That's the biggest problem with this site and people on it.
Most people assume everything is for One night stands or just getting the chic, but once they get some chic they like, they can't sway from the rules or it's over.
RELATIONSHIPS = communication and compromise.
Hell, i'd actually respect the girl more if she cared enough about me to not want me to go gambling. I grew up near a gambling city and let me tell you, there were plenty of YOUNG people who had problems.
It started out all nice and slow, nothing bad, but then eventually, they did take out second mortgages.
And THE BIGGEST problem I see with you,
" I play blackjack and go to the casinos once every couple month. I always come home a winner "
when a gambler says they come home a winner everytime, you already have a problem.
It's a known fact CASINOS have things stacked against you. It's their business to take your money. They don't want to give it away. Yes, you'll win here and there so you want to come back, so you have that feeling of winnning.
ANd NO matter what you play, black jack, craps, roulette, slot machines, etc it's not about having skills, I mean there have been card counters in LAS VEGAS that were caught and either taken to jail, or are still out in the desert. It's about the casino making it's money. They don't want you to win.
there once was a contest at this one casino, where you had to guess a 4 digit lock combo and you'd win 20 million bucks. THe reason why nobody won, it wasn't a 4 digit combo. It was a 5. ANd the reason they got away with it, was because of some loophole or something. Hey, THEY make billions because the casinos know how to take money from people.
ANyway, that was off the topic, the problem seems to be, you already have a problem. If you coming to this site complaining about some minor issue cause your gf shows concern, it can only lead to worse things. Gambling isn't what it's cracked up to be.
Besides, why would you want to spend most of your time with OLDER RETIRE PEOPLE.