How would I know.? LOL
Women are suckers for honesty and the "feels"
Tell her you were angry when you blocked her, you had so many good times together that it would be really sad if you couldnt remain in touch at all.
Yeah, it sounds bluepill but you arent promising anything or committing to 'just being friends'. It gives her a chance to let her hamster spin and think about missing you. Leave it at that and let her do the work, if she doesnt respond you have lost 20 secs doing a
text message... No big deal.
Plan B... Treat her and you like an open relationship although never state that out loud. You cant control who she is banging any more than she can control you. It is what it is, just enjoy the moment.
Plan C... Never contact the branch swinging ho again and unless your town has a population of you, find someone closer.