Girls acts interested buy dosn't get physical or kiss on the first date


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
PianoGuy33 said:
Okay guys, so here where the story stands. Please share the advice. After she text me that she had a great time last night :). I then responded "Ya me too, lets do it again next time we're both free." She didn't respond to that though. 3 days later I called her (last night) and she didn't answer. I left a message asking her how the beginning of her week was, and I also made a joke about the formality of her answer machine. I said "wow you're answering machine is very formal, it's kinda funny." She never called me back that night though, and I'm wondering if she will. My question is, if a girl texts you the next day after your first date saying that she had a great time, that means she's interested. She also told me she wanted to hang out again during the date. So then why wouldn't she call back after I called last night? and what should I do, because I wanted to take her out this weekend? Thanks guys, hope all is well.
Seems like she lost interest. She probably found someone that she thinks is better than you. She didn't respond to a phone call or a text. If you really liked a girl you would make sure to respond to a text and a call right? You would do exactly what she is doing to a girl you didn't like. The text saying she liked the date could've been a formality. She has low IL. NEXT


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Time to go Non-Contact (NC) and start looking at other women - do not let this develop into Oneitis.

Women are strange creatures - in the face of fierce competition, some women want the man that all other women are after even if she is ignored intensly.

Best thing you can do is to show that she ain't worth that much attention and it will make her think why you fell off the planet of the earth. Her hamster brain will start spinning tales (or tails) of her thinking you are a great catch after all and starts devaluing herself and before you know it she will call you.

If not, then you have other women that you are focusing on so all is well.

Good luck.
