOO obvious that they like the guy, but I think they would be shocked to hear that they are actually SCARING the guy off (well, scaring MOST guys off) unintentionally.
I wish I picked up on this earlier. Even now I have trouble recognizing it. But my mind is slowly coming to grips with it. I have sterling example of this in mind from my past. This Argentine girl in the office right, absolutely stunning. Every so often, she'd give a little hint that she was into me, but whenever we actually had to speak or interact, she'd be so blunt and almost rude that I thought she didn't want a bar of me. It really annoyed me to see her being so easy-going with all the OTHER guys but. I kept thinking, sheesh man, what the hell am I doing wrong that she's so nice to everyone else but so cold towards ME? (An example: we had these sheets of paper with sales leads on them that were put in a stack in this box. When we ran out of leads, we'd go and grab some more sheets. Instead of grabbing the ones on top, everyone would dig down and grab some from half way, like a "lucky dip". I was doing this when she got there and she scolded me for it, telling me I was "messing up the order" or some crap like that. At least I didn't apologize for it, I go "relax will ya? EVERYONE does this". But I walked away thinking she had it in for me.)
I suck at paragraphs so please read.
Lmao, that's funny!

Dude, just hit 'enter' every now and then man. Don't worry if your paragraphs make sense or not!
That is a pretty interesting one dude.I really have no idea why she'd go cold like that after showing so much obvious interest. (Could just be a plain weirdo.) Can't you just go to the bar again and see what's up?