Girlfriend joining a sorority.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
KnockoutJM said:
Don't Worry about your girlfriend joining a sorority. Honestly not all sororities are slutty or cokeheads. You do not have to party separately except for when she is pledging. The "parties where sororities are with a frat" aka a social are not required. So if she does say she is forced to go she is lying to you. And btw socials suck. They are only there to get free drinks and possibly hook up. you know the name of the Sorority she is joining? The name of the College?

You are obviously talking out of your azz.

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Paradise City
Latinoman said:
Dude...chances of she staying loyal (at such a young age and in such environment) are almost less than 5%.
^^what latinoman said is completely true. Im sure that was completely based on facts and not made up by someone who doesnt know what hes talking about.

And then being completely arrogent to what Young Gun had to say makes me respect him even more.

Now that im done praising latinoman for his thoughtful insightes Ill say if you think she wont cheat on you and you know shes into you then she probably wont stray, or at least make a good effort not to.

I would encourage her joinning a sorority if thats what she wants but dont get naive. And just be always ready to walk away and not look back if she does get a little too drunk and a little too friendly with another guy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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I feel that ANYONE at age 19 that is in a SERIOUS relationship is making a mistake. The OP should be having fun himself.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
I still hold true to my first reply. I feel as if this thread got hi-jacked by a lot of people who have no clue as to what it's like to be in Greek life. From someone who's in greek life and has dated 2 girls in greek life.. anything can happen. It more so depends on your girl than the sorority. Whatever you do, don't sweat it because your girl is going to do what she wants to either way.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Latinoman I have to call you out on this one. Just because a girl joins a sorority doesn't mean a damn thing. If she's a trustworthy girl, she won't cheat on her boyfriend, regardless of the circumstances.

I don't give 2 sh!ts if you have 39 years under your belt or 3,100 posts. Get a life. Sounds to me like you have a lot going on in your life if you have the time to post over 3,000 posts in under 2 years of being on this forum. Maybe you should quit masturbating at your keyboard and get your lazy ass out into the real world.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
young_gun said:
Latinoman I have to call you out on this one. Just because a girl joins a sorority doesn't mean a damn thing. If she's a trustworthy girl, she won't cheat on her boyfriend, regardless of the circumstances.

I don't give 2 sh!ts if you have 39 years under your belt or 3,100 posts. Get a life. Sounds to me like you have a lot going on in your life if you have the time to post over 3,000 posts in under 2 years of being on this forum. Maybe you should quit masturbating at your keyboard and get your lazy ass out into the real world.
I earn six figures, I am senior in my work place, and I own my home, couple vehicles and have a woman in my life.

And I have PLENTY of women...some considerably younger (as in their 20s). And the interesting thing is that MOST of them were either married or with "boyfriends"..."men" that were in their 20s too.

I say that YOU are naive.

The "greek life"? LOL. How gay.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
Before I post, just wanna say I agree completely with Latinoman. If you're in a serious relationship at 19, you need to check yourself. I was in a serious relationship when I was 19 and it was a complete waste of time. You have no idea how young you are at that age.

Anyhow, for the OP, I'll tell you how the majority of girls act when they join sororities. There is a huge shock and awe factor for about a semester, where they hook up with a handful of frat dudes. Then once she realizes none of them has any sort of real interest in her she'll freak out and hit a stage where she maybe dates a few AFCs or something like that. From that point on, she'll renounce frat boys in general and will only date the ones who really genuinely have game.

I know because I was a phi delt for some time too. It kind of makes me ashamed that I was a member of the same frat as Aldaris, but we got kicked off campus and eventually just disbanded. I kinda had the experience of being both an independent and a Greek.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for all the replies, no matter which side of the argument.

Now, I do have complete faith in her and do not believe she will stray from me just because she'll be at parties with frats, we're at UCSB which is one of the largest party schools in the nation and there are hundreds of chances to cheat for both of us, greek life will be nothing but a minor factor.

Socials will suck, and I understand that she does not need to attend these. But you also have to realize, she's joining a sorority to find close friends that will always be there for her, not many girls will be willing to befriend the girl who does not go to certain functions and is partying with her boyfriend at every single event, they just won't. So there will be events that I will be allowed to attend and events that she won't have to attend, but we'll be partying seperately a lot for that single reason.

I've come to a realization, mostly after reading these posts, that none of this matters because if she cheats, then she cheats. And if my girlfriend decides to take that route, then I should be so lucky that I didn't waste any more of my time with her and I'll be able to move on from there. Sure it will be in the back of my head, but I just have to be supportive, trustworthy, and be ready to move down the road alone if she decides to **** all of this up.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Keep in mind that depending on which sorority she joins, the pledge process may/may not change her as a person for worse or possibly better.

But a sorority won't magically change her into a slut, but do be careful that she doesnt get too drunk at a party or maybe even dateraped (I know some frats that use roofies)


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
Sadao said:
Thanks for all the replies, no matter which side of the argument.

Now, I do have complete faith in her and do not believe she will stray from me just because she'll be at parties with frats, we're at UCSB which is one of the largest party schools in the nation and there are hundreds of chances to cheat for both of us, greek life will be nothing but a minor factor.
I went to a No. 1-ranked party school too. It's kind of weird how it works out. Everyone parties and drinks and acts crazy, but there is kind of an organized chaos to it where people just handle themselves.

Socials will suck, and I understand that she does not need to attend these. But you also have to realize, she's joining a sorority to find close friends that will always be there for her, not many girls will be willing to befriend the girl who does not go to certain functions and is partying with her boyfriend at every single event, they just won't. So there will be events that I will be allowed to attend and events that she won't have to attend, but we'll be partying seperately a lot for that single reason.
I wouldn't stress about the socials. She will probably take you. If she doesn't, you probably have bigger issues than her joining a sorority.

In my experience with those socials, no one really hooks up unless they've dated or hooked up before the dance. It's kind of like prom. All the guys freak out and think they're gonna get laid, but only a handful of them actually pull it off. And half of that group is probably lying about it.

I've come to a realization, mostly after reading these posts, that none of this matters because if she cheats, then she cheats. And if my girlfriend decides to take that route, then I should be so lucky that I didn't waste any more of my time with her and I'll be able to move on from there. Sure it will be in the back of my head, but I just have to be supportive, trustworthy, and be ready to move down the road alone if she decides to **** all of this up.
That is a fvckin good attitude to have bro. If more guys in the world and on SoSuave even took this approach with women and LTRs, there would be a lot less garbage posted on these boards. Places like SoSuave might not even exist. Scarcity mentalities are very commonplace in guys nowadays, but you appear to have conquered that fear.

+1 for realizing there are always more fish in the sea.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
^^^^by socials I thought you meant formals. I think that's what we called them where I went to school.