In short, I want you to tell me where the 'normal' in love for dogs begins and ends and enters obsession or something of the like that is not generally expected to be tollerated.
I have a long distance girlfriend; I love her very much and she loves me back. She's on college studying stomatology and lives alone in her appartment and most of her time, she spends on college and when she returns she's studying.
She got her a yorkshire terrier a few months back and sure, those little things are adorable, but right at the beginning as we were talking on skype she's been interrupting me a zillion times in the middle of a sentence in the middle of something I was telling, saying something like 'OMG look, he is sooooo cute' or, 'LOL, I wish you could see what he's doing, he's so funny!'. Most of the time, she can't talk to me without holding him on her lap.
She lets him sleep on the bed and says his favourite spot is on the pillow, at her head, she says he is her little prince. And yesterday she told me, when I'll come see her, I'll just have to accept the dog will sleep with us.
I must also say I like dogs alot, I've had a few, and I loved the last one the most, but they were all outside dogs. I live out of town, practically in a village and the dog could be unleashed and free, never had any problems, and I very seldom brought them inside.
Now, please tell me what she's doing is completely normal, that I'm crazy for even thinking about this, and that everything is going to be fine. Oh, and also this, imagine we're in bed, dog's with us, of course, and we kiss and lead one thing to another and then she realizes we're gonna have secks and takes the dog to the bathroom. And when we're done, she'd bring him back. Every ****ing time. And if I take the long way with, I don't know, ice cubes, baby oil, I bet the dog's gonna start crying in the bathroom at a certain point and she'd have to get up, comfort the dog, come back and we continue just where we left off. Is this sweet or what?
I have a long distance girlfriend; I love her very much and she loves me back. She's on college studying stomatology and lives alone in her appartment and most of her time, she spends on college and when she returns she's studying.
She got her a yorkshire terrier a few months back and sure, those little things are adorable, but right at the beginning as we were talking on skype she's been interrupting me a zillion times in the middle of a sentence in the middle of something I was telling, saying something like 'OMG look, he is sooooo cute' or, 'LOL, I wish you could see what he's doing, he's so funny!'. Most of the time, she can't talk to me without holding him on her lap.
She lets him sleep on the bed and says his favourite spot is on the pillow, at her head, she says he is her little prince. And yesterday she told me, when I'll come see her, I'll just have to accept the dog will sleep with us.
I must also say I like dogs alot, I've had a few, and I loved the last one the most, but they were all outside dogs. I live out of town, practically in a village and the dog could be unleashed and free, never had any problems, and I very seldom brought them inside.
Now, please tell me what she's doing is completely normal, that I'm crazy for even thinking about this, and that everything is going to be fine. Oh, and also this, imagine we're in bed, dog's with us, of course, and we kiss and lead one thing to another and then she realizes we're gonna have secks and takes the dog to the bathroom. And when we're done, she'd bring him back. Every ****ing time. And if I take the long way with, I don't know, ice cubes, baby oil, I bet the dog's gonna start crying in the bathroom at a certain point and she'd have to get up, comfort the dog, come back and we continue just where we left off. Is this sweet or what?