Girlfriend playing games, reverse it on her


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
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Tonight I had 2 girls that were waiting for me to call them so we can chill.
But still, I decided to do the right thing and call my girlfriend so I can chill with her instead.

- Wassup. (Me)
- Nothing much.
- I'm in the west right now. Can I come see you since you're at your mother's house. (her mother lives in the west)
- Ummmm. Ok. Ok. (she's hesitating)
- You dont sound too sure.
- No it's cool.
- What exit I take?
- Ahhh (she's sounding like my question is bothering her)

She tells me the exit then I tell her "ok, I'm gonna call you back."

At this point, I'm thinking to myself "I have 2 pretty girls waiting on my call to chill with me and my girlfriend is hesitating". The fact she hesitated didnt really bother me because then again, it could be because she's trynna figure out what to wear on a short notice, or something like that... Thats fine. Her sounding bothered by me asking which exit to take is unnacceptable.:nono: Girls only do that when they think they're the cacth. She should know better. As a man, I didnt see myself driving there to see her after that. In relationships, if you fail to see these things, you will get hurt in the long run. Pretty soon, you will be handing over your balls to them.

Long story short. I called one of the 2 chicks and told her I was coming.
Called back my chick and told her I was gonna stay and chill where i was. In her voice, I can see she didnt like the fact I changed my mind. I did what a man had to do. Actions speak louder than words. One thing for sure, she wont pull this **** again on me if she knows better.

That chick, she's a 22 year old teacher. Makes money. Bought me drinks all night, telling me she couldnt wait to see me. We got tipsy, then drove her ass home...

Feel free to leave comments

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
What else needs to be said?

Looks like you have a solid sense of self worth and a decent grip on the game.

Dont worry too much about reversing her games or exposing her flakiness , chicks can intuitively tell if your dumping load into other chicks, its uncanny. That will be enough.

Just one thing I noticed, I personally wouldnt ask a chick if I could come over like you did.

Instead of "Can I?", why not "How bout I?"...take it or leave it mate.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Why is it ok for you to have a gf and see two other girls at the same time, and yet if a gf did that to you, you would be calling her a lieing, deceitfull, coniving little beooootchhhh?

Kinda hypocritical don't ya think?

Maybe if you devoted your time and efforts to your girlfriend instead of two other girls, your gf might be more excited to see you than she appeared and NOT play these games that you say she is doing. Trust me, people can sense when someone isn't being 100% honest and committed in a relationship.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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cordoncordon said:
Why is it ok for you to have a gf and see two other girls at the same time, and yet if a gf did that you, you would be calling her a lieing, deceitfull, coniving little beooootchhhh?

Kinda hypocritical don't ya think?

Maybe if you devoted your time and efforts to your girlfriend instead of two other girls, your gf might be more excited to see you than she appeared and NOT play these games that you say she is doing. Trust me, people can sense when someone isn't being 100% honest and committed in a relationship.
I agree with that.

I think what he should have done is go back to his place or the movies or visit a friend (guy) and then call his girl and tell her that he wanted to stay back and chill. The effect would have been the SAME.


Why go to the trouble? Why not just dump the girlfriend and stay FREE to date other women? The thing think women are stupid. It is a matter of time before his girlfriend finds out. And God forbid...if they ever get married and she finds out AFTER. Women are MUCH better at deceiving than men.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
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Latinoman said:
I agree with that.

I think what he should have done is go back to his place or the movies or visit a friend (guy) and then call his girl and tell her that he wanted to stay back and chill. The effect would have been the SAME.


Why go to the trouble? Why not just dump the girlfriend and stay FREE to date other women? The thing think women are stupid. It is a matter of time before his girlfriend finds out. And God forbid...if they ever get married and she finds out AFTER. Women are MUCH better at deceiving than men.
I agree totally. Although its ok to go hang out with some girls. Maybe even have fun but not to cross lines. Besides your the man right? shouldnt you be setting the example?

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
This is a textbook example of Plate Theory in practice. Well done.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Rollo Tomassi said:
This is a textbook example of Plate Theory in practice. Well done.
That's fine if she is a girl he is seeing (FWB). But not if she is part of a committed relationship. If she is a real girlfriend...he should just have dumped her in the spot. I mean, why go to the trouble of secretly seeing somebody?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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I agree Latino and I cant believe the people that defend this type of behavior, mainly because if if was a woman doing it to a man, they would call her as mentioned previously, a slvt, whoore, lieing, coniving, cheating beoootch. And say all women are like this.

This is his gf for crying out loud, I would imagine she thinks shes in a committed relations, and this bozo is out gaming two other girls and then wondering why his gf isnt "excited" to see him.

Amazes me how stupid some people really are in this world.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
If she's not acting like your girlfriend, then she's not your girlfriend, and this girl isn't. I don't give 2 sh1ts about all that "official" and "unofficial" crap. You are only together if both of you want to be together, then cheating won't be an issue. I personally don't consider anything to be cheating unless you are engaged or married.

Man, some of you guys keep clinging to little things and so obviously FAIL to see the big picture.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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speed dawg said:
If she's not acting like your girlfriend, then she's not your girlfriend, and this girl isn't. I don't give 2 sh1ts about all that "official" and "unofficial" crap. You are only together if both of you want to be together, then cheating won't be an issue. I personally don't consider anything to be cheating unless you are engaged or married.

Man, some of you guys keep clinging to little things and so obviously FAIL to see the big picture.
I'm 38. Was married for several years. Did some cheating back in the day (something that WAS kind of "acceptable" in my culture).

Hmmmmm...let's see...I guess I "fail to see the big picture".

What big picture?

If I'm in a committed relationship with a woman...I want her to ONLY be with me. I don't want to get any sickness...etc. If I don't care, then I would make it clear that we are FWB.

And I'm sure she expects the same courtesy.

Now...if they are in a FWB type of thing...then that's different.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Here is a question to ask yourself whenever you are in a relationship:

"On average, would my life be better without her?"

If the answer is yes, and I'm sure in this case it is, get rid of her.

No girlfriend should be "Playing games". If this is the case, just drop her. Break up with her over the phone in one minute and leave her to her own puddle of tears as she laments losing the control she once had over you.

This advice is priceless, and you're getting it for free. Recognize.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Since he never said either way, I find it interesting how the guys point of view is always 100% taken as fact on here. Again, for all we know she has treated him like a king since theyve been together, and he has been neglecting and playing around on her, hence her not jumping for joy to see him.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
cordoncordon said:
Since he never said either way, I find it interesting how the guys point of view is always 100% taken as fact on here.
I find it interesting your the opposite, just doing your bit of nobility for the precious flowers eh ? Good for you.

Nobody likes a c@ckblockin killjoy though mate, why are you here?.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Luveno said:
Here is a question to ask yourself whenever you are in a relationship:

"On average, would my life be better without her?"

If the answer is yes, and I'm sure in this case it is, get rid of her.

No girlfriend should be "Playing games". If this is the case, just drop her. Break up with her over the phone in one minute and leave her to her own puddle of tears as she laments losing the control she once had over you.

This advice is priceless, and you're getting it for free. Recognize.
The problem is...what if she doesn't cry or laments losing her control over him? What if she says? "Okay!".

Hmmmm...what then? Would he be capable of moving on or would he allow his own pride to take over and AFC over the situation?

Always assume the WORST case...and worst case is that she might actually celebrate with ANOTHER man if you were to dump her. Then ask yourself this question: would I be able to move on if she moves on that quick?


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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witty confident guy who's got no trouble whatsoever getting laid then I guess it is also safe to assume you wouldn't be on a LTR unless the girl is special enough to be with her and be with her only. Now, if she's that special, why run the chance of messing it all up for a quick shag? And if ruining the relationship doesn't mean sh*t to you, then that means the girl isn't that special and you should've realized that before and dump her then.

EXACTLY the point I've been trying to make but lacked the lexicon to correctly and clearly express my thoughts. I personally won't be in a LTR UNLESS I feel that woman has something special about her. That's the ONLY way. I mean, why even be in a LTR with a woman that I feel is not that special? I rather have several other women if that was the case.

And if I only PERCEIVE she is great or special to LATER realize she is cunning and manipulative or later realize she is not that special...then I simply dump her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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Blusher said:
IMO it doesn't matter what happens after you dump a girl. It's over and done with and she can do what she wants.

Now, we all know that we're not robots and we may still have feelings for that girl, plus we're males and quite proud by nature so it is in our best interest to NOT know what she does and who she sees and/or sleep with after the relationship is over.
Very true.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
You guys are reading too much into this.

The OP used the term "girlfriend". We all know that "girlfriend" is a blanket term on these boards. He didn't say "fiance", LTR, STR, Plate, HB, FB, or "serious girlfriend". He used a loose term, not one that implied the seriousness of the relationship.

Settle down guys, the spirit of the post is good and right. There isn't really a good term besides the traditional "girlfriend" to describe a spinning plate. This seems more to be a situation where a spinning plate was flaking, so he decided to better use his time on other potential plates. Which is good, not immoral, not unfair, and definitely not an AFC move.

Well done, Testiculz, but next time don't cross post. (Same article with different title in DJD... that's lame)


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Sorry to spoil the fun. It is a pretty :yawn: post for the MM. Probably belongs in the HS forum.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
You guys are reading too much into this.

The OP used the term "girlfriend". We all know that "girlfriend" is a blanket term on these boards. He didn't say "fiance", LTR, STR, Plate, HB, FB, or "serious girlfriend". He used a loose term, not one that implied the seriousness of the relationship.

Settle down guys, the spirit of the post is good and right. There isn't really a good term besides the traditional "girlfriend" to describe a spinning plate. This seems more to be a situation where a spinning plate was flaking, so he decided to better use his time on other potential plates. Which is good, not immoral, not unfair, and definitely not an AFC move.

Well done, Testiculz, but next time don't cross post. (Same article with different title in DJD... that's lame)
He admitted in the other thread (he created the exact one in the General Forum) that we were right (the ones critisizing his behavior). Therefore, I'm almost certain he is referring to a real girlfriend.