Girlfriend Kissed her ex!


New Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I understand where you're coming from, as my recent x-gf was also a virgin before i got to her. I say let her go. If she cant get over her ex than she doesnt deserve to be with you.

They must have broken up for a reason. Let them get back together and watch what happens. In about two months they'll likely break up again and you'll be able to say that you got out before it got bad.

Then when she comes crawling back, you decide whether she's worth it or not. I say no.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
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Almost the exact same thing happened to me. I nexted her, and she hasn't stopped pursuing me since. It's been a year, easily. The problem with staying with them is you can never really trust the person again. It'll slowly drive you mad if you let it. When I split with her - I made sure all of her friends and our mutual friends knew why it was over.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
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Well my girlfriend of 2.5 years has kissed her ex. She did this about 2 months ago, and I found out 1 month ago off her ex (who never really liked me since he was an ex-mate). Well, at first they had only just began speaking again, and I was a little weary at first. They apparently kissed within the first 2 weeks of them starting to speak again.
And then

They did nothing in their relationship except kiss (she wasnt ready). She told me during their relationship that she did actually want me, she just knew it was impossible due to my ex. So I left my ex, because my partner was the most gorgeous and warm and kind hearted person i knew.
So let me get this straight. While she was with her EX she was telling you how bad she wanted you and left her EX for you. Now that she is with you behind your back she is still talking to him and even made out with him meaning she is feeding him bull**** that she wants him back. This girl has more game then Nintendo.Women make me fvcking sick.

Any ideas how to get rid of him
You chop him up and feed him to the pigs.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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San Francisco
darkwolf08 said:
Well, i told her whats going on. She didnt give a monkeys about any of it. Shes not about to change.

Maybe your advice is the best, I was clouded by my 'love'

To the future! :(
Why are you being so pessimistic?

You're free. Go forth and plow.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
darkwolf08 said:
Right where to begin,

Well my girlfriend of 2.5 years has kissed her ex. She did this about 2 months ago, and I found out 1 month ago off her ex (who never really liked me since he was an ex-mate). Well, at first they had only just began speaking again, and I was a little weary at first. They apparently kissed within the first 2 weeks of them starting to speak again....

...However, she told me she still 'cares alot' about her ex, and she wont just ditch him, since he is a good friend, but Im not comfortable with them being together. Just in case old feelings come back. I have no idea what to do, I love her so much, but I cant handle him?
Surprisingly this isn't very rare even though the two of you have been dating for over two years. Actually that has little bearing, what's important is what she did between the time she dated your bud and then started dating you. Can't deny the fact that the ex was a bud too but that should be readily apparent. The other thing is that it sounds as if you hadn't allowed her to get over her ex (if she could at all). So here you are, after two and a half years you're :nono "The Rebound Guy."


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
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Remember that the most powerful tool any man has is to simply vanish into the shadows silently as he is busying himself with his life.

If sexually exclusivity is something you want in a relationship, make it one of your rules: Those women who do not abide by it must go. Others will take their place.

For the next time, when you get told this, laugh, ask if it was good and change the subject. Then start spending your time on things that make you happy besides your girl. Get seen with other girls. Word spreads around. If you're really the one she wants, she'll get the "my way or the highway" hint.

On a side note, I believe that sexual exclusivity in a relationship should be explicit, not implicit. From where I'm standing, if you guys never talked about not dating other people, she did nothing wrong. Neither would you have, if you'd done other girls (condoms are a must, of couse). Just my $0.02.