Girlfriend playing games, counter that ****!!


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
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Tonight I had 2 girls that were waiting for me to call them so we can chill.
But still, I decided to do the right thing and call my girlfriend so I can chill with her instead.

- Wassup. (Me)
- Nothing much.
- I'm in the west right now. Can I come see you since you're at your mother's house. (her mother lives in the west)
- Ummmm. Ok. Ok. (she hesitated)
- You dont sound too sure.
- No it's cool.
- What exit I take?
- Ahhh (she's sounding like my question is bothering her)

She tells me the exit then I tell her "ok, I'm gonna call you back."

At this point, I'm thinking to myself "I have 2 pretty girls waiting on my call to chill with me and my girlfriend is hesitating". The fact she hesitated didnt really bother me because then again, it could be because she's trynna figure out what to wear on a short notice, or something like that... Thats fine. Her sounding bothered by me asking which exit to take is unnacceptable. Girls only do that when they think they're the cacth. Lol. She should know better. As a man, I didnt see myself driving there after that. In relationships, if you fail to see these things, you will get hurt in the long run. Pretty soon, you will be handing over your balls to them.

Long story short. I called one of the 2 chicks and told her I was coming.
Called back my chick and told her I was gonna stay and chill where i was. In her voice, I can see she didnt like the fact I changed my mind. I did what a man had to do. Actions speak louder than words. One thing for sure, she wont pull this **** again on me if she knows better.

That chick, she's a 22 year old teacher. Makes money. Bought me drinks all night, telling me she couldnt wait to see me. We got tipsy, then drove her ass home...

Feel free to leave comments my fellow Don Juans


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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We got tipsy, then drove her ass home...
What the f**k are you doing driving drunk?


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
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Slevin said:
What the f**k are you doing driving drunk?
Fools drive drunk, men can drive tipsy...while boys can do neither


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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I'm in the west right now. Can I come see you since you're at your mother's house. (her mother lives in the west)

I would of said something like 'I'm in your area, lets meet up for a drink'. When you 'ask' you give her the lead/power; it brings your value down.

called one of the 2 chicks and told her I was coming.
Called back my chick and told her I was gonna stay and chill where i was. In her voice, I can see she didnt like the fact I changed my mind. I did what a man had to do.

Hell yeah bro, nice work! If she asks why you changed your mind, say something like 'I got tired, didn't feel like driving'. This will mess her mind up.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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so you cheated on your gf because she wasn't completely enthusiastic on the phone? I presume ye're not exclusive. Otherwise its a fairly ****ty thing to do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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vorbis said:
so you cheated on your gf because she wasn't completely enthusiastic on the phone? I presume ye're not exclusive. Otherwise its a fairly ****ty thing to do.
I agree.

I think what he should have done is go back to his place or the movies or visit a friend (guy) and then call his girl and tell her that he wanted to stay back and chill. The effect would have been the SAME.


Why go to the trouble? Why not just dump the girlfriend and stay FREE to date other women? The thing think women are stupid. It is a matter of time before his girlfriend finds out. And God forbid...if they ever get married and she finds out AFTER. Women are MUCH better at deceiving than men.


Jan 14, 2006
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Latinoman said:
I agree.

I think what he should have done is go back to his place or the movies or visit a friend (guy) and then call his girl and tell her that he wanted to stay back and chill. The effect would have been the SAME.


Why go to the trouble? Why not just dump the girlfriend and stay FREE to date other women? The thing think women are stupid. It is a matter of time before his girlfriend finds out. And God forbid...if they ever get married and she finds out AFTER. Women are MUCH better at deceiving than men.
its not cheating if she doesnt kno about it!!! its GREAT to have a "gf" who u **** all the time and she thinks u r together and shes faithful, but ur not....cuz ur still free as u wanna be


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
its not cheating if she doesnt kno about it!!! its GREAT to have a "gf" who u **** all the time and she thinks u r together and shes faithful, but ur not....cuz ur still free as u wanna be
Trust is not cool.

It is cooler to be ALONE and do all the woman you want. And very few women out there are "faithful".

The chances of his girl being "faithful" are as high as he being "faithful". By he being "unfaithful", he is neglecting her. And by doing so, he is allowing another fool to pay attention to her.

Dont underestimate women. They are smarter than us when it comes to deception.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
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Cheating is a question of Morality. I think its wrong. A recent poll on here would agree with that.

Note....He never said he did anything with her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Tomatoes said:
Cheating is a question of Morality. I think its wrong. A recent poll on here would agree with that.

Note....He never said he did anything with her.
It is cheating...if she would have done the same to him...he would have considered that cheating too.

Here is the thing...he acted like a total AFC.

Here is why...

1- He is in a relationship.
2- She does something that bothers him
3- He then goes on cheating with another woman.

Why is this AFC?

Because a real DJ would have

1- End the relationship
2- Then find somebody else


1- Change plans
2- Stay chilling with friends and/or at home

I mean, there is NOTHING holding them together. There is not a marriage...there is not children or common properties (house). He could easily walk away from her and find either a FWB or a woman that would not put him in such emotional drama. But instead, he choose to go out with another woman to "reverse" his girlfriend's actions. Why even bother?

I will tell you why...because he NEEDS his girlfriend. Or he loves his girlfriend. Or simply...he sees his girlfriend as possible marriage material.

And assuming that's the case...then he is doing something that she will eventually find out.

So, why bother with a girlfriend (he can easily walk out), when he can hook up with 2 more and he rather SECRETLY do that?

AFC. Plain and simple.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Note: Cheating in a marriage or committed relationship is NOT a DJ thing to do. Cheating is in fact a manifestation of insecurity and lack of self assurance.

He felt insecure and needed the reassurance from the other girl.

I would have personally made an assesment of the relationship. Then if I felt she was still worth having, what I would have done is cancel my plans (of going and see her) and stay home (or go to the movies, etc.).

If I would have concluded that she was not worth keeping...I would have simply walked away (or met somebody else with the intention of dumping my girl).

As I said...nothing is holding them together.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
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I hear what you guys are saying. Cheating is not a good thing to do. No excuses.
But with all this ***** thrown at me, you probably would do the same. It's testosterone with us, but MOST LIKELY when girls do the same, there are emotions and i all know this.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Why is it ok for you to have a gf and see two other girls at the same time, and yet if a gf did that to you, you would be calling her a lieing, deceitfull, coniving little beooootchhhh?

Kinda hypocritical don't ya think?

Maybe if you devoted your time and efforts to your girlfriend instead of two other girls, your gf might be more excited to see you than she appeared and NOT play these games that you say she is doing. Trust me, people can sense when someone isn't being 100% honest and committed in a relationship.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Testiculz said:
I hear what you guys are saying. Cheating is not a good thing to do. No excuses.
But with all this ***** thrown at me, you probably would do the same. It's testosterone with us, but MOST LIKELY when girls do the same, there are emotions and i all know this.
We are men...we should have more control of our emotions.

So, I can tell you that right now, I won't do the same. I would either go and relax (changing the plans and solely focusing on myself)...or I would do what you did with the clear intention of dumping her (e.g. making sure I have another woman before dumping her).

Truthfully...why even bother? If she was your wife, then I could see you not wanting to dump her and dealing with this issue more (agree or disagree, I might be able to see your point). However, there is nothing holding you back.

If she didn't want to be a FWB...and she became such a pain in the butt as to make you see other might as well dump her and find a FWB, where you can freely do whatever you want without concerns.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Maybe if you devoted your time and efforts to your girlfriend instead of two other girls, your gf might be more excited to see you than she appeared and NOT play these games that you say she is doing. Trust me, people can sense when someone isn't being 100% honest and committed in a relationship.
You are exactly right.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
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Fort Bragg, NC
He did what i would have done, I'm behind him 100%. If you consider this cheating then boy the things I've done in the past compared to this is like new level of cheating.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Cheating is hardly that complex. If you're with someone that you call your gf and you go sleep with someone else, then thats cheating. Whether stuff like kissing is cheating is decided by your relationship boundaries. Good rule of thumb is, would you want her to know about it? If you wouldn't then its cheating.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2006
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Two things are in question here.

1st- Are you considering hanging out with a girl that you know. as cheating or just haning out? Would your girl think that you cheated on her if you told her that you were just hanging out with one of your "girl...friend"? Have you considered cheating on your gf?

2nd. Dont you think you are applying a double standard here? What if your gf was cheating on you, and Im sure you wouldnt be happy at all. Do on to others as you wish others do on to you. I cant say it any clearer, dont expect her to NOT cheat while you go around hanging out with other women if in fact your girlfriend thinks its cheating.

If you feel the need to date other women and you are unhappy then move on and dump her, but if you feel she has enough worth to keep around then dont cheat or try to make her feel like you are. Thats not fair to both of you.

You cant have your cake and eat it too. Because if you cheat and keep her around it creates lots of negative energy and guilt long after you dump her or get dumped. You can go around feeling like a pimp, at a time or another you will feel bad. It also makes for bad relationship habits. Cut her loose if your not for it. Also Dont view her as a sexual object, it makes dealing with women that much harder. If you choose not to value the thing that they provide (p*ssy) , they become powerless, how can you be powerful when the thing you use to wield your power has no value. Im saying that its better to just view her as a whole person (sex, personality, conversation, humor etc) If she doesnt have as many points in each category as the girls you are dating then, its time to dump her. Otherwise keeping her around for sex when you dont enjoy her company is just like having sex with a f*k buddy except on a consistent basis. I guess the consistency of sex that gf's provide is the most appealing thing about getting into a realtionship for most guys...hell I love consistent sex.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Faded Image said:
He did what i would have done, I'm behind him 100%. If you consider this cheating then boy the things I've done in the past compared to this is like new level of cheating.
Phucking with condom or without it...wearing a clown uniform while having sex or pantihose...doesn't matter. The action is the same.

Now...I certainly hope that when one of your future/current girlfriend does the same to you...that you can then TAKE IT LIKE A MAN. After all, you feel that is NOT cheating.


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Fools drive drunk, retards drive tipsy...while intelligent people do neither
Fixed that for you.